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Julien Mulard

A member registered May 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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The atmosphere is awesome! Graphics and music are really great and the squirrel is really cute :3 I had strong Limbo vibes from it ^^

Sadly, the game is really lacking in terms of gameplay, you mostly wait on slow moving platforms right now. But I believe you plan on working on it post jam, right? If so, here are my 2 cents on what you could improve:

  • Make the robots move a bit faster, and make them stop quicker (they have a delay right now between when you click the command and when they stop, and I missed my target a few times because of that).
  • Tone down the sound of the robot moving. It became annoying really quickly for me, and it takes over the really nice, moody and atmospheric music
  • Maybe make the interface a static menu on screen? I found it hard to click on buttons sometimes, because they kept moving on screen ^^

I'm really curious about what the game can become, because even though it's flawed right now, I feel it has great potential!

Hope to hear about it in the future :D

Nice little game you got there :)

The execution is clean, but I had one issue: the light emitted by the robot is too small, and I found myself repeatedly dying because of enemies I could react to quickly enough. I ended up having to memorize the enemy layout. I also died a lot because I had to make a choice between scouting ahead and viewing my character (and platforming without seeing your character is hard ^^). It was a bit frustrating, mostly in the last level, when you have to face groups of 3-4 enemies regularly.

That aside, the art and sound is clean (maybe add a sound for when you've fallen in a hole?), and the game is fun! Well done :D

Really nice and fun, I really liked the AI personality ^^

After reading a few comment, I agree that the game could use some speed up (maybe have a button to toggle between different speed, so that people can select the one they want?), and that you might want some enemy redesign/rebalancing (the last boss didn't even attack me once, for example ^^).

But you know that already, so I'll insist on what you may not be sure about: it's a really cool game, well done :D

We plan on fixing and polishing the game post post jam, and we also have a few more ideas that we couldn't implement that may add to the final experience :D

Thank you for the stellar review and useful feedbacks! We'll make sure to take those into account!

What can I say except well done?

It's the best iteration on the "programming" gameplay I got to try this far, and that's thanks to the platforming elements (which are very well programmed and designed). 

The level of polish is through the roof, everything is greatly executed and coherent (art, sound, animation, UI, etc...).

I also really liked when the instruction box went from 1D to 2D, it was a nice "OMG" moment^^

The only small critique I would have is the programming section start to feel a little tedious to setup after some time. I'm really talking interface/controls/keybindings there, not puzzle elements. Like I wished I could use the mouse to go faster at some point (but there might be more elegant solutions, to keep everything on the keyboard/controller). It's mostly an issue when the game start to throw bigger command grids to fill (oh, and also have an indication of what tile I'm modifying once I selected a tile)

If you plan on pushing the game further, maybe you could also maybe implement a point / timer system with a leaderboard? The first one could be tied to the number of instructions used, and  the second to the clear speed of the level? To add some kind of replayability? 

Oh, and a level editor also ^^

Ok, I guess you got my point, it's a really cool game, I loved it!


Nice 'n fun little building game, and not what I expected given the icon :D

The game had no bugs, and I was able to finish it without issues. I also liked spamming the basic yet simple particles at the end, it was a nice touch!

Honest feedback time! In know it's a jam game, and it's kind of expected for those to have issues, so if you want to improve yours at some point, there are some things you might want to address :D

  • You have a lot of screen space that is not use for gameplay, maybe zoom the camera a bit?
  • The jump feels too floaty, and/or doesn't reach high enough
  • The game lacks audio feedback for ingame actions, it was hard at first to know if I was accomplishing things or not, most notably when trying to mine.
  • The music doesn't really fit the game I think, and it became annoying real quick. 
  • The auto-placement of the blocks is a good idea, but for the section when I had to build a wooden roof, I had to actively avoid the crafting bench, and it was annoying. You might want to let player place and destroy blocks at some point? That way I could reach the top of the roof and finish my building task without interference? You could even make it so you can't go to the next stage if you have out of place blocks? Or go the opposite way, design it as a puzzle game, and leverage this kind of limitation into the level design to create fun challenges.
  • And the obvious and expected: add more content (levels, blocks, crafting recipes, etc...) ^^

Overall, a fun idea, that could become a really nice game with a bit more polish!

Thank you! Glad you liked it! :D

Really nice game, the ambiance is soothing, visuals are great, and the gameplay is rather smooth.

I found it hard sometimes to place blocks where I needed due to the camera/player moving a bit to fast. Maybe reduce the player movement speed a bit? The spike/anti grav section was the main offender ^^

And the last level was too long and could be split in two in my book.

Great submission overall, I liked it!

Really fun game!

Thank you!

Ooooooooh I understand now! It's not upgrading your existing multiplier, it rerolls it completely ^^

Thank you for the explanation!

Regarding the upgrade thing, I did the math with the formula you put in the upgrade description, and it should give you no downgrade after nightmare #25 ( 0.25 + (25*0.03) = 1), so either there is a bug in the code, or an error in the UI, because I just got a down grade at nightmare 630 ^^

I'm still playing though ^^

Thank you!

Hopefully, difficulty will be adjusted post jam (and I take note of the button comment)

Happy you liked it <3

You're welcome, glad you liked it :D

Thank you for your comment :D

Yeah, some levels are quite hard right now. We will try to adjust the difficulty curve in the post jam update!

Glad you still had some fun though!

Glad you enjoyed it!

I agree with you regarding some of the polish, we spent a lot of time working on game systems (like Aye's behaviors, reactions, and the Undo system, which BTW was not agreeing with the pathfinding and orders for a looong time ^^) , and had to rush things like UI a bit to respect the deadline. We also couldn't really do blind playtesting, so I'll try to address the issue you had with the order system by editing the game description, to give new players helpful pointers.

We plan to rework the game a bit post jam if life permits, and we will hopefully address all those issues.

Thank you for your comment!

Enjoying the game right now, but I have few gripes with it:

The biggest one is the random upgrade mechanic. It feels soooo bad to get a downgrade with your last points right before an enemy with 10k HP. I went straight from 11x damage to 7x (I got  2 downgrades in a row). As it's the only upgrade available after some time, I'm in a place right now where I'm just not daring to spend points on it anymore, because if I get another downgrade, it will take soooo much time to kill anything to get points to roll new damage boost. Maybe roll from 1 to 3x instead? Or give it a static progression like the rest? Or at least nerf the downgrade effect? Please? It really breaks the snowballing effect you get at the beginning of the game

I also think it might be great to have enemies attacking you. You'd have to actually spend points in health regen or something, and the speed upgrade could then be something other than just QoL. I know it's an idle game, but there is no real incentive to check it after buying all the upgrades, and having some way to have the player loose might keep more people engaging with the game.

Please keep in mind that I usually don't play idle games, so it might just be a matter of taste regarding the genre.

Once those things are out of the bag, the game is really polished and feels nice to play :D Guess I'll keep the game running until I reach the final nightmare.

There is final nightmare, right???

Man, is the operator dumb sometimes ^^ Cracked 22 cyphers in endless mode, but I had to quit because life.

Great concept, and well executed. The art is clean, the symbols and the UI well designed and the tutorial well made (and needed). The story was a nice touch that kept me playing when trying the game.

Great job!

Simple idea, nicely executed ^^

(1 edit)

The robot moving sound effect is clipping at the end and the UI is not pixel perfect, I'd like a refund!

Seriously though, this is so polished it feels like a small indie commercial game, not a jam entry ^^  Well done!

Missing levels asides, I didn't understand right away how to put the floppies in their slots. There is also a some weird audio behavior when you jump: the music fades away, and that's kinda jarring :/

Else, it seems like a good early take on the programming game genre, the visuals are quite nice, and the music is good :D

I really like what you have so far, the music and sound design are really good, the graphics are on point, the gamefeel is excellent. That's really too bad you don't have any content, I really wanted to play with your little bot thing ^^ The shiny support shards point were needed, because I thought it was an in-game joke (please tell me it was an in-game joke and that you have 10 more levels to play, and I was too dumb to find how)

The concept is interesting and fun!

There are a few thing I found weird/unbalanced/missing regarding game design:

-You control the character with the keyboard, but you have to click on the animals to pick them, which means I have 2 things to keep track of. You should pick either full keyboard or full mouse gameplay, but both is weird.

-I wasn't able to NOT kill some animals. I mean, it's a game about saving them from a certain death, yet you have to make sacrifices at some point. I'd say either adjust the spawn rate/move speed of the animals to leave some room to cash in the boxes, or just auto-send the boxes.

-Regarding the death thing, I feel the game needs some sort of indicator, to know wether the animal is in danger or not.

-Putting the same animal in two different pens means having to sacrifice a whole species until you send the box, which I feel as too punishing. Maybe lock each pen to a species?

That was my random thoughts, feel free to take it in account or not :D I hope you had fun during the jam!

Happy game making, andhave a great day!

Okay, I replayed it but was more focused on the audio this time (rather than saving the sheeps), and yes, you're right, the in game music has a small thing happening when it's begining that makes it NOT seemless when looping. We'll fix that for the next release! Thank you again for your feedback!

tl;dr: Surprinsingly liked the game even though it lacks some core features, the gameplay is rough, the gamedesign needs reworking and some stuff are just plain broken. A clear case of overscoping. I think it may have some potential if the gamedesign/gamplayissues are tackled.

I managed to escape after wave 18, and, even though it is really barebone right now, it was pretty engaging,  

You clearly overscopped for a jam ^^ Tower defense + platforming + hack'n'slash combat... I mean, on paper it could work, but in game, everything is rough because you didn't have tihe time to polish anything. And I'm not talking about graphic, or lack of content (to be expected in a jam), I'm talking design / balance.

There is obviously a lot of issues I think need to be addressed to make this game what I believe it could be, so here comes the wall of text :D

- The platforming is really akward and punishing. I fell off the shelves in the tower way to much time for my taste. It doesn't help that you need to need to do platforming to get materials and possessions. You should polish the player controller a bit more, and probably redesign the tower a bit. This video gives some idea on how to fix some issues (it's about 2D games, but a lot of advices are still relevant for 3D).

- Also, you can walk above turrets, but not climb the stairs with jumping. That was frustrating, given you have to enter the tower quite frequently.

- The fact the objects respawn between waves was somethign that took me a bit of time to understand. You might want to state that clearly so that players know what to expect. 

- You should also probably balance a bit the way materials appear. One run I had stuff for a turret before wave 1, the other, I had to wait past wave 5 or 6 to be able to buy something.

- Regarding turrets, I think there is variations/power levels? I wasn't able to tell the difference, as there were no numbers to give me any insights of what I was buying.

- The fact that turrets seems to be randomly available in the shop with "random "prices (related to power levels, I suppose?) was also really confusing at first. Plus the shop is a bit broken? The only way I found to leave it was to press the esc button, which also paused the game.

- Giving some sort of indication of range should be mandatory for the turrets. How I am supposed to know where to place them if I don't know where they can shoot? Hopefully,  all my turrets did they job, but there is nothing more frustrating in a TD game than placing a tower that can't shoot enemies.

- I'm not sure the spiked wall do anything? After trying 1 or 2, I focused solely on turrets. Either is a bug and it does nothing, or it lacks some feebacks of sort.

- I found it weird that you could only place turrets near the cart, and not all around the map. In the tower defense games I played, it was always about picking the best spot for turrets to cover the most ground, and that was possible because the enemies took long and convoluted paths around the map, and the player was able to places turrets anywhere. Here, the turrets feel like your last line of defense, until they can basically overpower the enemies for a few waves.

- Fighting is maybe too powerful? You could probably survive a lot of waves just by camping near the spawn point. Sure, it won't help you winning the game, because you'll be too far from the tower to progress in any way, but it makes you feel you don't really need the turrets. If you rework the tower defense stuff and really want to keep combat, I'd make less powerful, but more useful (like hitting an enemy make it stagger, and stay under the fire of a turret longer, or something like that)

-The idea of switching characters is interesting, but I don't really see the point here. Both character can do almost the same actions, and switching takes so little time it's more a thing you have to think a bout rather than a thing you want to play with. If they were 2 different entity, you could have the wizard stay near the tower and the skeleton managing the battlefield. You would cut the back and forth between battle and the tower, giving you more time to explore everything inside, and less down time overall. Think about how the Lego games implemented that kind of mechanic, it feels great! You could balance it by making the enemies spawn quicker for exemple!

That'll do for feedbacks ^^

Let me get one thing straight, I (unexpectedly) liked your game. Or at least the ideas behind? That's why I'm so commited to give constructive criticism about all the stuff that didn't worked for me. Because I think it could be a cool game!

My general advice now would be that: focus on the core gameplay loops: collecting stuff in the tower should be fun, tower defense stuff should be fun and fighting should be fun too. Don't add anything new until it's fun! And then, go crazy :D

I hope I was able to help you! Keep on jamming ^^

Ahaha, it's a really fun concept. I basically stood neart the car ans assauIted random people for their TP ^^

I loved the cheesy voice at the beginning and the sound effect made with the mouth when you hit ennemies. 

I couldn't play it for very long, so I may not have taken the time needed to get use to the controls, but I felt the range of the attack was a lttle too short for my taste. Maybe you could also increase the rate at which you can attack too?

Anyway, fun game, liked it a lot!

I wanted to answer just that. By checking for change in the state of the key (ie from up to down or vice versa) you can implement snappier controls. In your case, you could have made the player move right only when the key was just pressed, but not move if key is pressed but was already last time you checked.

I don't know which tools you used to make your game, but a lot (if not all) game engines should have a "GetKeyDown" function or something equivalent, which does just what we discuss.

Hope this helped you, and have a great day!

(1 edit)

We're actually thinking about a mobile version due to popular demand ^^ But it will be a lot of work and we're all busy people, so no promise right now. 

That thing about music has me worried though... It should be looping. Can you elaborate? You're talking about the in game music? Or the intro theme?

Thank you for your feedback, Lucus, and have a great day!

Thank you! I was lucky to found such good quality sheep samples so quickly.  It's really not my usual style, but I'm really proud of what I did for the intro theme. I'm glad you liked it!

Got kinda absorbed by the game, spent almost 2h and got 16060 point. I stopped because I have to sleep. ^^

I've never ran out of Passes, so I don't know if the Three Passes thing is in yet, but if it is, maybe hard cap to only three (with refill every 5 line until cap is reached again)

A discrete background would also be a nice addition, rahter than solid dark blue.

Audio and visual when clearing lines were really satisfying. So was the sound taht plays when you can't place a tile.
But maybe add more audio cues when clearing lines? I counted 3 different ones, but you can make up to 5 lines/columns simultaneously, so one for for each number could be the best :D 
And a nice background music :)

Regarding graphics, the only thing that slighty bother me is the fact that I can't tell right away if the block I controll is collinding with the other blocks. If you could hilght the blocks on the grid that are colliding with one I'm trying to place, it would be better. It's the only key thing that's missing I think.

Overall, clearly a nice spin on a classic game, very well executed, but could use a little bit of audio/graphical polish.


A simple idea, but a great execution! The minimalistic design and the music are very nice. The jumps are a bit hard to control though, but death is a seamless experience so it's not much of a problem. 9/10 would play again :D

I just finished it!

Nice little game, a good iteration on a classic!


  • The controls are a bit janky: sometimes it drops the input, and sometimes it makes you move quicly two squares ahead. I'd say the controls made forced me to retry at least 5 times. Far from as much as my own stupidity did ^^
  • Also, in this kind of game, I love to move really quickly if I see the solution or just retried and want to reach the state I was before I screw stuff up ^^ But right now, if I spam the arrow keys, it won't work (might be related with the above point).
  • The box/character collision is a bit rough too when you try to push an unpushable box, as the sprite of the character can be seen moving briefly inside the box.
  • Another cool feature could be to be able to cancel your moves. It would it less punishin when you screw over. I have already implemented that kind of stuff before and I know it can be a lot of work, so I can understand it wasn't doable during the jam. But if you plan on making an update, think about it!
  • I loved the mechanic of filling holes, it got me really engaged in the game
  • You also have a generous amount of level, which is really nice! And the level design is coherant and fair for this type of game.
  • The music do the job, the game could have use some sounds to give more feedback to the player

Overall a fun game that got me engaged until I beat it, thanks to the addition of a little thing to a proven formula, and efficient level design, and despite controls being a little janky sometimes.

(1 edit)

English abstract for non french speakers:
It's a roleplaying game for two players. You play as two character chattting all night long while drinking beers. As the night goes on, you build up each character and their relationship.

You start by creating a raw version of each character (physical apearence, personality etc...,) and their basic relationship (how did they meet, what they love/hate about each other, etc ...). This is done by communicating together, so that everyone is okay with both character.

Then you open your pack of (6) beer. For each beer, one character asks a question to the other, mostly about the past (the game gives you themes, like "The first time we met", or "The promise we made to each other"), but the last one is about some big event happening the next day for one (or both) of the character.

Finally dawn comes, and you're left with one last question to answer: "What's next?"

The rules are full of exemples of player interactions, and for each set of questions, it gives you 6 if you'd rather roll a dice, but let you free to simply pick one or create your own. Overall, the game has a really chill and intimate vibe to it.

I'm hoping for a translation, but it seems to be the work of a single person, so it might take a while, if it ever happens.

French review:
Okay, je n'ai pas joué au jeu mais les règles m'ont donnés des frissons, et j'en ai un peu les larmes aux yeux. Ça m'a vraiment touché.

Ça a l'air tellement intime comme expérience (j'imagine que ça peut aussi devenir très drôle en fonction des joueuses), et tellement doux. Gros gros coup de coeur, j'envisage de faire une partie de test à l'occasion! Si ça arrive, je reviendrai vous faire part de mes remarques!

Le féminin neutre est à la fois déstabilisant et tellement chouette!

Un salut de Toulouse!

PS: Si vous avez le temps de traduire le jeu, ça serait parfaitement cool! Vous méritez plus d'audience :D

Nice to see a board/card game!

The rules seem simple enough, it's kind of a mix between Happy Familly and Elixir, with some extra rules!

I'm worried about the number of ingredient you need for each meal though (flashback from looooooong rounds of Elixir), but maybe you could balance it with the number of cards of each category? Sadly, this info is not present in the rules, so it's not playable yet.

The game is a bit lacking in the art department. It lacks a lot of cards and the visual of the existing ones is a bit rough. But hey, that's not a problem if the game is fun (thinking to all the game's of "Time's Up" or "Werewolf" I played using only some pen and paper)!

I wish the rules contained the card numbers so I could quickly build myself a deck and try it with friends. If you update the game, I may come back an try it, because I'm intrigued :D


Hey! I watched the video, and I'm unsure what I have to do.

Do I need to copy/paste the code in the Youtube description in my webpage sourcecode? I mean, I love the idea as a dev, but it still feels rather complicated.

I'm rather curious though, could you give more detailed info about what needs to be done?

Can't give a rating right now, as I couldn't play it :/
