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A member registered Jul 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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thx for feedback if I do an update I'll make sure to add a tutorial and descriptions to abilities if you hover them to make it clearer

yeah it comes out but just keeps going straight, could be a browser issue but idk (am just playing on google)

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really enjoyed it, the affects were satisfying only thing that was tough was slowing down, it felt that even putting ripples ahead of me would speed me up instead, other than that it was all fun :)

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game play feels good, at first I didn't register that diving actually sped me up and I was chasing a prince to win so I wen the whole way down but on the second go I won pretty easily after noticing.

art was also pretty nice

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nice juice and fun gamely, my high score was 136

the game seems like it'd be really fun but for some reason whenever I start the game it just goes straight and leaves the map despite the front carriage turning to face me :( still has a really nice art style and clean sfx :) !

really enjoyed the art style, it really reminded me of the cut scenes in battle blocks theater (which is a game I love / used to play a lot) game play is pretty simple though being near impossible to loose but is still creative and pretty fun

really fun take on this idea, enjoyed the implementation of both platforming and puzzles as well as a lot of nice mechanics and good music! run took me 390 seconds and 25 deaths.

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thanks for the feedback I have a version with a couple of extra abilities such as being able to grab groups enemies and throw them for a short time as well as one for a massive arm that you could sweep from the base of the wall to hit things for some time but would also destroy structures. (will add after jam is over, may also include other features)

the problem with being able to clog the entrance was pretty apparent in testing but some idea were having some enemies that could jump obstacles as well as some that would walk over them, climb down interior walls or even blow walls up to make new entrances for more basic enemy swarms. (also possibly just not letting the player place walls down the corridor or near the entrance)

For the maze idea I might try mess around with it in a few ways like the player placing meat walls between 2 points that people can destroy, just preset mazes for some maps, or some enemy types that can create walls to defend from your attacks (or a combination of all.

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fun and short, if the camera control was to be improved slightly it could be a really fun concept for a longer game

pretty fun other than my page flying around and losing the screen, love the art and human on leash physics! my best score was only 17

pretty fun idea, my high score was 156 on my 2nd run, may come back and play some more later after testing some other games

nice idea the leash seemed kinda buggy but overall was an enjoyable game! :)

Pov you are challenger scuttle

pretty nice idea but I'm just very unlucky and basically only loose money or get closer to being in jail

pretty fun even though I wasn't sure if I was actually playing it right, my highest score was 23.5

pretty fun idea and game-play, only bug I came across was being able to walk out of bounds through level entrance ways

enjoyed solving the problems but still having to use my reactions to dodge at the same time!

really nice idea and art style but only problem was that I managed to get stuck sometimes like falling forever on re-spawn and not being able to do anything about it as I wasn't able to rotate the room this was occurring in, after restart it didn't get me trapped any more.

pretty cool overall :)

clean and simple but I've never wanted to go back to math since a levels

pretty fun love the art would be cool to have some different attacks that are as clean as the current wave one!

thanks for the feedback, good idea for the indicators will probably upload a slightly more polished version of the game at the end of voting with some more elements as well as this, the yellow bar was meant to show how much stamina you would need to be able to use tokens (should prob add this detail to the game play section)

Really fun and well fleshed out the bugs were believable bugs definitely made it more fun along with the story being entertaining

great concept it's fun to watch the chef running around as rush to mess his recipe up only obvious thing to add would probably be seeing the chef actually using equipment and cooking things because even with the basic elements its great!

nice style and audio, fun game just wish I had a score at the end to see how well I've scored despite how having a score for a score sounds kinda funny

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Play as the boss and kill all the adventurers that come to sleigh you .

Tokens are displayed at bottom of screen with their cost in the top left, the time they last for in the top right, and the amount to use in the bottom left.

If you get 1k kills frenzy starts making everything free.

When health falls below 10%  stamina is produced at double the speed.

When selecting a token the stamina bar will have a yellow bar appear to indicate how much more stamina is needed to use the card.

When using a card with multiple charges (all of them in this version) once you use the token once you have to finish using the token to select another one (use all charges).


Left click to select, place and use,

Survive as long as you can.

missing features:

I had programmed an ability to grab enemies and fling them around dealing damage when they hit obstacles sadly this version didn't manage to upload due to me being so close to compilation time of the project.

Some features that I wanted to add were a deck build element where you can use gold from kills to get new abilities and upgrade owned ones and actual enemy variety.

Might add a phase system so at low health that cards can be upgraded or changed for phase 2 ext.

Make the uses at bottom left display current charges remaining after they start getting used rather than total uses.


I designed/programmed the game and art, my brother helped with audio and sfx.

Thanks! Some members of my team and I have decided we want to keep developing the idea after the jam is over, hopefully introducing new characters  for teams, environmental elements, and bug fixes as well as other stuff.

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left click a person to select them

when selected left click location to walk to it and use q or e for attacks based on weapon of person (for example q with spear is to push away and e is to pull towards)

right click to deselect person

w to end turn, when this is done let other player use the keyboard and mouse

camera can be panned with a and d

press p to restart the game


when all pieces of enemy team are killed you win!!!

extra note:

wanted to include an ability to block attacks when not your turn with a well timed button pressed that'd remove damage but keep knock back, sadly ran out of time for this :(

708 lines of code used for this version

sorry for the lack of instructions in game, I literally only had access to my computer on the last day so it was a bit of a struggle to get anything done, if you want to try play you caan find details on how to in the games description. beware there are many bugs in the version i uploaded because i never got any time to attempt a proper play test.

i found the game extremely fun to play but a little hard, most of the time i just alternated between up and down hoping for the best because if i tried to wait to see what was coming and dodge it after 1000 points there wasn't enough time to react. great work!

thanks :) !

sorry about that, i didn't make the game play mechanics clear enough, if you see a monster coming out of the tv then you have to find the controller randomly placed in it's tv''s room and left click it to turn the tv off. if you do so the monster from that tv will get destroyed and will have to come back out of the tv again, if it hasn't come out yet then it will still get reset.

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loved the graphics, audio and game play but found it annoying when i accidentally cut a plant from the middle of the middle of a pattern after controlling the plants around it and seemingly getting soft locked. 

thanks again, and well done on completing your first jam as well!

thanks for the feedback, i had planed on adding sounds, i had even recorded the majority that i wanted to add but i didn't know how to upload my game for the game jam as it is the first time i have ever released anything, so luckily i gave myself extra time to do so as there was only 9 seconds left until it closed by the time i had figured it out. i plan on fixing  a few bugs and adding a few sound fx once the game jam is over.

thx :)


love the concept and execution the controls felt fun to use and it was satisfying to clear each stage i would love to see more of this game

really love the style of the game and the game play, sadly i am not so fast at typing so even if i see the solution my fingers don't move fast enough for me solve it. eventually i decided on copying the most common or complex command and pasting it whenever i needed to.