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A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I'm glad that it reads so well :)) 

(1 edit)

First of all, such a well conceived piece of cover art. Super interesting image composition and great artwork!

This is giving major haunted PS1 vibes, but with modern twists when it comes to the percussion. The noise layer and broadly your use of noisy sfx captures the vibe you're going for in such a genius way. The soundtrack is concise and so incredible. The composition throughout is just nuts. 

Not enough words to say about it: truly the most skillfully crafted submission out of the whole bunch. This soundtrack is a masterpiece :O

Writing as I listen lolol,

Dreamscape is beautifully composed, and that lead flute melody is just gorgeous. The nostalgia is palpable; the simple melodies over dynamic chord progressions give such a strong sense of looking back. Also love the handpan in Inner Peace, just so calming. Serves as a strong contrast to the verby percussive hits and acid bass! 

HOLD UP! BLACK AND WHITE GOES CRAZY! That lead guitar came out of NOWHERE. And that motif is so so strong! 

Upside Down has absolutely stellar instrumentation. The way that the horns just emerge from the synth pad is dreamy, and the composition has this celestial, otherwordly vibe. The progression starting at 1:12 is absolutely genius.

Amazing work here, definitely one of my favorites that I will be revisiting and taking so much melodic inspiration from in the future :)

Woah, that shift halfway through Where Are We had me emotional. What a brilliant melody, it feels like I'm falling deeper into the water, with this melancholic edge. Tracks like Frog King contrast this vibe in a really strong way, love those chopped up vox samples and the percussion. Brilliant stuff going on here :D

I appreciate the use of that synthetic tom-like element in Prove Yourself, that whole track is full of rhythmic habits that I love to utilize myself. Super sick!

Thanks sm! :))

I would love to make a game! Thank you for the thoughtful breakdown of your thoughts track by track. I especially appreciate what you said about The Lake because that was exactly the vibe I was going for!

Thanks so so much for all of the kind and thoughtful words! I gotta take a look at the playlist, I really appreciate you bringing it to my attention :))

Thanks so much! I gotta listen to yours too before the jam is over :D

I adore this type of electronic music. Your sound selection and composition throughout was incredible. From the first track I was reminded of Celeste, so I was immediately positively biased towards your sound LOL. Love the percussion too. This is one of my favorites I've seen so far :)

The quantity and quality of work put out is completely stellar, amazing stuff!

Thanks so much for the thoughtful feedback!

Thank you so much for the incredibly detailed response! Your kind and thoughtful words mean so much 🫶

Thanks for the feedback 😎

Amazing sound texture, I'm loving it so much 😎

Super unique idea & I'm loving the vibes. Cool stuff! :)

We gotta talk about how you got this mix to sound SO incredibly full. The music is just beautiful and really transported me to another place. Blue feels like I'm falling in slow motion into another dimension. The orchestral swells and dynamic range of your composition are absolutely insane. Then Dive is such an incredible "first area" theme. I could imagine a vibrant blue expanse to explore and meet interesting NPCs in. Love how the prod really brings you in and out of the water. Drums in the Wave track are such ear candy. And those mallet-like elements?? BROOOO. The drop in Flow?? BROOOOO! Also rocking with the love those gospel voices are getting in Sink, that is like one of my favorite logic sample packs to work with. The last two tracks are just...bro I can't it's too good :'-))

I wanna emphasize how impressed I am with the presence of your string pads throughout the tracks, they are mixed so fantastically. This soundtrack is my new favorite from the jam thus far. I cannot wait to see what you make next :D

The combination of ambiences and synths you use here are genuinely frightening and yet somehow...kind of nostalgic? This is one of the most evocative jam entries I've listened to, just incredible command of emotion.

Great composition, I really appreciate how melody-driven your music is. That's my favorite way to write too :))

I love the openness of the first track. Creative panning too! Nicely contrasted by Plains in my Dreams, which is giving me DK Country vibes~.

My favorite is definitely Rejected Memory. Really unique take on a boss theme, it feels almost introspective, which is super appropriate! Love the work :)

The mix on this is straight up insane. Excellent composition as well; even more impressive in just four days. The opening track captures such a wide breadth of emotion. Those strings are singing!

Thanks so much for the kind words! The Hall's drums are a broken up dubstep fill & I'm glad that the contrast reads :))


My favorite submission so far. Your composition skills are insanely evocative and this soundtrack is just incredible. Girlfriend and I were in awe :'-)

Aw thanks so much it's incredibly appreciated!

Aw I'm so glad it resonated, thank you so much :')

ty :))

Big fan of sharp percussive elements, so you already know that this tickled my ear. The vibes are immaculate!

This soundtrack is so incredibly atmospheric, I absolutely adore the sound you have achieved with your lead synths. Just so magnificent and well composed, and that's all before how impeccably clean the mix is. I love it so much! :)

LOL don't worry, I completely understand and appreciate it so much. Thank you!

Omg thanks so much for the kind words :'-) 🫶

Much appreciated!

Thanks so much for the kind and in-depth articulation of your thoughts, it is so incredibly appreciated :))

Thanks so much, I'm really glad the vibes are reading so well in The End. I also appreciate your compliment regarding unique sound selection as that is something I really strive for. Much love! 

Thank you so much, that's my personal fav as well :))

I really appreciate you taking the time to give your honest and very warm thoughts regarding the whole soundtrack, it gives me so much to think about and take into my next projects. Thank you 😎

YO Earthbound?? Highest praise tysm 😭🫶

Awe thank you so much!

Watching the YT video of the code executing is genuinely mesmerizing. Combined with your clear talent and ethic for composition, I have no doubt that if you continue making those videos they are going to absolutely blow up sometime. Glad I can be here before 100 subs 😎.

Truly incredible stuff.

Composition is on point! Really nice work on both the focal melodies and the layers of ambience :)

That use of the distorted keys is so evocative and I love it. Your story really resonates with me and I can tell we are kindred spirits w/regards to what this jam's theme evokes. 

Also the title is brilliant.

Your music is so unique, I'm floored to hear your incredibly strong composition. From the first track I was literally reminded of the first time I heard Celeste music. You and I see eye to eye about the combined use of verby synths and piano too ;)

 Amazing amazing stuff :)