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Julia Kivenko

A member registered Dec 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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That's a really well executed game! I had lots of fun flipping the knife and moving around. Though i didn't quite figure out how to change directions. The knife seems to roll around a bit when I use arrow keys, but it's not always consistent with the direction it rolls in

All in all, a very nice and fun entry

Oh I enjoy the concept quite a bit. And it's always nice to see a puzzle game!

It is a little bit tough to understand when each knight moves and why. I think half of my confusion is probably to do with pathfinding not being perfect.

Still I think it's a game with some good potential!

that's a really cute game, I love cats! if there is one overpowered animal, it's definitely a cat

I didn't quite get what ultra instinct does at first, but i see now that it slows down time, which is pretty cool. Also I fell off falling platforms a couple of times, but didn't get a retry screen, so had to reload the page to play again (but I am guessing it's missing due to time constraints)

Congrats with your first game!

It's a really fun one, and I love the presentation (especially the chnaging bookmarks depending on which op ability you select)

Jump feels a little floaty and not always easy to control, but otherwise it's pretty enjoyable!

I actually really enjoyed the game. I might have played it for a little longer than intended. In the beginning I really did feel like a turtle racing, not so much due to my speed but because of the controls which made me try to be careful and therefore naturally slow down. I very much like that. I also really like that you can practice and upgrade before challenging the rabbit-rolla.

I only found it a bit strange that you can basically just run through entire track and collect all the coins without even starting the race. Ig, it's okay if you can simply investigate the track, but in that case maybe it makes sense to disable the coins if player is not racing. That would also give me an incentive to actually try and collect all the coins during the racing while also trying to keep up the pace.

All in all, a very enjoyable entry. Great job!

I quite like the fact that you used a classic literature wor for your theme. I also quite enjoy the fact that you need to dodge succesfully to be able to perform a powerful attack against the enemy, and I like the abilities presented. I'm a fan of bullet hell shooters so it's a delight to see one ,ade for this game jam!

Tho on the other hand, I didn't quite understand how the fillbar on the side of the screen works and what exactly it shows. I had a bit of a hard time understanding how close I am to being able to perform that final attack.

Oh I quite like how you made use of both the theme and limitation. I like that you are actually going through the story, and i like that you rely on cheating to go through the stages. Nice one!

Thank you for your feedback! Right, I imagine F would be more conveniet for those who tend to play with WASD too. I shall look into that for the next iteration of the game! 

Thank you so much for your review! I am glad you enjoyed the mechanics :)

Nice work on the submission! Very nice platformer with quite a few fun mechanics, and nice level of challenge too. Great job!

Thank you for checking my game out and for your feedback!

Indeed, when making the game I was mainly testing it with a mouse, but not with touchpad ^^" In the future I will add an alternative option for controls, or maybe even see if I can let user set their own controls

That is a really enjoyable submission! The game is pretty simple, but the aesthetics, the rotating gameplay and the humaour definitely makes it stand out. Great job on the game!

Thank you for playing and glad you enjoyed it!

Very nice submission! I played it a couple of times while it was still in-development, nice to see the end result :D

As someone mentioned already, currently there is a dominant strategy of standing close to one of the screen sides and mashing a sword whenever an enemy comes at you. I also feel like screenshake when enemies land is a bit too much.

For the rest it's a pretty fun game, and I have enjoyed the storytelling, the music and the concept. Great work!

As requested, copying my comment from submission page to here :)

"Hey, nice submission! An entire survival game is quite an undertaking for a game jam, but you managed to make quite a nice submission in such a limited time! It took me a little to understand what I ave to do, so if you are planning to expand on this game in the future, a bit of a step-by-step tutorial would be neat. For the rest though, nice work!"

Hey, nice submission! Great job on making it through your fitst game jam and ending up with something pretty cool!

One issue I had is that I didn't really know what I had to do or where I had to go for quite a bit.It's only after a while that I managed to notice the objective. What you would want is to design your level in such a way that player can almost always see their objective, or at least see it at their starting position. Another thing I'd look into is the level's lighting - some parts of the level were quite dark (at least on my screen), so I had a hard time finding my way around.

That being said, I still think you did great, especially for your first game jam! Good luck with further development of this game and great work!

I can't express enough how happy your comment makes me! Thank you so much for gyour comment and for giving my game a try! 

That "played longer than I'd care to admit" part put a big smile on me :D I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thank you for giving it a try!

Hey, nice submission! An entire survival game is quite an undertaking for a game jam, but you managed to make quite a nice submission in such a limited time! It took me a little to understand what I ave to do, so if you are planning to expand on this game in the future, a bit of a step-by-step tutorial would be neat. For the rest though, nice work!

Hey, thanks for playing!

What you are describing must be a bug, as I have never implemented any stamina system of anything of the sort! I was not able to reproduce it so far, but I will keep it in mind and try to to see if I can fix it!

Thank you so much for your feedback! Glad you enjoyed both gameplay and aesthetics :)

Hey that is a really good firs game jam attempt! Love orbiting around in space and shooting turrets. I only had trouble understanding whether or not I am actually hitting the enemy turrets, I often felt like I have shot a looot of bullets at them, but they wouldn't die. Still though, a very impressive submission!

Thank you so much for your comment and for playing the game!

It really is a slightly fancier Flappy Bird :D I realised that mid-development, after days of listening to epic rock music and reading up on phoenix and its legend for inspiration, so it was quite an experience. 

Probably one of the best entries I have played! I am a sucker for a good narrative-heavy game that does sort of fourth-wall breaking stuff. I would add to have a discomfort with the flickering of the text, but overal, once again, one of the most enjoyable entries I have played. Great work!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback! Glad that you thinkthat the theme is fitting! And indeed, I feel like a lot of sfx are unfitting to the bgm, so this is one of the things I will be improving once i restart the development :)

hey great work on your submission!

I really like the eerie atmosphere, especially on the first level. The sunset really makes me feel anxious, streets and cities being so empty (aside from the enemies) also add to that feeling. 

The gameplay also has a lot of potential, but I think the core gameplay loop needs a bit of polish. Although I imagine that you have a lot of ideas on how to improve it, just couldn't put all of them into practice within 10 days :P Personally I think it's good to enhance the experience of being a long-ranged character who is weak up close, especially before the undead: maybe make it so that enemies have a bigger detection range and give player ability to hide, to really emphasize the stealth aspect of being a bow user + add even more suspence to the game. I would also add some offensive abilities to the necromancer, as right now it's a little weird that I can just shoot them so easily once I find them. Maybe once you find the necromancer AND the necromancer notices you, they command their entire army of undead to swarm you, so now all the enemies are on alert and trying to get you?

All in all, I think it's a really promising entry. Good work on your submission :D

That is a very fun game! I really like how when I die, the game tells me that maybe my children can do what i couldn't and then loops me right back to the story about my father's death. It's a clever idea AND works really well with the theme!

As someone mentioned below, I do agree that aiming with the sword is pretty tough as for the moment. In addition, it feels like shooting enemies have quite a bit of HP, so on earlier stages it can take a while before I take them out, especially when there are many of them. I also don't think I entirely understand the growth circles, or, at least, why I would want to grow them

But overall, I think it's a pretty good entry and a nice, polished game. Great job!

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Sfx 100% need to be improved, the only sfx I personally think are ok are the upgrade sound and maybe coin collection 😅 And, technically, the dollar sign should have been replaced with the icon of a point, but alas, I delayed learning how to include icons in text until the very last minute, and then I ran out of time.  Your feedback about health upgrade is a very common and very important feedback point - thisis something I will be looking into first thing once I pick up the development of this game again. 

Once again thank you for your feedback, and thank you for playing!

This is a very nice little puzzle platformer! I really like how carefully the levels are constructed to start out simple but sloly ramp up the challenge. The mechanic is simple but interesting, I can see a lot of potential in it. 

That bit of text is also very intriguing. It's a pity the game has only 4 levels, I would love to play more of it. Both because it's fun and because I want to know what's next in the story :D

The only thing is that sometimes movement seems a bit "choppy" to me, as if there is a constant friction against the ground. Maybe something up with physics material?

Overall, good job on the game!

I really like the general atmosphere of the game. The sound design, colors and post-proccessing really add to the calm and slightly eerie ambiance.

I will also add that controling the fish character was quite tough, but i understand that you struggled with its controls. I also wasn't able to find the first keys in the very first mini-game - I think it would be good to leave some sort of a clue about its whereabouts, like a little part fo the keys peaking out of the shadow and such.

Great job on your submission and congratulations on finishing it!

Thank you so much for playing! I am glad you enjoyed it, and happy to hear that the color palette looks good, as I kept going back and fourth between being satisfied with it and wanting to change it 😅

I had lots of fun playing this! You have a very solid core gameplay loop set up, with additional challenges, choices and options coming up as one progresses through the game. You described that you struggled with scope during this game jam, but managed to overcome your challenge. I think you did an amazing job re-scoping and changing your direction, because the end result is a pretty fun and solid game. 

Congratulations on completing your entry and once again, amazing job!

Thank you so much for playing my game and leaving a review!

It really doesn't help that I didn't optimize a lot of obstacles in time, so oftentimes they can really seem unavoidable. But your feedback about feeling like your upgrades are useless because of that is an incredibly good point as well. It's definitely an issue I am going to prioritize once I continue with game's development. 

I really enjoyed it! The fourth wall breaking dialogue, the chicken turning into a zombie at one point and many other things genuinely made me cackle. The game is a little tough, but in a good way. 

I'd say you could improve the jump a tad, as right now it feels quite floaty, so it's really tough to predict when it's going to land. 

It's a great entry and I had a good laugh playing it. Great job and congrats on succesfully finishing your jam entry!

Hey thank you so much for playing and for your review!

It's definitely not on purpose that obstacles are unavoidable. Unfortunately I failed to tweak all of them in time in such a way that there is always a possibility to avoid them. There is one obstacle which was designed to look impossible to pass, but actually has a small opening that player can use 100% of the time, but the rest of the obstacles just weren't optimized. 

Being able to move on the x axis at least to some degree could definitely be intersting! Thank you for your suggestion 🙂

This is an incredibly cute entry! I really like the theme of the cat and her nine lives, as well as your idea of "curiosity killed the cat". Thae game has really cute aesthetics and a game story.

There were parts that i struggled with, though. For example, I had a really tough time with the first seagull. During my first playthrough I encountered the bug someone described below with the seagull being frozen in attack pose but thought that it was part of the game,  a time loop sort of situation. It's only after a few attempts that i tried to look in the comments to see how to progress and realized it was a bug.  After that I tried all the interactions I could do near the seagull, but really couldn't figure out what to do. During one of my runs I noticed that it flew away after a while. It's only on the next run that I figured out that this happens if i meow at it repeatedly.  My suggestion would be to onboard this a bit more, or perhaps start with something that requires a single interaction to pass through. 

There also seems to be a bug with the game not entering the game over state sometimes when my cat falls into the hall

However, I like the range of interactions you can do. And also the interactions themselves - I love that I can meow and claw at things :D The sound design is also great, I in particular laughed out when I first that second evil seagull for the first time.  This game feels like a lot of passion and love went into its making, so great job and congrats on making it! 

Thank you so much for trying it out! i would love to give a try to your entry as well 😄

For me the most memorable moment was becoming encouraged to take on more complex game projects after implementing some of the systems in the game. During this game jam I used a lot of more advanced programming concepts for the first time after a long period of being scared of building anything more than a very simple prototype. So it was quite a confidence booster! 😄 Even though there are a lot of things I think I could have done better code-wise and even though there were still little improvements I wanted to add that just didn't make it in time, it was definitely a really fun experience. 

And here is what I made! https://kivenkojulia.itch.io/die-to-reburn

Thank you for your rating and feedback! Haha, sound design in general is kinda weak I feel, and I would most definitely improve on it in the future 😅

It's one of the games I had my eye on! It was a nice little experience to play through. The art is very nice and combines well with the music and great voice acting to create a serene and bittersweet experience. 

On the minus side is the controls scheme - there is a separate button for interaction, separate button for proceeding in the dialogue AND a separate button for inspecting objects around you. I feel like all three of these actions could be performed with one button. I also feel like the font chosen for the dialogue looks quite out of place in the minimalist pixelart aesthetic. 

Overall it was an enjoyable little game. I would love to once again complement the atmosphere and especially voice acting. Great submission and nice work!