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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for trying it out! and glad you liked it! :)

Good luck completing the game!

This game is amazing! Loved the evil cat and breaking into the store. The house was really well made with cool lighting and a cool art style. The options menu didn't work. The press e animation when talking to the cat looked cool. Maybe the player speed should be increased a bit. Well done with the game, would love to see more of it! 

Nice game, the car feels good to control, and having unlockable vehicles made it rewarding to play. The songs are nice. It would be cool to have different cities after a certain distance with a background change to help with the feeling of travel. The powerup felt good with the rainbow text and the distance going up slightly faster. Would be cool if the speed boost stayed until you crashed instead of wearing off, so you kept getting faster. Well done with the game!

The sound effects are good, and I like the idea of a tower defence on a ship. The crows nest was cool how it zoomed out the camera. The animation for the tentacles attacking the ship didn't seem aggressive so i didn't realise that they had damaged the ship maybe show them breaking parts off the ship, the other animations were cool though. Loved the viking head cursor! Well done with the game!

Really amazing game, The art is really good and so is the use of sounds. Its cool how you practice then get into a routine of performing like a magician would. When I saw the third card it scared me as I thought I would have to a trick blind, would be cool if you added random events to the shows that tried to mess you up. Would be cool if the royal court was inside the throne room to make it feel different. Nice that there are different animations if you fail, I also like that the bunnies help the magician. Well done on the game really fantastic!

Thanks for playing. Its wonderful that game jams have so much positivity and constructive feed back. The music idea is brilliant, the instruments definitely need to be distinct! Thanks for the suggestions and feed back! :)

Nice game, the art and music is nice. It was cool when you fell down and the ground was made of words really nice idea. Cool transition between the upper world and lower. The camera is a bit too high up so there were a few blind jumps. Well done with the game and good luck for your next one!

Awesome that they can steal and react to your progress! Thanks for telling me. :)

Thanks for playing. We're glad you like the artwork, as we haven't done much before. There are only 2 levels but the second one is way too hard (we haven't seen any one beat the second level yet!)  and should have easier levels in between the first and second. Bug sense is a good idea to help the player reach the portal in a thematic way. A timer for each level would be cool so that you could beat previous times, and a map after you have beat the level so you can plan a route thanks for the suggestion. We're thrilled that you enjoyed the music timer, it could become a lot better with more time and a visual indicator. Thanks for taking the time to make suggestions! :)

Thanks for playing. Puzzles seem like a good addition to complete the game.  Glad that you enjoyed it!

We're glad you enjoyed the game. An indication to where the portal is once you have collected the orbs sounds like a good idea! A visual indicator of time left would also help a lot. A map that showed where you had been would also be helpful. Thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks for playing, yeah its annoying that the music resets abruptly, to fix that we could break the song into the instruments and have them on loop. Then slowly remove them as the time ran out and if you collect an orb add the tracks back on, at the end of a loop so they are still in time and the music doesn't stop. We would love for our next game to be on stream. If we join the next jam we will let you know!

Really cool idea, game would be awesome with many different things to buy and upgrade. The miners were cool. Nice that the opponents didn't care about destroying planets so that you could choose to be careful but the opponents would destroy them any way, or you could destroy them yourself to get a lead in the amount of resources you had but made it harder to find planets. What does it mean when the enemies shoot you with lasers? Well done on the game!

The art style and music is really cool. Wish that there was more city to explore and people to talk to. Nice that there is multiple endings.  Well done on the game!

This game is very fun and very punishing. I fell 3 times and had to start again. When you redo parts of the level you try to do them quicker which becomes more fun. One problem is the look sensitivity it is very low, settings to change that would be good. The physics of the player is good and you can build up speed jumping between platforms which is nice. Some platforms especially the final ones if you land on them at a slight angle, they don't make you bounce and instead you just stand there or slide off. Even though the game is simple it is very fun well done!

Really enjoyed it, the story was nice and the platforming was fun. There was a good variety of areas and the abilities were also cool. One problem is that you are not sure if a pit leads to doom or not, there was the black particles, but most pits if you can see them you are already dead, maybe the camera should be zoomed out. The last level was quite hard but cool how you went back through all of the previous areas. was there a tutorial for the flying cloud? i might of just missed it and spent ages trying to jump over the massive pit.  The other tutorials were very simple and helpful. The menu system was nice how the menu was a little level. Well done over all really fun and nice pixel art for the character!

Really cool game, managing supplies is cool and the bandits are fun to try and escape, would be cool if you could sell things in town for money and buy other things such as upgrades to the wagon and other materials. Could also have events when you enter a town with different choices and consequences. Well done on the game! 

Love the art style and the premise of saving birds. Bombs don't seem to do damage to the enemies. It would be cool if you could use money for something. Well done on the game!

Really fun game. Its really fun flying with the goose and the puzzles are cool. I think there needs to be a better tutorial for filling up the ship. Racing the pressure plate was fun. Would be cool if there were more things to find on the different islands. Overall this game is amazing with really cool characters.

Thanks for playing the game. I agree that it is quite hard to know when the song will run out, it would work better if there were lots of instruments at the start and as the song went on instruments dropped out until there was silence. I think a visual indicator would help too. Challenges in the map seem like a good idea as well, maybe opening and closing doors or turrets that shoot slowing shots. It is very difficult to find your way, but its also part of the game play. There could be hints to the general direction of an orb ( maybe a compass) or there could be a map of where you have been, or you could colour in tiles you have been on. There should also be more levels to build up the difficulty and have a shallower difficulty curve, as the first level is relatively hard, but the second is insane. Thanks for giving suggestions!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Puzzles sound like a great idea to add, Maybe switches and portals would be good. Thanks for the suggestion!

Forgot to say but great pun well done!

Thanks for playing the game. Puzzles would be a nice addition to the game to spice it up and add variation. Different sound tracks would help distinguish the levels and make them feel different. I'm sorry that you got stuck hopefully you got to experience the game before that happened. Glad you enjoyed the game! :)

Really cool game, gun play is fun and quickly scavenging for supplies is cool. It is hard to distinguish between inside and outside of the zone, maybe make it more visible. The zone is very fast, maybe add a run button to catch up with it. Adding more ghosts and more ammo  would mean more shooting. The art is really nice and I love the spinning of the shot gun to reload. Overall really fun and frantic! Well done!

Typing into a computer to control the space ship felt really cool especially with sound effects of the shields. Maybe you should type fire before the ships names so it feels more immersive? and have another command to get rid of missiles. The idea of a space ship terminal typing game is really awesome as it makes the typing feel like part of the game world. Well done with the game! 

Awesome :) hope you enjoy it!

Very cool game. The shaman quests are very neat giving you more things to do. Spirituality became very high, maybe have some harder shaman quests or be able to trade spirituality to food. Some shaman quests were impossible as they talked about desert tiles, but there were none in my playthrough. Some of the stats were a bit confusing such as shelter usage and decay rate, maybe have tool tips or a help button. Very cool that the resources were finite and you had to keep traveling to survive, it is very thematic as well. Well done on the game!

Really enjoyed it, the shooting felt good and the demon blood splats were cool. The shot went well with the song, but was a bit repetitive, maybe there could be different riffs to play? Could become a very good rhythm game  if more songs and complexity were added. Very impressive that it was completed in a week end. Maybe the demons and background could move with the song to make them more lively. Good luck with your other project!

Very fun game! The art style is very colourful and blocky which is nice. The controls feel like a challenge to manage but also very simple which makes it fun to play. The oxygen bar is slightly confusing as it is blue like the cobolt, maybe it should be white? Sometimes no asteroids of the colour you need pass you and fuel runs out very fast so you just have to wait for asteroids (maybe have more asteroids or decrease fuel consumption) The highscore feature is cool  and it is fun trying to beat old highscores. When you run out of fuel you are stuck floating in space, maybe you could leave your ship to mine green asteroids but have extremly low health. Sorry for overloading with ideas, I am excited to see future developments! Good Luck!

Hi glad you enjoyed the game. The idea is that you are travelling between many different areas. The character is based of a bug and is wrapped in different coloured cloth.

Thanks for playing, We are Glad you liked it. We haven't done much art before so its awesome that you liked it.