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Hypernova Studios

A member registered Mar 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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I have no clue how you built this in 9 days. It feels like you built 4 different games. It has a great atmosphere and good pacing. I love the music selections. Really great game.

- Jedi

Great game for only three days! I think you incorporated the theme well. I would love to see what you can do with the whole 9 days!

My score was 12670 btw.

Great job!

- Jedi

Really great game! It looks good! The pacing feels great. There's a lot of content. I had a bit of difficulty following the provided ingame instructions, but the game was pretty intuitive so it didn't matter that much.

Small note, I think I may have found a small bug? There was a time I managed to start a furnace with three iron and remove an item at the same time? I still was able to make a shield, and somehow ended up holding an extra piece of raw iron? (was playing the web build if it matters). Didn't really break the gameplay or anything. Was just strange.

I really liked the scaling of the game and the introduction of each new item. That worked really nice. If there was one thing I could have different, it would be to be able to place down items that I'm holding rather than having to throw them away. There were a couple of times that I wanted to go work on some other part that was in progress and hold on to something until later and just was unable to do that.

I liked how I was generally able to multitask as that allowed me to have some levels where I could complete most if not all of the tasks. Not being able to do that for the anvil was a nice touch as that does technically require someone to sit there and actually do something. The ending credits with the pan up from the smithy was also a really neat way to handle that element.

Really well put together and super impressive for a 9 day game jam!

- Jedi

Love the voice over. This felt so peaceful and was just really nice to play. The help labels were really nice and it was nice to be able to disable them once I know what was going on. I also liked that I could do multiple things at once (ie, keep the bellows running while using the hammer and anvil). Really nice game!

- Jedi

Neat game! I loved the challenge concept. Really nice iteration on the idle clicker genre that I think added a lot of interest and made the game feel much more rewarding. I loved the music and I thought it was really appropriate for the game. It would have been nice if there was a way for me to control the game's volume as it was quite loud when I first opened it. I love how you tied into the theme!

Great Job!

- Jedi

Neat game! There's a lot of content here, especially for a one person team. It was interesting having to spend the game managing the AI teammate by supplying them with weapons and healing! I know others mentioned not liking how precise the timing on the forge was, but I kinda enjoyed this. Given that this minigame was a big focus, I probably would have preferred it be a touch more complex (different keys, maybe a bit more extended, etc.) That can be difficult to balance though as going to far with it might just make the game tedious.

Really great game! I enjoyed it!

- Jedi

Great game! Despite the instructions, it did take me a second to figure out exactly what I was doing. My intuition told me to collect everything and I didn't realize that I could only hold the three items. Turns out that onions really don't make good swords. Game went much smoother after I figured that out. Was overall a neat game and I think it certainly could be expanded upon to add more content in the future and I certainly have learned that onions do not make good swords!

- Jedi

In all seriousness, I enjoyed your game! I really liked the art style and I enjoyed the music! Had a lot of fun playing through each of the different possibilities. Well done!

- Jedi


Yeah, that's always something we have difficulty in a game jam. Its difficult to find enough time to get all of the balance pieces worked out so things scale in difficulty appropriately. Certainly something we will try to spend more time on in the future!

Thanks for playing our game!

- Jedi

We definitely wanted to add more weapons. Next on our list was a Lightsaber Laser-Sword. Unfortunately, since each was its own animation, assets, and sounds we didn't have time to get to more than the 4 we implemented. We may add more in the future!

Thanks for playing our game!

- Jedi

I enjoyed this game! There's obviously a ton of gameplay here and I wish I had more time to explore some more. I couldn't figure out exactly how to use the shop or progress much further than just selling to the initial customers with the initial set of resources. Every purchase I made at Pat's shop appeared to have no impact. I loved how the planets floated by in the background and the parallax effect created with the stars made it even better. Neat concept! Let me know if there was something I was missing with the shop! I'd love to come back and explore this some more!

- Jedi

Neat game. Really well done, especially for a first GWJ! I'm kinda curious how you did the cutting piece such that it matched the drill placement. I spent some time very poorly forging keys and I was impressed with how I could basically build whatever shape(s) I wanted.

The music is great! I think I played long enough that the song ended and it didn't loop. Would have loved for it to keep going!

Also, the shake on the drill is a really nice touch. I enjoyed playing your game!

- Jedi

I enjoyed playing your game. I love how you combined the old "Motherload" gameplay with a more specific crafting system where certain ores were needed to make certain items. I fell this could be expanded upon nicely to make a much more complex game if desired. I probably would have appreciated an in-game tutorial. It did take me a second to figure out that I was losing coal to my movement, and thus I could not beat the game. Well done! I love the idea you implemented!

- Jedi

(2 edits)

Fun game! It definitely took some getting used to controlling the meatball but I eventually got the hang of it. The art was very clean and I liked the fact the meatball was 3d - kinda adds to the cosmic horror aspect of a bunch of 2d characters seeing a 3d incomprehensible object rolling towards them.

I did notice a bug where on the score screen, the "Civilians Killed" always listed 0. For example, on my last game it said I killed 0, but had a total score on that line of 2400.


Thanks for playing our game!

The comparison to CoD Zombies may just be the highest praise I've ever received on something I've worked on! While CoD Zombies wasn't something we originally had in mind for inspiration, I also felt some similarities once it all game together. Probably a fair amount of subconscious inspiration from playing it so much back in the day.


Thanks for playing our game!

This is an idea we played back-and-forth with a little bit, but ended up going with the new health drops in order to lean into the permadeath motif a little more. Post game-jam, this may be a feature that we are try adding and see if that changes up the difficulty enough to allow the player to get a little further into the game without reducing the challenge.

- Jedi

I love this type of game. It took me a bit of playing to figure out what I could do with the different recipes were available and how to craft better things. I'd probably appreciate being able to pause and re-organize things (although, I realize that removes much of the challenge). It was just challenging to remember everything I'd discovered, build a decent layout and manage all the trash I was creating. I loved how everything in the game synchronized to the music. That was a really nice touch.

- Jedi

Always love me some Gustav Holst. Sound design in general is great. I love the ambient noises and short musical cues you have occasionally. There's a ton of enemies and I never really got more than 20-30 before the permadeath killed me. I'm hoping to be able to come back and try to beat this one at a later date!

- Jedi

This game feels so smooth. Its a super simple but enjoyable concept and was extremely intuitive to play.  I wish I was better at the game so I could see some of the more difficult obstacles!

- Jedi

Poor Felix... He died a lot...

Neat game! I saw the setting for Short/Long/Endless and I didn't any difference in the gameplay. I'm assuming based off the description that you ended up doing endless gameplay only? The visuals are great and I think you did a great job capturing the factory atmosphere! Well done!

- Jedi

I love how peaceful this game feels. I also generally love the concept. I never even concidered the "forgery" angle of the forge theme and I really love what you came up with on that side. It took me a bit to figure out how the "submit" feature worked (I initially thought I only got to do the one painting in a day) and when I did figure that out, my approach to the game changed completely. It was really fun to see how quickly I could approximate the picture and then move onto the next one. I think my high score was $4500 in a day?

Really well done! I enjoyed this one.

- Jedi

(1 edit)

This was a really fun game! I loved the art and the animation of ores. At times I thought it was a little difficult to actually hit what I was intending to hit. Disabling pixel perfect seemed to help some with that, but it still was difficult, especially once I had 15-20 upgrades. I also loved the sound effects you implemented. They fit the playfulness of the enemies/ores well! Great game and really well polished!

- Jedi

Fun game. The disappearing platforms were slightly frustrating, but maybe I just need to get good. I liked the persistent hammers from the double jump - nice touch!


Very peaceful game. Lots of charm - the art style is very nice, and the etsy commentary at the end was pretty funny.


Thanks for playing!

Yeah, the katana is the final weapon in the upgrade "tree" (it's more of a line really). We had hopes for more weapons and possibly variations of each type, but didn't get around to adding all the content we dreamed up early on.


Really cool game! There were a few things that threw me off when I first tried it - namely I first tried to take scrap to the furnace (I completely missed the arrows to the smelter lol). I also quenched my first ingot, having to heat it all the way from blue before forging it. It was fun figuring the precise order out. Because of my mistakes, my first score was pretty low.

All in all it was really fun! The minigames were a nice touch - it was truly frustrating when I was assembling a weapon but saw an ingot overheating on the furnace.

I also saw the bug where you could keep playing after the time ran out - as you suspected, I was in a minigame when the time expired. The score on the UI didn't go up even after delivering the weapon though.


This game was really fun. Probably the best use of the theme that we've seen so far. Cool premise and fun to play! The random of the hosts' movement can be a factor in win/lose beyond just "getting good".

Fun game! I like the artwork for the characters, the goal and gameplay loop are charming. We did find a bug where some character would show they could move  to a square with a wall between them, and if you attempt to place the character there, the character goes off map and is not usable for the rest of the match.

That was pretty sick! Amazing what you were able to do in the timeframe!

Fun Game! The controls feel really nice, and the audio adds some weight to the action. The red is quite a bit overpowering, but I get what you are going for. Nicely done!