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A member registered Apr 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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We've just uploaded another small patch, including new additional targets! 

Check it out! 🧨🐡🧨

very cool idea! it's a nice take on the limitation as well :) the rain mechanic also gives a nice twist to the gameplay, good job!

(4 edits)

Thank you guys for all your feedback and appreciation, it really means a lot to us! <3  We are currently working on some additional updates which will include more content and various other improvements! If you have any wishes or further ideas that would contribute to this game, let us know! :D 

thanks! we have future updates planned, adding more targets for variation and additional unlockables!

Thanks for your feedback! We actually have a small patch up already, but we plan on adding much more content! More target variations and additional unlockables, as well as different game modes are planned right now!

(1 edit)

glad you liked it! :D have you tried playing in fullscreen with the button on the bottom right? we ran into somme issues for the html version, where we had to use a specific resolution for the window, but entering fullscreen mode should fix it.

Thanks for your feedback! Because of the time limit, we had to cut on some content like additional fish and fake targets etc. But we've already uploaded a small patch and have future ones planned! We will add additional fish, fake targets and other unlockable features! (there might even be a boss involved in a special game mode o.o )

we're actually working on that now! we plan on having two game modes in the future: an endless arcade mode with leaderbords and another one that focusses on upgrades and unlockables!

Heya! we've uploaded a small patch with some fixes and a few additions, including an option to reload early (RMB). we also have some more updates ramped up, focussing on additional content, game modes and unlockables!

then you're lucky! we often port our games like these to mobile, so  there will definitely be a mobile version soon! :D

thanks for your feedback! we've actually uploaded a patch with a few additions and fixes! we wanted the action to be at a max level right from the start, but in the beginning there are now much less fake targets, making it a little more relaxed in the first seconds of each run. we also plan on future additions, including some unlockables!

You really set up a good atmosphere! I also really liked the small walk to the box after fishing, it added a little extra step while not taking too long :) good job!

The artstyle is great! +bonus points for cute cats!! 

interesting idea and I like the tileset! good job!

Nice entry! simple idea but it's still a little challenging and fun to play!

Solid game! Mechanics are interesting and the controls feel Smooth! art could get a little more detail, but for a jam game that's pretty cool!

Very cool and polished game! Definetly a challenge because of the 2 button limitation. Because of that, it happened quite often that i wanted to turn to the other way around and instead pressed ok with the left arrow. Apart from this 2 button limitation, having it be played with all 4 arrow keys, one for each direction, and space or similar to press okay, would make it a bit more intuitive maybe. This would ofc result in less challenging controls, making space for additional challenging mechanics to add! But that's just some ideas, your game is great!

cool idea! it gives me pacman/snake vibes lol. main gameplay-loop is definetly there, now it would be great to have some other variety for replayability! 

Very nice! really like the mechanics and the art lookg good as well! good job!

Great entry! switching the main mechanics with the spirit shifting is a really neat idea! I also like how you introduced every mechanic step by step in the levels. Good stuff!

interesting idea, really cool interpretation of the theme! i did get stuck right in the second level at first tho, it was a bit difficult to understand what was needed to do (except the swapping ofc) still a fun entry! good job!

Very clean game! Graphics and over-all polish level are amazing! I had a few issues with all the mechanics at first, I felt like a tutorial with a quick step by step introduction of all the mechanics would be super cool, but ofc in a jam there's not always time for such fancy things haha. Great stuff!

Fun idea! I really like the idea behind the main gameplay loop. the ghosts reminded me of Boos from Mario haha, but there's definitely potential to make a complete and polished game out of this concept!

fun game! very interesting idea, I haven't seen a game like this in the last gamejams haha. challenging fun game, but I really liked the telegraphing when the boss dashed across the screen. I would've liked if something similar happened whe he dashes from top to bottom, as I found it hard to understand what he was going to do the first 2-3 times. not for the other dashes tho, there it was immediately clear ^^. great job!

Nice! Easy to understand with a simple but fun mechanic! Cool interpretation of the crossing paths! (Although I missed interaction between the two a bit. Something that makes them have a mechanical purpose - as the level was mirrored, so you technically were just controlling one in the end. Something like non-mirrored levels, different obstacles, collectibles, items, etc.) but this is still a neat and clean entry, good job! - it took me a few tries, but I got 0 in the end ;) 

Hey! Yes, we didn't have the time anymore to make all those changes in the end... (and we had to submit something at least haha)

As you mentioned yourself, feel free to check the game again in a few weeks, we promise that there will be updates with great improvements! there's a lot we will take care of, such as: balancing, new and more interesting game mechanics, etc.

Yea, this is definitely true ^^ we had quite some problems at the end which hindered us on tuning exactly those problems.. But as we will fully develop this prototype further (without the time limit now haha) we already have many game-improving changes planned! 

Haha thanks! Yes, it's pretty unbalanced for now.. BUT: try out the 2nd map! On there the player has a lot more health (40 I believe) it's not as good as an actual healing mechanic, but you will be able to play through quite some waves at least! :)