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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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hi I'm sorry to hear this. When you press escape or m it takes you to the main menu where there are graphics options. This could help.

This was pretty fun.  An interesting  use of theme too. 

This was really fun, simple but satisfying and oddly addictive

Yeah I get that. Happened with my submission to. Found a bug at the last minute that was so easy to fix raced to replace it before submission. Was a minute late sadly XD

This was amazing.

The attention to detail here is top tier. Having all the characters have a little one liner was really funny. Having the visual representation of the planet at all times was a really nice motivator as well as seeing the level change. Combat also felt like a puzzle, in a good way. It really made you think about the best way to approach them.

The only issue I had was the projectiles. They were a little too slow for my liking and I found that they never went to where I was aiming.

But other than that I really enjoyed this.

This is really cool. Not the most strategic player but this did have me doing a lot of forward thinking. I found that the spell that fired in a huge radius didn't work for me (though its possible i was doing something wrong)
The music was a really good fit. Gave everything a chill vibe. 

This is really cool. Not the most strategic player but this did have me doing a lot of forward thinking. I found that the spell that fired in a huge radius didn't work for me (though its possible i was doing something wrong)
The music was a really good fit. Gave everything a chill vibe. 

So I did the mech in Maya I tried to add it but the knee was rotating the wrong way. I later tried to set it up in UE but it happened again and I didn't want to waste any more time on it. I was glad I at least was able to get the animation better the second time when I had to animate the alien where i go the IK, i guess that's some kind of progress. 
Yeah the last game jam I didn't include any graphics settings and the lumen I suspect is what made it crash for every one. I agree with the lights as I did want to make the scene darker. I was going to add something like that but for some reason the UE5 skymap has no texture at night so It would've added another task to the list. 

If I ever decide to do more work on it I think I will set it at night maybe make the aliens eyes more emissive I think that would look awesome

Yes it does really helped set the atmosphere. I really wanted the light of the shots bouncing around the level to feel a little like the scene in the first season of the Mandalorian where the AT-ST attacks the village at night. 
I agree with the walking. It was my first time animating anything from scratch so I went with a walk style that was easy to do as a first timer. I also couldn't get IK working so it was a tedious process. When i got into engine I spent hours trying to find the right balance to make it work. With the previous versions of the movement I got close but really it needed a better walking animation. I think if i had better sound effects it may have also pulled off better! 
But thank you for taking the time to play. Curious what round did you reach?  

Oh I really appreciate that. Yes I agree. With the initial concept I did want to have more level mechanics and silhouette style monsters that would chase you around the level aswell as rooms that closed in on you to give the claustrophobic feeling but I spent a little too long on areas of this project that were new too me ( like animating the shadows). It does seem that optimization was an issue here I think im going to make a project that just focuses on optimization so I have a block of code I can use in all my work going forward.  

I enjoyed this especially the art.

Tho the speed that you fall combined with some visual issues with the background made it a little bit disorientating.

Love the style very "simple but effective" 

Had a nice level of difficulty that the use of the limitation complemented perfectly. I think the camera should of been zoomed out maybe like 10 percent. I felt the I would of liked having a little bit more time to react especially as the player starts falling faster (nice touch btw).

Curious, is it endless or can we eventually reach the bottom? 

I like the game boy design it was cool. I had someone on my course who did a similar thing one. It would of been cool if they were animated so if you press Q you see the A button go down or something.

I think with the design concept projectile direction should of been dependant on the movement direction. As the whole game boy presentation kind of fails when  you add an imput like the mouse location that cannot be linked to a game boy.

I think the player should of moved a little faster. Like in pac man the player moves faster than the ghosts its only when the player kind of seconded guesses themselves that they loose that advantage, something to consider.

This was a cool idea though would love to see to fleshed out.

This was cool! 

It kept me engaged though I will say that the health should of given more oxygen. Between the natural oxygen cool down and the tool your kinda doomed to always score within the same range. 

I like the concept it would of been cool if more bombs spawned as you got deeper.

The art was all cohesive which to me is more important than quality.

Nice submission!

Would you ever consider doing a separate Jam that uses your asset creation tools? I think it would be really cool because your still limited to the Kenney aesthetic so all the games in the jam would still have a similar look which is one of the cool things about a Kenney specific jam.  

This was fun.

I think if the pickles were programmed to spawn in 3s so if i jump at the right time I can get my health back.

I was also unsure why I would ever move down it would only ever kill me? I personally would of changed it to the W key. That way you could move increase your upward velocity mid air to jump at different angles. That way you could set up the pickles to spawn in 3s at different angles presenting more of a skill based experience. 

That being said the animation for the cat was really good and the art style was cohesive. Well done!

Cool little game!

Kind of liked the face the resolution was a tiny square made me feel like I was playing a game boy.

I liked that the projectiles shot in the direction of movement. Though the player can move in 8 directions and there are only 4 directions the projectiles will face. So if I'm holding left then also press up the projectile with still fire left. Would of been cool if it shot diagonally when I did that.

This seems like a cool exercise in philosophy.

I will say that had I not read the use of limitation I would of thought that the game was broken somehow. Too counteract this I would of printed some kind of message to the screen on death to encourage the player to keep on going and I would of written a few to keep it varied to tell the player that this was meant to happen while driving through the point of the game.

I think there were some collision issues as I started to get up the hill I kept spawning inside the hill in some kind of underwater hell of stretched sand columns XD


Yeah this is my first games jam. I think its because in the base file its using UE5 with max setting when it in no way needs too XD. But we live and learn think ill schedule 6 hours at the end for testing next time.  

Visually this game is really nice. Especially the animations.

The implementation of upgrading gear was a good motivator kept me playing for longer. 

I felt that the time it took to break down materials was too long and became tedious. I think between 3 - 5 hits would of been better. 10 just left me there spamming Q.

I also think the q and e should be swapped around. Maybe its just me but most games use E as one of the main buttons so I found my self accidentally pressing E when I wanted to press Q.

I think there should of been health pick ups too as after my first run I diddnt use the extra damage button. 

This was awesome.
The mechanic worked perfectly.
The puzzles were nicely implemented. (Though I think one where I had to split mid air could of been cool) 
I have nothing negative to say about this game I really enjoyed it. 

This was really fun. On my first go I got stuck and ended up bouncing out of the map to the winning pount... 10/10 XD

The difficulty made it fun though I think the health robot should of restored some oxygen. Tho I could of just been bad at the game.  

Fun use of the mechanic I'm seeing that skill based ways of using the limitation really work. 

Was simple but effective! Though I think the arena should of been taller to give the feeling that were deep underwater.

Really smart way of using the limitation! Yeah like other people said the movement was a little off. Though I will say that it almost added to the experience reminded me of games like octodad and surgeon sim where the controls are purposely hard tho a way to reverse next time please lol.

I was expecting the sharks to come after me when I was close. But if this is just your second time using the engine I get why they dont. But I think you should of made their patrols around some of the octopus faster so it would of made it like a skill challenge to get to the octopus without getting hit. 

Really Enjoyed this. 

This was really fun! Once I got a hold of what I could do it was really fun. The spear gun was really fun and was very satisfying when you hit 2 enemies at once.  I think it would work nice visually if there was a line connected to the spear and the player so you could get a visual of the past before you reel in and there were collision issues where enemies that were close enough to attack me wouldn't get hit when using the mechanic. But this is a really fun game! 

Thankyou, I completely agree too. Time management was a bit of an issue with this. Spent too mcuh time on some tasks that should of been spent doing other things not to mention loosing my level just before submission and having too create it again. Nonetheless these are all things ill learn from for next time!  

Hi could you provide me some more details on this so I can try and fix somethings. Thanks