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A member registered Nov 21, 2017

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Nice idea, couldn't advance very far though, I'm not very good at physics-based puzzles. I think there's a lot of polish to be done, for instance automatically restarting the level if the player falls.

Very nice and fun minimalistic sandbox! 

The controls are sadly really difficult to handle, because you shoot in the direction the character is facing, and because the character's orientation constantly resents downwards :/

The controls are a bit challenging to use, especially with the high gravity of the game.

Thank you, I'm really glad you took the effort of trying to understand the mechanics! :)

Thank you! :D

Thank you very much <3

Thank you a lot! :D

Not especially original, but nice level design, fun gameplay and cute graphics. Had quite some fun trying it out :)

The game seems to take an eternity to load :/

The idea is curious, but I really struggled to understand how it is supposed to be played, and still can't make any sense from what is actually happening ^^' A bit more clarification in the description would be welcome, I think.

Nice idea, though the controls are a bit strange, and the feedbacks slightly unclear. I wonder if the game could use the link between the two characters as a slightly more central combat mechanic.

The minimalistic point & click concept is pretty fun, though not super easy to grasp from the beginning, especially with a time limit - might benefit from a tutorial with the minimal amount of information.

This game is a gem, I really loved the way it completely messed up my perception. On the other hand getting that first cat was probably my biggest achievement as a gamer. Ever.

Really fun game all way round, with a nice degree of polish interesting level design!

Really cool idea, fun to play, but would definitely benefit from more polish on the interactions - specifically I found joining new parts especially tedious, sometimes repeatedly bumping into the pieces without managing to catch them.

Also in the end I ran into an enemy core I just couldn't kill - I shot everything around it down, but the core itself just wouldn't die :/

The idea is great and the realization is superb. I just wish it was intended to build all filters in one go and then just watch the shapes go, instead of having to move the filters around while everything moves inside. I think having to move them around on the go gives the game a somewhat messy feel that I would have preferred to avoid. But anyway, didn't prevent me from spending half an hour toying with filters :') good job

I loved that gameplay gimmick ^^ Might lack some polish on the feedback side, but the possibilities those mechanics offer are really good!

Pretty nice game, ugh that level 3 though :')

The idea is very fun but controls are really difficult to use at times, especially since each wheel gathers speed really fast.

Thanks a lot! :D

Thank you! It is really kind <3

Thank you for your comment! Indeed the difficulty progression is quite rough, we didn't have the time to iterate much on it, but I would love to do so in the future :D Health pick-ups are a cool idea that might lead the player to make more choices in their coverage of the map, I write it down!

Thank you! <3

Really nice game with a good execution. It's hard to feel the theme in it though - I understand that you're "joined to your stinger", but losing the stinger essentially means losing most of the time anyway. It might be better if the gameplay without stinger was more accessible.

Really cool game with simple yet efficient graphics, I like it! Every once in a while I am not able to jump at the beginning of the level and have to restart the level to use the jump again, but it's not very annoying, given the rhythm of the game.

The concept is pretty cool, nice interpretation!

Thank you for your comment!

Indicating where they will go might make the display a bit messy given the amount of enemies, but giving them more predictable patterns is definitely something I'd like to explore!

Thank you! I'd like to give some more hints at the beginning of the game, maybe a micro-tutorial too, indeed! :)

Thank you!

Actually we were able to walk and shoot over the worm at some point, but it kinda reduced its physical feel :/ But I think there are things to be done both about the arena layout and the wave rhythm!

Thank you, I'm really glad that you're enjoying our game :D

Thank you very much! <3

Thank you for your kind words!

Haha don't get your hopes too high, we didn't get to design any more enemies in the jam time, and we do know that our difficulty curve is too steep ^^' But I'll definitely try adding more enemies and rebalancing the difficulty in the future!

Very fun and original idea, and nice realization. Having several people to satisfy quickly puts a lot of pressure on the player, I wonder if it could have been better to make the transition smoother by having each person require a reduced amount of tasks for a day or two when you increase the amount of people.

Thank you very much! We pretty much all agree on the fact that the enemy number increase is too fast, sadly we lacked the time to fix that on the jam time, but I would love to iterate on this game in the future!

Aw, thank you a lot! We do hear that the number of enemies goes up way too fast, sadly we lacked some time to iterate on the progression design during the jam, but I would love to put some more work in it later!

Thanks <3 The difficulty curve is a bit steep yeah, I would love to iterate on it though!

Thank you very much, it means a lot! The difficulty curve is a bit steep indeed, we might want to make it smoother, and changing the layout over time is a very nice idea!

Feel free to look, though I think it's the most polished game jam game we did as a group ^^'

Thank you very much! We did lack some time to test and iterate the difficulty and level design, but I would love to do it if I find the time.