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A member registered May 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your input. I definitely plan on it.

Thanks for the input. Yeah I didn't get around to doing a game over mechanic because I was low on time, and felt implementing more game play features was more important. Don't ask me how long it took to simply get those UI buttons to disable for the special ammo. I definitely have more plans as far as more ammo types and special effects when they interact.

Very well done. The puzzles were challenging but not overly hard. Only gripe is lack of context clues. It took me too long to figure out the alchemy system, and i didn't notice the movement counter for a while. No buttons highlight, or give any indication of what's clickable vs what's not. Overall solid entry.

This was really creative I like it. I could be wrong since I didn't fully upgrade but it seems heat is the only lose condition so there is no real need to use the gun. Maybe more consequences for leaving rabbits alive?

I could be wrong though since It's virtually impossible to play with palm check and a touch pad. I can't aim and shoot at the same time lol. 

Either way I could see this being a cozy mobile game. Maybe with little defenses for your crops. Give you more to spend money on. And the cost of losing a tile.

Wish I could take credit for the background art and music. The funny thing about the hook mechanic is it was completely unintentional. The ball was only supposed to roll a few feet and freeze the enemies in place. I wanted the enemies to keep walking but get pulled back against the chain for a trapped effect. But the physics was really wonky and hard to dial in so I just embraced it and honestly it's my favorite part.

Interesting concept. It's just tough to juggle the core mechanic in my brain. Levels 1 and 2 were a breeze. But level 3 had so many different things going on which each required a different combination that it made it hard to balance. I was constantly flicking through trying to remember not just the combo, but which side they were on so by the time I could find the combo the lights would go out. 

Thanks for stopping by. I definitely do have plans to expand it. There were a few key mechanics that were straight cut short because I didn't have time.

Was a lot of fun. I don't normally beat these things.  Only gripe is that some of the areas required pixel perfect jumps to not collide .  Pair that with spawning mid movement which causes you to run off a cliff and it can be frustrating. It was a lot more fun once it opened up.

I did end up figuring it out. It was because I was playing in fullscreen so the escape key was conflicting. After hitting it a few times it worked. I did like the game. It was simple and I can see where you were going with the sword upgrade mini-games. Any chance to beat my meat. I especially loved the "paper doll" aesthetic of the enemies. It's unique compared to all the pixel art you typically see.

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you. It was my goal to have the effects combine for ridiculous chaotic effects, but I ran out of time. Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm struggling to figure this out. I can't do anything in the first inventory menu. No buttons seem to be responsive until I quit.

It's possible it's on my end. I use a non standard layout. I did try both the standard R placement as well as my layout though. Sometimes these things happen with weird layouts. Probably me.

Interesting concept. I'm not much for puzzle games so I struggled. Little thing. It looks like the R key doesn't work for me. I had to leave the room and come back or die to restart a puzzle.

Interesting game. The movement felt good unlike some platformers. I never felt like I missed a jump due to clunkiness.

Constructive feedback: I'm not a fan of the multitude of paths in the level design. It encourages a lot of backtracking. Also, I found what I think is a bug where if you press down you get stuck in place for a random amount of time. I try hitting buttons, but am unable to reproduce what brings you out of it. It seems random. I think this may be due to the incomplete drop down mechanic.

Great game. Enjoyed!

Wow, This is fantastic.  I don't really have any criticism.  I can't say I'm a fan of the controls, but I know that's a personal preference. Can't really knock you for that.

The fireball causes tick damage. However it is planned to have a power up if you can fulfill a certain requirement in a  time frame which will power up the characters abilities for a short time and make the fireball have that pop you expect. I did add subtle particles to the spells, but I will definitely look into lighting effects.

We are definitely going to revamp the highscore system. It's sort of a placeholder and doesn't actually do much at the moment. Thanks for stopping by.

Thank you. I'm going to revamp the Griffin Archers shooting pattern now that I have time. So I expect to mix it up bit in the future.

Beautiful environment, and theme. I did like the level design. I sort of did a pacifist run and still got yelled at for killing fairies. Couple of criticisms though. Without the ability to aim up, platforming ads an unfair element to the game as it makes it unavoidable getting hit while jumping up to the next level as you have to get there before you can shoot the fairy. Not that it mattered in my pacifist run. But despite getting hit by basically everything I was never at any risk of dying. There really wasn't any difficulty. Most of the bosses attacks were similarly unavoidable. Stage 2 was awesome though. The large projectiles could bi dodged by wall jumping which felt clean. Also the collisions felt fair and forgiving. I think a bit more difficulty, and the ability to aim the gun via the mouse would be huge improvements. Also Z to shoot is a bit cumbersome when using WSAD, I'm not sure if I missed another control, but by the time I was in game I just sort of dealt with it.

Think it's hard now. You should have tried it before we added Griffin Archers. The wizards en masse are extremely op. Thanks for checking us out.

We really wanted to push a theme first and build the mechanics around that. Yeah the arrow thing is a common complaint. Thanks for stopping by and giving us a look.

Thanks for stopping by. We wanted to have 2 levels, but decided to put our efforts into polishing level 1 as much as possible.  Didn't even have time for that. I'll definitely check your game out.

There is a consequence to shooting the wizard willy nilly.

Thanks Sn4cks. You and Matt.

Really? nobody else has said anything about the arrows.. 

Thanks. I appreciate that. I've already push a fix for the arrows, just can't do much with this build until after the jam.

That's a good idea. I'll look into that. As for the audio, I'll play with the audiorandomizer to tweak the pitch a bit.

Interesting take on flappy bird. I can't really say if it's good or not since to me it feels unplayable with the mouse. I feel not using left and right or A, and D to control the flaps is a missed opportunity.  Also, Definitely needs a play again button with this kind of game.

Decent Game. I liked the power ups. They felt meaningful. Far too often are power ups making a tiny insignificant change. The ghost boss came out of nowhere and was faster than me. Sucked me in and killed me.

Not sure how this doesn't have more ratings. Creative, fleshed out, polished, and fun. I legitimately had a great time playing it. Only gripe was that it's a bit easy. There was an ample supply of health so I didn't feel the pressure to not get hit. However I feel without that it would be too hard as specifically with the turtle level I feel you get pinned by having to choose whether to get hit by the big turtle or the small ones. Maybe just limit the health a little bit. Overall though fantastic submission.

Interesting concept. Definitely more creative than many of the submissions. I'm personally not so sure the genres mix. Thinking and dodging at the same time is tough. Then balancing colors on top of that adds more mental overhead. I fear that the type of person that likes bullet hell won't like the puzzle element and vice versa. Not bad, just very niche. Overall nice submission. 

The voice actor exceeded our expectations. You can find her on Twitter/X at @dollwantstova

Thank you. We appreciate the kind words. We are definitely looking into the visibility of arrows.

I like this. It honestly game me an idea for incorporating shapes into a bullet hell. I might have to play with the concept. Came here from your youtube btw.

I liked what you have going on here. Very bare bones, yet what is there is very polished. I could definitely see this as a music game with good beat. Didn't really listen to your audio since I'm at work. Only gripe is that there was zero difficulty. I could just avoid rockets by spamming a direction key. But as a visual demo this is awesome. I can see adding more features to get more varied mechanics and difficulty. I would ask the following questions. "what if players dodge too much?", "Is there an actual reason to use the ability"? Overall great concept.

The artists and musicians really were the MVP's of this project. On a side note, I'm sorry my sound was so easily annoying. Seriously though, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to give us feedback.

Fun little game. You should look into adding collision for the bullets to give a little contextual feedback.

Those last minute bugs on submit day.. We had a few ourselves. The version of our game online doesn't have the character taunts. So frustrating because the character and theme were a big part of my vision.