Really fun game, at first I didn't understood how to play but eventually managed to get a 31 seconds run.
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Art is very pretty and bosses were nice. I just felt that exchanging health for damage wasn't really worth it compared to healing yourself. Some attacks of the bosses were hard to see and you could spam attack on some of them destroying the proyectiles and damaging him at the same time. However they were difficult and didn't felt unfair. This was a really good game
Thanks for the feedback! There was actually a map but it doesn't work completly as intended and I didn't mention anywere at all so I understand if many have missed it. However even with that map navigation can be really hard. I'm happy that you liked the armor recovery system altought as you said probably should make it a bit easier.
Thanks for the feedback! You're right It was kinda a desperation move before deadline I should just screenshot the intro and put it as the cover art. I'm aware how aimless this game can be, this is probably what needs the most improvement overall as of now it's mostly completing "events" found in the dungeon to get keys for a single door.
Overall the game feels really good. I really like the visuals with the music and the mix between 2D and 3D is really well done. My only complains are as others have said the camera movement and some minor details in mechanics:
Maybe the dash could have some cooldown, at least with every enemy except the final boss I could spam dash to the left while shooting in circles avoiding every attack.
Regarding the final boss, I feel like it's such a big power spike in difficulty compared to the other bosses that were in my opinion way to easy, at least for me.
Exploring definetly was the best part of the game. I feel that I could play it for hours with a bigger map and some kind of minimap to know where I am.
Thanks for the feedback! It's true that sound is clunky as it's what I spend less time on, it really helps to know which sounds should be tuned down. Regarding the starting area, I would really like to expand it with its own enemies and boss so it can introduce the core mechanics better. It's something I'll be working on in the near future.