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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Days later, I still keep catching myself humming the first level's song to myself... I DON'T WANNA EAT MY PEAS!

Really polished and enjoyable, and I liked the variety of different seeds, with some tricky puzzles. I got pretty stuck getting the water droplet at the end of the first section, as it seemed like the flowers weren't bouncing me high enough. But maybe I was just doing it wrong!

Incredible! Graphics are fantastic, and the mechanic that works with the growth theme is simple but super well done. Great job!

I really enjoyed that! Nice design, and growing new platforms was a really interesting way to build up a level. It felt a bit punishing to have to completely start over again if you fall off the bottom of the level – it would be nicer if you lose a heart and get respawned at your previous location.

Thanks so much for your comments here and in your video! The feedback about the snake game is helpful, and I think I have a couple of ideas for how to improve that post-jam.

Nice, the grappling was really fun to use! It might be good to have some kind of projectile so you have to get closer to targets, which would force you to move around more – otherwise you can pick a lot of targets off at a distance.

Cute graphics, but as others have mentioned I found it pretty difficult! Very easy to miss watering with the watering can, or use the wrong item in the wrong place. The controls were initially a bit confusing too. Nice theme though, would be interesting to see it after some more polish!

Nice that you go from vertical to horizontal, but would be good if it then got mixed up with some other variations like different obstacles or something.

Lovely, feels like a little boardgame!

Interesting idea for a mechanic! It felt a little punishing as it was pretty much one wrong move and you were stuck. But I guess that just makes it more of a puzzle game with platformer mechanics in it!

Oh, and I guess the flat colouring was probably to help with hiding the clever tricks used to change the level around, but it sometimes made it a bit challenging to see where walls and entrances were :)

Super clever game! I had to give up in the tall room with the high up exits. I found I think 3 different exits but I couldn't work out where to go from there. Really slick seemless changing of the environment as you move about.

Relaxing, and I like the visuals, although it's hard to tell how 'well' I'm doing. Most days I advance some moss appears, but I don't know if I could be getting more / better moss, etc.

Really great, really unique idea and lovely coherent artwork. Nice job!

Interesting mechanic, I've not seen this before! However, it felt like I could just keep the goal colour until the end and then I'd be okay. As others have said, it might be good if there's a limit on time or perhaps the number of colour swaps or something.

Neat variation on a snake game! Nice idea of risk / reward growing the head vs the tail. Also interesting to see snake without the snake moving on a grid.

Great puzzle game, I loved this! Really satisfying to solve, and I like how you gradually built on the mechanics.

Thank you for checking out both endings! I’d love to add a save state in a future update so you can resume just before the end to try the other one. And thanks for the kind comments!

As far as I know it should only be for really game breaking issues during the rating period, such as an inability to complete the game, or crashes.

I got to the end! I liked how there were multiple routes through the level, although I'd agree with others that the movement felt a bit slippery. Also, if you're using artwork from elsewhere (I think this is from Heartbeast's 2D platformer), it's generally good to reference / link where it came from, to give credit to whoever created it :)

Are you able to share a Mac or HTML version? Unfortunately I'm unable to play this otherwise.

Are you able to share an HTML5 or Mac export? I'm unfortunately unable to play this otherwise!

Really nice solid game. I like the subtle movement animations, and good level design!

Hilarious, and fun – great job! Love the intro to each level, and the voiceover.

Nice game, and it's satisfying to knock down the towers! It's a little difficult though!

The music was so surprising and so good! Great job!

I enjoyed it! I really liked the clean pixel art look. I think the movement of the boxes could be a little smoother, and the section where growing damages you could be a little clearer what's going on (spikes on the ceiling?)

Relaxing clicker style game! Kind of addictive!

The way the typing was recognised was really forgiving and worked really well! Nice choice of graphics too. It would have been nice for the typing to feel more connected to the growing – perhaps if the letters were clouds and they dropped water for the plants or something.

Good job!

Would be nice to see what happens next! I think you could probably simplify the controls – a single button to pick up, drop, or interact, based on what you're currently doing (if you're stood next to something you can interact with or pick up it will do that, if you're carrying something it would drop it).

That was a lot of fun! I love the puzzle at the beginning of working out what you can eat next, and it was great each time you realise you can eat bigger things. When it finished, I wanted to keep going to see what I could eat next!

Nice idea, and cute bunny! It would be nice if the projectiles came from more directions (and were perhaps a little slower – it got hard!). Also a scoring system would be nice (could just be time based) so you can see how well you did and try to beat your score.

Lovely relaxing experience! Clipping is very satisfying :)

Very cool mechanics! I like the different brush types, some neat ideas there. A little punishing that you have to go all the way back to the start if you die.

(2 edits)

Hi! Unfortunately that didn't fix it – I think this is a general issue for Godot for Mac apps built from Windows. I saw an issue on their Github about it. I was able to get the game running via a terminal command:

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine Megethos.app

Loved it!

Great idea, and I loved the level transitions and names! It would have been nice to have more variety in the gameplay between each level, and perhaps a faster move speed.

Are you able to provide a Mac or HTML5 build of this? Unfortunately I'm unable to play otherwise!

Nice Doodle Jump-alike game! The way the plant grew as you climbed was really clever, and I like the big powered-up jumps.

(1 edit)

Fun game! I got stuck up on the floating islands, however – I couldn't work out how to get any further! Really nice feel to the bouncing :)