then go play a different game dum dum
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I really enjoyed this one! I also jumped in the manhole lol, and I think at one point when I was shopping the thing killed me from behind. Overall really well done, the graphics were pretty good and I like the music, I played for a little while but eventually got cornered by the thing, nearly got enough to buy the present. I especially like how there were a few almost like 'jokes' or secrets in the game. Like how the police car was surrounded by donuts.
Not too much to improve on, except maybe making it more clear with some things, such as when you are losing sanity, or when you are killed by the thing. Overall great game though!
Very nice game! I enjoy puzzles so it was cool to sit back and play, the music fit the game pretty well and overall the graphics were nice. One thing to maybe improve on is giving a slight consequence for clicking and not getting an imp. To stop the player from spam clicking everywhere. The game was very enjoyable, good job!
Good job for your first game! The graphics are very nice and simple, fitting it very well. The concept and goal of the game was pretty clear and I enjoyed playing it. (Got up to wave 13). Overall I really enjoyed it. To improve upon giving the enmeies small health bars might be nice, to help the player conserve power so they don't shoot once or twice more then they need, maybe some simple music or sfx as well. But otherwise it was pretty fun!
this one was really good, had a pretty cool design.
I played yours, it was pretty fun!
Heres my game if you want,
Really great game! I really enjoyed the concept of moving from the four different 'layers' and having to accomplish different things in each. I played until I baked the cake but couldn't figure out what to do after that, the main thing really would just be to add the option of hints. Otherwise the concept was amazing and I really enjoyed it!
Fun game! The main thing I would recomend is adding more clarity, as it took a little while for me to acutally realise what everything was, for instance the beam you shoot is very similar to the falling particles, so at first I thought I had to avoid those. Otherwise it was a fun game once I got the hang of it!
Great game! The movement is clean and the graphics are good. However, I was very confused on a few of the mechanics. Dying seems wierd, when I first played I travelled straight down and found ants and lots of food, but then I died. I was confused but then I realised it must be the ants (I think). Then I played again, went to the ant area and I didn't die at all, I ate the food that the ants drop? And my worm got huge and I just left it. A tutorial would be nice. Still a great game though!
The graphics were pretty cool and definately helped give the feeling that you are falling, I enjoyed trying to dodge enemies and get them to hit each other. One thing I wasn't sure of though is what I could hit and couldn't making all the the enemies just a little tinted red or something could help, but otheriwse it was very fun!
Mine is a game where you're trying to get as deep as you can in a dungeon, its basically doodle jump going down!
I'll make sure to play yours when I can! Mine is basicaly doodle jump, but your going down!
Pretty fun game! I enjoyed the mechanics of having to swing around while getting down, the spiks were very hidden and I didn't even notice them at first. I feel like they could be more prominent, as I am constantly running into ones I hadn't seen. But overall the artwowrk was nice and it had a good feel to it, good job!