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A member registered Apr 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I will try to improve the controls!

Thank you very much!!!

Very good! The shooting in an arena inevitably reminded me of Serious Sam

I don't know if I expressed myself well in English when I talked about the game being monochrome, but I'm actually praising it, because it's beautiful and fun regardless of the limited color palette

In my opinion, combat is quite difficult since you start with zero mana and stamina. I think an arrow to indicate where to collect the items at the beginning would be very helpful. The graphics are very nice, especially the enemies.

The sound effect of the player shouting is very funny!

At first I found the game unfair, because without knowing what the next obstacle will be, you can't calculate the exact height to let go of the rope, but after a while I started using a “short rope” technique to go more slowly and see the challenge ahead.

It worked well for me, it's how I managed to get further, but I still didn't get anywhere near the records.

Another thing that struck me was how fun the game is, even with its simple graphics. Nowadays, AAA studios spend a lot of money on realistic graphics, while a monochrome game that does the basics is more fun.

Congratulations on a job well done!

Thank you very much for playing and for the feedback! The side boost idea is very good and I'll try to implement something along those lines! I'm really glad you liked the retro atmosphere.

Very fun! It's impressive how simple geometric shapes with a little lighting made the game beautiful! Pure arcade style gameplay!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! It's always difficult to balance the difficulty curve during a jam, as it depends on gameplay testing, so I made my day when you said it was good!

Yes, I used a laptop. But my mouse has DPI regulation so I left it very low to see if it helped, but it didn't change much. However, there is also a high chance that it is my lack of skill in the game.

Fun! It goes well with mobile! It's worth investing in to launch it on the playstore! It's a game I would play in the doctor's waiting room!

Very good game and well within the theme.

The only thing is that the controls are a little strange. The mouse simply rotating the character in the direction of movement is very bad (I even implemented it like this in my game, but after testing I gave up). It would be more interesting if there was a crosshair that the mouse moved, so the player looked at it. It would also be better if the directional pads or keys a and w were strafe left and strafe right, since the aim is on the mouse.

The character could also move a little faster, but we know that these balances depend on gameplay testing and no one has much time for that in a jam.

The very good music generates a feeling of action and urgency that matches the game.

Congratulations on the work!

I'm always impressed when people manage to do good UI work in a jam! Congratulations on this aspect, menu, tutorial and everything.

The idea of the game is really cool, but I found it annoying that you launch a car into a horde and only kill one enemy.

Another detail is that normally attacks have to have a quick response, here, even for a heavy attack (launching a car), the response is very slow.

Some physics bugs also occur when loading objects.

The 3D models used are beautiful and match each other very well. The game has a very eye-catching look and has a lot of potential!

Very original idea. Difficult, I tried several times and didn't get very far, even lowering the DPI of my mouse to try to reduce sensitivity.

Fun and challenging. At first I missed some music, but the sound of nature in the background made perfect sense.

The idea of killing enemies with one shot by shooting to activate traps fits the theme well and is very original. The camera movement when showing the traps being activated was also cool. Unfortunately, the controls are not cool, which harms the experience.

It draws attention to how well-finished the game is, with menus and tutorials, which we rarely see in jam games. The gameplay is fun and fits well with the theme. I liked the particle effects, simple but effective. Only the aim is not very precise.

It took me a while to understand how the game worked, but it's really good! I liked the special effects, a lot of juice!

The idea is very good and fun, as well as fitting well with the theme, but I really missed a shot reload indicator.

Thank You! This is a good way to score without worrying about ammo!

oh, seeing this idea implemented would be pretty funny to say the least.

(1 edit)


Pixel art games always enchant me! Very fun, after evaluating others games I will come back to get a position on the leaderboard

The enemy sprites are very nice. Some sprites look like Unity's geometric patterns and clash with the beautiful enemies. The space key shot isn't bad, but it would be better on the mouse. The suitability for the theme is great.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I'm very happy that you liked it!

Really balancing the number of bullets was difficult and didn't turn out the way I wanted.

I was doing these juice effects with shiny numbers just as the jam time ended XD! But after the jam is over I will send the improved version and you can check it out!


Thank you very much! Flying and letting enemies kill each other is the best way to score!

The idea is really cool and gave me great nostalgia for the old arcades where we used a gun to shoot enemies that appeared on the screen. But unfortunately it got stuck on my computer.

Very fun! I really liked the adaptation to the theme, having to collect the power up of the skill we used to be able to use it again.

Unfortunately, the game broke for me at a point when I used the flip and shirink practically together and then the character left the game and was walking around outside the level. This is what earned me first place on the leaderboard. I was going to take a screenshot to send it to you but when I broke the record the game ended

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

Muito obrigado amigo! Fico feliz que tenha gostado do jogo!

As belas artes, assim como a música e os efeitos sonoros são quase inteiramente obra de Ansimuz, um dos melhores artistas de pixel do Itch:


Thank you very much for the feedback! I will definitely improve the visualization of the bullets after the jam.

Excellent game! Fluid and well executed gameplay. Good sounds. The idea for the theme was very similar to mine. One of the best in my opinion

Good application of the theme! The art is beautiful!

Very good and fun game. How sad it is to have to chase the ball so far away. The music gives a really cool feeling of adrenaline. The fulfillment of the jam theme was perfect




I will try!