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A member registered Dec 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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this game could use some coyote jump help.

yeah the controls can definitly be redone here. i second the space sickness thing. 

an interesting start to a good game. keep working on it.

got to level 11, and for some reason no matter which bomb i clicked on it wouldnt since explode the grenades. was a really nice puzzle game concept.

personally i would have went with a wasd to move, then mouse aim and left trigger to attack. it felt weird to me to control the character in a game like this that wasnt completely top down.

this game is really hard, if i get sneezed on i blow up lmao! the mouse kinda bugs out on death, maybe give access to the mouse back then. i got to hit escape like 3 times to get the mouse to apear so i can hit quit. the big canoneer ships shoot out alot of shots all at once. i think the one got buged and it kept spamming shots, it was kinda funny. the game looked nice, after the jam i would rework this with a better life system then good to go.

man it really ramped up after those first few. ive seen this before in a FPS trainer game where you click on the things as fast as you can. this one is alot more nicer, has an atmosphere.

most the levels are fine, but there are 2 that when it starts your basically dead already. so a bit of tweaking and this will be great. like maybe give a countdown 3,2,1, while letting the player move around a bit would help avoid things on start.

x5 your ammo, too many shots being shot out by the boss guy. most the time i find my self not getting close to the boss guy cause of the shooty disks, and i run out of ammo too fast. the piano music is interesting. you could also put a sound effect for getting hit. and maybe a died screen. then a button to restart or quit.

my only nitpick about this game is interupting me when im attacking something to make me skill up. there could be a better transition. like i was still in the process of attacking a thing and click randomly on menu stuff when it popped up. other then that this was interesting to play.

so my first nitpik would be the jenky controls page. that could be more legible. shooting felt ok, though the looking around was sticking for me. but that could be due to the web version i played. the visuals looked ok, i liked the lights made for a nice atmosphere.

at first i thought this game was some kind of pool game. the game was fun to play, though i get real anxious when playing these run around games, so i didnt do quite as well as i would have liked. though with that said it was fun to play what i played and with expanded graphics and powers you could make this into one of them bullet heaven variants.

this game was really fun, nice water, nice shaders underwater, nice shader on the camera coming up from the water. the only bad thing i could say about the game, and its a nitpick, but its the visibility of the end of water parts. like when your up in the air you can see the end of the water to the left, and see the new pieces of water getting spawned in front of you. maybe some more fog magic could hide that more. other then that this was a really fun entry to play. 

interesting game. got stuck on level 7, no matter what angles i tried and speeds it just missed the hole by a bit.

GOOD NOODLES!!! so yeah this game was pretty fun. i so remember watching that legend of zelda cartoon on the super mario brothers show. those were the days.

i must be bad at this game because when i came into contact with the enemys i couldnt shoot them fast enough, they always got me first. also the text in that starting thing is way too big.

interesting game, the lighting some times bothered me when i was pushing stuff, things would get stuck, then i would have to finagle the thing in the dark. maybe have a small light source around the player for small instances like this.

my only real complaint about the game is the contrast between zombies and the colors of the scene. maybe if your gona have green zombies, make the surrounding area a contrast color. specially the road. i hit so many zombies on the road and i didnt see them. other then that the game is interesting i never seen a take on a runner game like this. was fun to play.

so wow this got hard really fast. what i recommend is to ease the player in difficulty, start out slow, then ramp it up later.

this game was pretty hard. though the nice smooth music and sounds made it easier to traverse the pain. :D

yeah the moving platforms thing will definitly get some more love in the future. thanks for playing.

yeah its better :D

found 11, and it was interesting to climb to the tops of the mountains and see over the side into oblivion :D

yeah the skeletons were pretty hard to deal with considering the blocking was slow to recover.  

i agree with the previous comment, it was a bit hard to figure out what to do, though i did manage to get some zombies to spawn and i showed them! but other then that i had no idea what to do. i did walk around a bit trying to walk up things and look for stuff but couldnt find anymore zombies.

interesting game. got kind of lost, but in a good way :D

that was actually a bug at first, but then i saw the chaos of it and said its now a feature :D

yeah per request i added in control support with WASD, arrow keys, controller, and the on screen controls

yeah i couldnt resist the rat pun in there :D

thanks for playing!

so i personally wouldnt have had a 1 hit kill on the wall, specially with the sharp turns you got. maybe add a health bar, then subtract health for hitting the wall. 

interesting game, though my score was in the negatives. though i had -5000ish so i think i won? :D

yeah the game was interesting to play, it took a minute to get the timing of the enemys attacks down.

that is the cutest little fox. so when i jumped it looked like he rotated forward and kicked his back legs. i think maybe you meant to rotate the other way maybe?

the one big thing missing from this was hit sounds when you got hit, and when the enemy got hit. also a sound for when you parried.  also those enemys were on some super charged speed or crack or something running at you like a freight train. :D

so the dimension shift mechanic didnt want to work for me.  i think the dimension shift was supposed to flip the blue and purple platforms? yeah i only had access to the purple platforms and got killed because i couldnt get around the red cars coming at me. 

yeah i learned about this myself from a game jam comment. so i figure i would pass on the knowledge. :D

it was fun to watch you work on the art for this. this got really crazy after awhile! i managed to get on the leaderboard for now :D

it was fun to watch you work on the art for this. this got really crazy after awhile! i managed to get on the leaderboard for now :D

so i would add in a hide mouse when you click back into the window. so when you hit escape, then maximize and click back into the window the mouse stays out and hard to play.