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A member registered May 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi I have a i5 2.4ghz, gfx1650, 16gb ddr3, for reference Our super charger entry runs about 20fps over-link,(72-80fps) without link in play mode.

I suspect as well as being underpowered it's the usb, no matter which socket I plug it into oculus/meta link complains about usb3. 

I couldn't reach anything in standalone .apk (tracking issue u or me I don't know)  Got it going on PCVR, glad I seen the comments about height, besides that I really liked this one! great idea, had my daughter on it for a few goes, I hope you expand it into a few more rooms, great job, Well Done!

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Didn't run too well on my computer even on the low settings :( but I did like the look of it, reminded me of tilt brush, I'm long due a new rig, so will keep this to try when I do upgrade :)

Like RunningOnCoffee said the voice and tentacle where brill, the high up conveyer belt caught me alot, I didn't save the world :) 

I tried to give this go before, my old pc really struggled with it, not your fault I do have a old rig, its almost perfect for q3 Dev, as what I get on my screen fps wise is what I get on the quest3. Also had to install C++ to try your and the electric forest. From what I could see its was well made and looked great!

You have to break the robots to charge up the energy bar, I've got an Update coming before the voting is over, and .apk which gives visuals of the charger receiving power and SFX. Thanks again for giving it a go.

Thanks for giving it ago, I too get nauseous in Vr, you'd think as devs we'd have found our VR legs by now, Didnt notice the jumping, there is a option for snap turning in the menu. 

I enjoyed this game too, The turning was a little slow, maybe a slider to let the player choose how fast to turn, or snap turning? besides that it was fun, good job!

I don't think the .apk works? Looks like you set the XR management android options to openXR, plays windowed on quest3,  The PCVR worked though! Could have done with a little UI info giving an idea off what to do controls, didn't even see that wrist menu, until now! Will go have another try :)

I liked this, but like BEB said I too struggled with the back row, Hope you get the animations in soon, Great environment.

Hey thanks for giving it a go, I definitely leaned more to the presentation/art side of thing's, unfortunately my coding leaves a lot to be desired, so I used a lot of box colliders/triggers. All good fun!

Cheers for giving it go 👍 Videos n music by  good friends, was at their gig last weekend. I,m noticing a theme in people about holding the guitar, I'm putting this down to me being rather static in VR I rarely make any VR games with motion, and tested the game predominantly sat in my chair. Might add it to the the description must be sat with arms on arm rest,s 😂

Thanks for giving it a go 👍 I like dark/grungy environments, it's all a bit too clean in most VR experiences, Sorry you didn't find the practice level, it is buried away in there (was added late as an after thought) I should have included that info somewhere!

I originally had the bombs at the actual BPM for the songs which was around 130-160 and it was impossible!

Didn't even think of locomotion round the room, I,m very static in VR 😂

Thanks for trying it! Yeh the guitar position had me messing for awhile, I tried to have it slightly angled so you can still see the string whilst playing. Cheers.

Haven't managed to try this yet as don't use pcvr, my pc/rig has issues with link I rarely get over 10fps on any games on my old pc. Think it's time get a new rig 😁

Good job! Nice use of the theme, as mentioned some more particle effect or haptics when the drum is hit would have helped but eh we don't have much time on these jams. Some of the music/voice overs where a little muffled for me. Still nice work!

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Nice! I liked this one, the springy hand joint was cool, same as the gun, the line ray was a nice touch too! Dual weapon options and reloading would have been nice, but something for future eh 😁

Very nice, had me bopping around for while 😁

Tried it on Quest 3 was fine, I could remove the cassette though, not sure if you said you were implementing this or a future build?

Still great job 👍 

Well done! Had some fun with this one, the looping of the clones is great! Hands and instrument's felt very clean! 

Thanks for playing and posting your video 😁👍

Thanks for trying 👍 The shooting is doing with raycasting so maybe in future games, I, ll either add ironsights or increase the box collider sizes. 

Thanks for having a play 👍 I, m quite pleased how it turned out. 

Thanks for giving it a go, yeh I had a weird bug where the return menu button would not work, I presume somewhere I have random line of code, so to get round it in time for the I removed the pause timestamp. So the end doesn't actually pause. 🤔😁

Thanks for playing, I uploaded an update that's help with the shot identification but guess that, s not part of the Jam 😭😂

Very well done, I liked this alot!

Thanks for trying it :) I spent a few hours trying to balance the speeds as different item's have different speeds and cost/values in the wave/junk spawner system.

Thanks a lot for giving it a go :)

Thank you for playing. 

Thanks for playing and the feedback, I, ll put up a revision build soon, obvs it won't count to the Jam but... 

Thanks for giving it ago 👍 I do have floating text setup just haven't implemented it in that build 🤔 but yeh a hit sound too! totally missed that. Was very panicking and rushed after my last build went south on Sunday evening lol.