I actually really like this idea! I could easily see players having to crank more and more quickly to keep up with their ever-growing grocery lists!
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I really like the idea for the game's lore! I had some ideas for it, but I think you offered the best one.
I have added sound/visual indicators since the game jam, as well as a timer, and I did plan on adding multiple aisles! I was thinking about using the up and down buttons on the D-pad for scrolling through the aisles, but do you think the crank would be a better approach?
I was thinking about letting the player see what they've grabbed so far, but I think it's better if you have to remember what you've gotten so far. I have added a total item count in the corner of the screen, however, which will come in the game's next update addressing feedback I've gotten on the game.
Fun concept! I agree the cursor did feel a little slow for my liking, and I was expecting I would be quizzed in some way about the documents I was shredding. However, I was pleasantly surprised it gave me dialogue about the last document at the end which made me want to see what other pieces of dialogue I could get. Nicely done!
I really like the slightly offputting aesthetic of this game! A pretty simple game, but executed well.
I could easily see some more stuff being added to this game beyond the game jam. I think it could be really funny if you got to see and hear him actually go to the events he's preparing for, possibly adding some extra interactive elements to those as well.
Ahh yes, just the game I need while prepping for finals!
It's a very interesting take on the theme and the level of polish and detail in the game surprised me! Everything about this game reminds me of cramming for an exam and the anxiety you get when you're completely lost on the exam as you hear the time left just ticking away. Very well done!
I like the use of the crank and the artwork! It's a pretty neat concept for a game.
Initial gameplay was fun and I understood that task, but once mermaids were introduced, I started to get confused about what my goals were in the game. I figured the Kraken was bad and I needed to shoot at it, but was I also supposed to do that to the mermaids? The goal wasn't clearly communicated in the dialogue and there were no visual indicators to tell me if what I was doing was right or wrong.
Additionally, I wasn't sure how the game jam's theme fit in this game. I know the person who's talking to you says he forgot about some things but did the theme ever tie into the actual gameplay?
Overall, though, I liked playing this game and I could easily see this become more outside of the game jam.
I like the game's main concept, which is mixing the sounds of various monsters on the stage to try to make cool and interesting beats with them. The unique looks and sounds of each monster piqued my interest and that was why I ended up buying the game. This is where the game shines and holds all, if not most, of its value.
The other part of this game that I'm more conflicted about is the hatching mechanic at the lab. I understand this is here to prolong the gameplay and to make receiving new monsters more exciting, but it doesn't feel rewarding. The amount of time you end up waiting is long enough to make me put the game away and short enough to make receiving the new monster feel not that exciting.
Something I think could have worked better for introducing new monsters would have a random set of monsters appear each day on a separate stage, these could be new ones or ones you already have in your collection. Once you have seen them at least once and have them in your collection, you could then use them like you currently do on the stage. This I think would add more excitement to open the game each day to see what new monsters you might find, and the randomized set could be used as a challenge/constraint for the player each day.
Regardless, I still really like the game and can't wait to see what else you make!
Stumbled across this game over on the Playdate Squad Discord and I'm glad I gave it a chance. Simple concept that's executed well and elegantly displayed with super cool transitions. It can feel daunting at first, especially if you're not as familiar with cryptograms like I was, but the latest dev log did an excellent job helping guide new players that may feel lost at first. Now that I've gotten the hang of it, this game has easily become one of my favorite games to play on the Playdate.
Great game concept! I really enjoyed the Earthbound/Undertale vibes it gave me. With Undertale in mind, if you continue working on this game, I would love to see different endings (neutral, pacifist, and genocide) where if you didn't go neutral would lead to more of a certain type of contacts than others. Otherwise, it was a short and sweet game!
A caveman named "Ugruk" was wandering around looking for food. After searching for a long time, he finally found a huge hunk of meat! He ran straight to it, only to find out that it was a trap set by other cavemen. Ugruk fell into a deep pit and waited for his doom as he watched the cavemen jump down into the pit to try to kill him. Now, Ugruk must defend himself so he could get out of the pit and get his hunk of meat!
Ugruk is a game from the one-room RPG game jam. Ugruk is a game where the player must fight waves of cavemen without dying. Currently, there is only one mode which is the arcade mode. The arcade mode is endless and uses a scoring system. The planned story mode will have proper waves and will build up to stronger cavemen to fight. This mode is planned for the full release of the game.

To learn more about the game and/or download the game, please click here to visit the game's page. Thank you for checking out my game!
For my game, I want to make an action RPG. For the inventory system, how complex does it have to be? In my case, I was going to have it so number keys would be for your melee weapon, another for your projectile weapon, and another for your potions or whatever. These weapons could be swapped out whenever you gain a better weapon. Then, crafting items would just be stored as a variable to be used for crafting certain things, but you wouldn't be able to manage the items inside of a GUI. Would something along those lines be acceptable, or would it have to be more in depth?
Harambe Ruins
- Now displays the gun you are holding
- Updated the player's appearance
- Added the keys to move onto the tutorial
Suggestions & Questions
If you have any questions about the update, or if you have suggestions for future updates for Harambe Ruins, feel free to leave a comment down below. Or you can ask me over at @masonzettle on Twitter. Apart from that, thank you for reading, and have a great day!
Hello, My Name Is DonkeyLlama
I am a thirteen year old that makes games and plays games. I've been struggling to find games to play on my YouTube channel and I've been struggling to get my own itch.io games out to the public. I'm sure that if you're a developer too that you may be having a hard time spreading your game to the public as well. That's why I'm making a series for itch.io games.
Rules For Commenting
Feel free to comment down below talking about your game and I will try my best to review it as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that I do have school stuff in my life as well as making my own games. If your game contains anything that would NOT be suited for younger audiences I will not play your game. Your game also need to be free, or send me an access key to receive the game for free. Videos may take several days, weeks, or even months before it is published. You can find out if I made the video either through your game's comment section, subscribe to my channel, or follow me on Twitter.
Thank You For Your Time
And Have A Great Day
Hello Voia,
I would love it if you could play my latest game called Harambe Ruins! Send me the video when you make it too. I would love to see it.
Thank you for your time,
Mason Zettlemoyer
Hello SpeedRider,
I would love it if you could play my latest game called Harambe Ruins! Send me the video when you make it too. I would love to see it.
Thank you for your time,
Mason Zettlemoyer
Harmabe Ruins
Made By: Mason Zettlemoyer
Harambe Ruins is a retro, 8-bit arcade game where you are a blue circle that tries to kill evil Harambes. You are given two weapons, a pistol and a machine gun. But be aware, your range is very small, forcing you to attack them at a close distance. Be careful too, as they will rip you to shreds if they get the chance to.