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A member registered Dec 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Played and rated! 
Really cool submission! I think that you nailed the part of introducing mechanics at a nice pace really eased me into the alternative controls. Also, your characters are really cool and I don't understand why Tolkien did not go with GIFFINIDILIFANDILALF when trying to name the Grey Wizard.

Played and rated!

Cool submission buddy! I liked that the concept was very easy to grasp and the design of the pieces was elegant while still getting the point across. I missed that you could rotate the ship so I was just bouncing things around, but that was actually also quite fun!

Some feedback would be as others have mentioned, some sound effects. But also an indicator that shows the direction of the nearest piece as I used a lot of time flying around without knowing where the remaining pieces were.

Played and Rated!
Really nice submission! I loved the medieval-themed chiptune music in the overworld menu. I thought it was a bit hard to grasp the concept at first but then I realized that level 0 was the arcade level - so once I got to level 1 and got the tutorial that helped a lot.

So I guess my feedback is that perhaps having the arcade mode as a clearly marked separate level would personally have eased my progress

Overall, really good job!

Rated and played!
Really cool idea and execution. I think that the aspect of having to look around fast while trying to avoid the little dude going into spikes was quite entertaining. The graphics looked pretty good and overall the polish seemed very high.

The only feedback I really have is that the music was a little repetitive but other than that really nice submission.

Rated and played!

Well, that was fun! I particularly liked that the frogs could not move independently of each other which you normally can in these types of games - which makes it more predictable - which I think is a fresh touch.

But honestly, when you introduced changing the axis of movement my brain got really twisted.

As for feedback, perhaps choose another type of music than running water - now I have to pee really badly.

Rated and Played!

Nice submission! I think that it presents itself really nicely, the art style and music are very pleasing to look at, and getting the idea of the game was really intuitive.

As for feedback, I think it would have been nice with a small sound when you got hit by spikes. It took me a little while to realize that I was getting hit before seen my health was dropping.

Rated and Played!

Nice graphics and overall work on the art style - it seemed very coherent. 

I think the momentum of the character made some of the jumps quite difficult, but I don't think removing it would have been good either. Perhaps just allow one to control the air?

(1 edit)

Rated and Played!

Really nice submission - also quite a lot of work in terms of length! Some of the puzzles were quite brilliant using the simple mechanics at hand. Thanks for including a generous checkpoint system as well.

Played and rated!

Super cool submission - you really got far with this one in just a week, impressive!  Controls, art, theme, everything just played well together.

The only feedback I have is that when you have such long travel sections with each character, I would have loved just a few checkpoints.

Thanks for checking out our submission as well!

Played and rated! Thanks for playing and rating our submission!

I think you are onto something with the twist of having to balance between having the towers closer to the main base and being within range of the ones closest to the main base. The graphics look great! Thanks for the submission!

Played and rated!
Cool little neat game! I think that trying to balance stuff was quite fun and had me trying to fill out as much space as possible!

Thanks for playing our game and nice that you got the pun!

Thanks for the great jam! I've already been playing and rating some of your games so keep em' coming!
Give our game a shot and I'll make sure to play and rate the games you post here!

Lawn & Order!

Super cool game! I must say that the idea was simple but brilliant - I had a ton of fun playing it!

Well, that's neat because I got a game that you can play right now right here! Thanks for trying out all these games!
Lawn & Order

Nice submission - I love when games take a silly and fun twist on things. I think that you managed to keep a quite concise theme throughout the game in terms of colors, assets, and so on. The music was a little out of place but it was good music so it had that going.

I was able to keep a pretty steady camera if I was on full screen and did not touch the mouse.

If you have the time, please consider rating our game as well - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Wow, I had a ton of fun playing this - great job! I love when I get compared to a successful compression software!

Jokes aside, really cool game, and I must admit this is the most fun I've had playing others games in this jam so far. I love how hectic it gets later in the game and having a mob of people storming towards you is thrilling I think you nailed the feeling of nudging yourself forward while others were trying to get their way.

I honestly don't have too much feedback other than a good job and keep your next game as fun and silly as this!

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission as well - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Now that was a challenge - thanks for the submission! I think that you really nailed a running theme and art style which soaked through this game. Every detail, UI, and asset really gave a coherent feeling. The gameplay itself was intriguing albeit a bit hard to understand at first. The sobriety test was a real challenge however I am proud to have the world record (for now)

As for feedback, I think that perhaps the snapping radius to interactable elements could have been a bit more generous and on some of the levels I felt like I won with just a sliver of bonus. Like the one where you had to fly around the island, I had to zig-zag in order to get just enough points. But hey, I made it through so it wasn't impossible!

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Cool submission - I think that connecting the characters and noticing the difference in handling between the two (as spoken by them) was a nice touch and helped cement them as different characters.

I felt like the character controls were both the right choice and the wrong choice. It felt nice that the characters has momentum and that when they hit the ground they had to pace themselves first. Although it also meant that navigating the really narrow platforms became almost impossible. Perhaps consider scaling the difficulty in the first couple of jumps down such that it was easier to get to the swing part before ramping up the platforming difficulty.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Well, this game made me go 'Aha!' when I figured out the premise - in a good way! I think that the concept is quite interesting and I did find it a bit challenging but fun nonetheless.

Of course, the art and design could have seen some more polish but I think you got your point across and I enjoyed the game. Sometimes having an idea, a working menu and a few levels are all you need.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Nice submission! I think that the intro sequence was a nice touch - I always enjoy albeit small but some kind of storytelling behind jam games - it makes you invest more time in the game I think. The art style, music, and sounds were very consistent with each other, and keeping a purple-ish color palette really sold it.

If I had to give some feedback I think that when you have such a large map and you make one start over on 1 hit, I think you should include some sort of teleport/portals on the map in order to skip the large travel between sections - otherwise, I think it can be hard to stick to it when you have died a couple of times.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission as well - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Wohoo I got everything!

Too bad that you were unable to finish the ending but I really did enjoy the game! I think you made some (even though were squares) pretty intriguing characters! I had a lot of fun talking to them even after I finished collecting stuff.

The only feedback I have to give is that perhaps it would have been easier to understand what was interactable if the "Press Space to interact" was only visible when you were close enough to something to interact with, as I was pressing space whenever I got close to the house for example. 

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission as well - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Wohoo I got some right!

Overall I think that your submission was nicely polished and felt like an albeit very small but complete experience. I think that choosing not to show the answers was either smart since it had me replaying to get a better score or perhaps if the game was longer I would go with showing the answer.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission as well - thanks!

Lawn & Order

Wow, such a cool idea! I had a lot of trouble getting it to work properly in the beginning but switching to Chrome on my phone got it working.

Overall I really enjoyed it and once you got used to it, controlling the game was very fluent, and latency-wise just seemed to work. Integrating the phone as a controller like that was honestly the first time I had ever seen it.

If I had to give any feedback perhaps instead of having the trajectory go through the target, something similar to a straight line where it would collide with the target where it would make it easier to see if you were going to hit the target would have been nice.

If you have the time, please consider checking out our submission as well - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Well, that's perfect timing because we got a game for you!
Check it out https://itch.io/jam/lost-relic-games-1/rate/1581220 and thanks for taking the time to play these games!

Well congratulations to you too for working on a game and submitting it here!
Feel free to check out our submission:

That's neat because I got a game you can sink your teeth into:
I'll check out your game as well.

Thanks for the submission! Apart from it being buggy, I think that your art style was on par! The animations and sounds were what kept me engaged and I think a more polished version of this could have been really cool.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Looks like the Play button is not responding - I tried in Microsoft Edge too but to no avail.

Well, my night was a great success!

I think the idea has potential, however as you also mentioned it feels a lot like a prototype. I think that if you were thinking of developing further on this title, getting the controls down would be the first priority. The layout of the game is a bit confusing and sometimes the arrow controls don't work. However, I could see this shaping up to be something when more assets are added.

So overall, cool idea but feels very much like a prototype.

If you have the time, please consider rating our game - thanks!
Lawn & Order

Wow! What a neat idea! I could really feel that you put a lot of effort into this and it really shows off in the amount of polish this game has. The gameplay was very intuitive and I very much enjoyed it. I found out about the swinging ability after my first playthrough so I had to play it again!

Nice sounds, nice lighting, good gameplay, and hitting close to the theme. I only have positive things to say - good job!

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission as well - thanks:
Lawn & Order

Nice submission, I did enjoy the game. However, I did not finish it as I simply could not understand what to do after charging both the heating coil, and rocket battery, opening the door, and lighting the gas. Do you have a hint as to how to proceed from there? I really want to save the world you know.

Apart from the above, nice art style and easy-to-understand mechanics. Normally when you do voice acting it can be a bit out of place but your voice (assuming it's yours) did not take away from the aesthetics.

Overall, a nice and complete experience.

If you have the time, please consider rating our submission - thanks!
Lawn & Order

(1 edit)

Cool submission, I survived!

A simple and fast side scroller - sometimes that is all you need. I liked the SpaceX pun and the art was nice and elegant.

I think that with a few little tweaks you could improve the feeling of flying through space. Try adding a bit of scrolling to the background image at a speed that is slower than the asteroids. I felt it was a bit difficult to understand that the spaceships were flying to the right and I think that could improve that.

If you have the time, please consider rating our game as well - thanks:
Lawn & Order

I just played this and I must say that it really kept me engaged for a long time. Quite intuitive gameplay and almost** perfectly balanced level and increase in difficulty. I thought the way of having the tail connection be part of the goal was quite unique.

I liked the theme and art style with its almost psychedelic qualities. The music was OK and apart from some small sequences which bothered me the heavy bass actually fitted well with the aesthetics. 

**I feel like losing all your points when you get hit is too harsh. Perhaps losing a smaller amount every time would have kept me engaged longer. Also, have you thought about removing the wall which opens when you get enough points? I thought perhaps it would be fun to have the circuit be a part of the map such that you had to keep visiting it to see if you could fill the circuit and then collect more if it was not enough? 

Overall, I really enjoyed your entry - good job!

If you have the time, please check out our submission as well:
Lawn & Order

Nice entry! I got 1400 points on my best try and it was quite fun. A little difficult to manage both circles at the same but I guess that also provided a bit of a welcomed challenge. 
I also liked the Main Menu music, nicely paced and fitted to the game.

I thought it was a bit difficult to understand the mechanics of when the circles break the connection and the bullets looked a bit too much like the squares - perhaps they could have a significantly different color and a smaller size?

 I overall enjoyed the experience!

If you have the time, please check out our game as well:

Lawn & Order

Cute game with nice aesthetics. I felt like Postman Pat driving around in Pallet Town. In terms of gameplay, it was a little difficult to figure out how to turn but once I got the hang of it, it felt quite natural. Also, what is the purpose of the heart-meter?

Overall a nice looking game and thank you both for the experience.

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK

Really cool! I kinda got the hang of it later in the game and it was fun to try and guess what people asked for and recognize it. The artwork, polish, and the sound was very on point.

A small bug I found was that if you poured two types of coffee into the kettle, the type in the kettle would not be overridden, instead, it would "queue up", such that when you emptied the kettle it would not be empty.

Although I think this entry is right on the theme and nails almost every point. Great job and thanks for the experience.

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK

Fun and simple experience. The effects are nicely executed and I did enjoy myself. Some of the collisions detection on the walls can be exploited such that you can wall jump. Although it is not consistent so it's not really a big issue. Also, the music is very pleasant and the overall sound mixing is good. Thanks for the experience!

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK

Simple and quite satisfying as well. I think it's well polished and overall it's a great little game which I did enjoy. Although the scaling of the difficulty could perhaps be different than simply adding more tiles to the puzzles as I must admit that putting together the Master level did seem like an overwhelming effort.

Overall I enjoyed the game and thanks for the experience.

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK

Overall I think the game is great looking and the sounds and art style are really well nailed. I personally found it hard to sense the depth and placement of the ball. I don't know if it was the lack of a shadow or the colors of the grass but I was often trying to recalibrate my senses. Also, the sensitivity on the zoom and camera rotation was a bit too high. 

In the end, I had fun with it and it was easy to get started and figure things out without too much hand-holding. Thanks for the experience.

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK

I did not expect red ominous eyes popping out at me although apart from that the puzzles seemed rather fair and the controls were just good enough for the platform puzzles to be fun. The music was rather strange but I kinda liked it at the same time. The stacking puzzle was a bit difficult and it seemed hard to stack the crates.

Overall I think that it was a challenge and I enjoyed playing it. Thanks for the experience.

If you got the time, feel free to check out our submission as well: OINK