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A member registered Oct 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Added a generic .love version with window rescaling. Added an updated windows build too, forgot to do that when I updated the web build ahahaha

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Those last two bolts are very hard, harder than the rest of the game by a lot. You can get the top bolt by making a series of very difficult jumps up the left side, or by tossing the core from the top right ledge and jumping to it.

There's a couple tricks with the movement that aren't necessary to beat the game, and we don't teach you explicitly but you might figure out yourself;  If you throw the core downwards mid jump it gives you a little kick, enough to jump upwards 4 blocks. And you can use the core to climb walls, by picking it up and sticking it back into the wall under you mid jump.

I don't know what's screwing with your diagonal inputs, I vaguely remember a similar bug from another game jam... maybe it's a browser thing? I think there was something on some browser where it wouldn't let you hold multiple buttons at the same time, should work in Chrome. I forgot about that sorry!

Thanks for playing!

The game looks beautiful, I wish the knife was in a slightly better position, as people have pointed out. This looks almost like it could be a real board game!

The sound design is incredible! As soon as I clicked on the first button I knew this game had great attention to detail. All the little transitions and menu stuff is suuper solid.

Biggest flaw here is the lack of a kickflip button imo :)

It would be cool if the slimes had an animation for fusing together and you turned into one big connected blob!

There are so many drawings!!! Love the last bit where the dinosaur is wreaking havoc in the background of the minigame

It took me a moment to figure out which element was the corrosion and which was the electricity. I was probably being silly but a couple more arrows could help! I bet this game would have some crazy puzzles if it was longer :)

Funny! My inventory got filled with shirts and I couldn't ship them all ahahaha

The enemies are really well designed and introduced very well! I had to learn to walk *towards* whatever I was shooting to counter the knockback lmao I think the side of the screen should be covered in spikes, I could get pretty lost if I knocked my self out of the arena

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The controls are a little slow, I wanna go like 50% faster :) Q / E to select is a nice solve for picking objects out of a pile!

This is cute! It would be fun if the blocks fell in chunks and created little gaps you had to be careful of

This is nice, some sound effects would have gone a long way! I'd love to hear the buildings ding when they pay out. Maybe some sort of log would help you see which buildings are doing what

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Thanks! We like the project a lot, we've been working on a full release actually. Can I get that link again? The hyperlink doesn't work and I'm curious :)

Oh we're sorry about that, did you know you can use the up and down keys to move and dodge attacks during combat?

AHAHAHA I know what happened, that's a funny bug! You definitely get a trophy in my book

The movement here is good! There are a couple spots in the last level you can get stuck between tiles, but transitioning between the drill and the platforming movement is really smooth

Sorry about that! The game can run poorly in browsers other than chrome. You can also reduce particles from the settings menu, but my guess is that on chrome it should run fin

Oh hell yeah, I'm in a blog! Thanks you for the kind words! We loved making this game, and we plan to do more with it

Epic boss battle

This is really nice! I love these goofy little creatures and their procedural animations. I bet a dash would feel awesome in here, squeezing between all the creatures to snag a box before you get tagged.

I couldn't make it through level 1, but I did make it through level 2! It looks great, the ai on the dark sprites is really good they move around very dynamically. I wish dash was bound to right click as well as shift. Not 1-bit, but very nice looking

Suuper hard, I can't make it past the 3rd boss. The boss is scary! Super wriggly, I do wish enemy projectiles were slower, once they start coming from multiple angles I'm toast ahahaha

I got very lost, died many times ahahaha, eventually made it back and it said my score was 32! I assume that the score wasn't clearing when I died lmao

Very cute! I 3-starred every level, I wish the camera was zoomed out a little more. On top of the lighting it made seeing where I was going preeetty tricky lmao

Nooo that's a bug unfortunately that section is the tutorial that teaches attacking with the microphone, the game get's a lot harder lmaoo. If you die at all during that section you'll get softlocked, you have to restart from the options menu and play through the first part again. Nasty bug to be sure, sorry about that, thanks for playing!

Nice game! Good controls nice graphics, great presentation with the list at the end. My best score was $690! There should be a button to honk lmao

Practice mostly, I've done a bunch of miniJams! Before this jam we looked over the limitations and had a few rough ideas before the jam started, so we got going super quick after the jam started

Incredible video, we had a blast watching you suffer. Thanks for playing!!!

Aww thanks! I think this is my 6th minijam, I've had a blast every time. Still tend to make the games too hard lmaoo

Cute! Could use some sound for sure but its' definitely nice looking, good colors. Took a couple tries but I got the rabbit in 2 days 9 hours :)

Ahahaha thanks! I basically tripled the difficulty in the last hour to make sure the ending was tense. I knew that the sound was weak, I decided to aim for a more minimalist soundscape since I was worried about it getting cluttered once so much stuff started exploding at the same time. I think I was wrong though, the music track doesn't carry enough. Even with the experience as a hole being pretty minimal, the chaotic audio probably would've helped fill the space! 

Beeautiful puzzle game! Switching the music track on the final level with the queen was epic, killer presentation.

Love these little dudes and their dumb faces. Good work!

Thanks! The different movement modes were pretty easy actually! While in the ground, you are 'weightless' and have friction; and while you're in the air you gain weight and lose friction, along with totally losing control.

Really well done! Levels 4 and 5 had me counting the positions in order to time packets properly in between shots, super tricky!

Blappy Fird. Genius! I like the little music loop, even if I can't survive long enough to hear it without killing a bird lmao

So goofy, I love it. There's a nasty audio bug at the end of the sound effect that plays when you click a button that hurts my ears, but I love just yeeting an ambulance into yourself with telekinetic powers

Super nice, I'd love to see this get brain-hurtingly complicated. With multiple workers and more buildings, eventually turning into a rave once you craft everything and hire everyone

I really like the collisions, and the sound effects. Bumping into stuff feels great! The mouse controls are a little awkward, I think increasing the 'sensitivity' would help, so you don't need to drag the mouse as far

Awesome use of the theme! We should really be checking off the boss's health is equal or less than zero before we win, just in case ;)