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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ooh I think I found it, thanks! :D

Thank you, and thanks for playing! Yeah we wanted to tighten the controls up a bit but unfortunately ran out of time. :(

Thank you very much, we had a lot of fun with the audio! Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing :)

Thank you for the kind words! Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

Neat idea! I love the gameboy style, the art style is very cohesive - presentation is excellent! The music goes well too. I did find the controls really frustrating though, which made it less enjoyable for me, I couldn't get to the boss. I think a screen with the controls on it at the beginning would help. But maybe I just suck xD

Thank you and thanks for playing! Difficultly levels would be a good idea, there's a lot of chaos all at once straight away! Something to consider for next time :)

Thanks for your comment! We had intended for there to be more disasters - asteroids and smog clouds - but unfortunately ran out of time. Tornadoes would have been a great idea too!

(1 edit)


Very good game, I was a bit confused about how to use powers well without crushing everything in my path, but what can you expect from a demonic hellbender-turned-farmer :')
Definite replay value! The music fits really well, game fits the theme nicely! Very good for 48hrs, well done! :)

Edit: Made it to 11 on the leaderboard in the second play through! yaaaas

Haha no, there were 4 of us but we don't know how to add more people to game submission! xD Thanks for your kind words!

This certainly has replay value, well done! I must have played 5 or 6 rounds and didn't make it much past 2 minutes xD. It was fun but a bit frustrating in parts!

Yeah, we wanted to tighten the controls but ran out of time! Thanks for playing! :)

Neat idea, it would be cool to have a fast forward button or something when your toys are past the dangers, I found it a little slow at times. A simple but effective idea! :)

As a lover of frogs, this is an excellent game. More frogs in the future please! 

Love me a good rhythm game! And love me some frogs! So win win all the way! Great job! 

Really great entry! Once I figured out what I was doing I had a lot of fun! Nice design and visuals! 

Nice take on the theme! Would be cool to see it developed further! Great job!

Really cool idea! Really difficult! I barely got past level 1! Really enjoyed it though!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! We wanted to do something silly again this year! Always gives us the most energy to get it done! 

Glad you enjoyed it! We had a lot of fun recording the sfx! Made a recording booth from a table and some blankets! 

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :) 

Stupid humans never hire proper city planners! We've been submitting our CVs for years! 

Thank you for playing! Hope you enjoyed yourself 

Glad you enjoyed it! I hope to see you topping the leaderboard soon! 

Thank you for playing! 

That was on the list of things that we didn't quite have time to implement. One of these years we'll limit our scope so we actually get everything done...

Thank you for playing! Good to see the leaderboards are still working! Never quite managed to get them right for a GMTK! I bet you can get first place if you give it another go :P

Thank you for your kind words! The controls definitely needed another revision but unfortunately just ran out of time! Thank you for playing! 

Thank you! I agree I didn't get the controls quite right, but hey, there's always next time!

Absolutely incredible game! Really wonderfully. Really enjoyed it. Looked and sounded great! Just top notch game! 

Really fun! Played it a bunch of times! Totally accurate tornado simulator for sure! :D

Nice concept! Would be cool to see the idea developed further! 

Really interesting idea! Made me feel good inside getting them to gold! 

I really enjoyed this. Fantastic voice acting! Gave me a good chuckle! 

Our intent was to make which side to focus a difficult decision, and to reward repeat players for them knowing how the hazards would approach. 

Not saying we achieved that! But that was our intention :D 

Thanks for playing! 

No you don't suck! The controls are a little tough. I was struggling to balance speed versus precision without making everything look jank! Thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed it! 

Thank you for playing! As a forever DM I love doing voices, and that extends to our games! 

Great little game! Looked and sounded great! Would love to see more! 

Yeah we didn't quite get the controls nailed to be honest! Movement code has never been my strong suit! We originally had the map over five times that height and width, but thankfully had the good sense to shrink it down, though maybe we could've done it a bit more. 

Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed it!

We did record it ourselves yes! We made a little recording booth out of a table and some blankets :D 

Thank you for playing and your kind words!

Neat idea! Looks really great! 

Thanks for playing! Yeah it was hard to balance having enough speed to traverse the map nicely versus the overshooting. Just didn't have enough time to tweak it unfortunately!

Thanks! It is a bit hectic, we wanted to do more balancing but ran out of time D: