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A member registered Oct 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This was a cool game! I like that you showed where the enemies spawned, it made it feel fair. Also I like how the bullets were projectiles instead of raycasts, it added an additional level of challenge that was fun to play around with. My only issue is when moving the camera, I sometimes have my screen taken up by the wall and it feels bad to have taken damage due to it. Other than that, great work for your first game! Happy to be your 20th rating!

Thank you so much! That means a lot from the puzzlemaster themselves... Thanks for playing!

This was such a cute game! For puzzle enthusiasts this will definitely scratch your itch!

Ah... Helltaker but with cute pixel graphics and cats... Turns out I'm still terrible at turn-based puzzles LOL. But seriously this game was incredibly cute and well-polished. From everything starting with the intro cutscene and the pictures of cats, it's clear you put a lot of love in this game  and it definitely shows. Especially with things like not letting the spikes kill you, it just scoots you back. Great touch. Overall just a really fun puzzle game, I could see it popping off in the app store. Well done!

This game was so cute, watch out for those nasty cats!

This game was so cute. At first I wasn't very impressed, until I realized you could squish yourself under the doors.... Then I went around the map and made sure to eat every last crumb I could find, the cake at the end never tasted so good. Amazing graphics, good sound design, just really well done for making literally everything from scratch. Great job team!

Already played this one earlier today, seriously underrated game. Needs more attention!

This was a super cool puzzle game and the graphics are amazing. Check out the game page before playing though!

That was a really cool puzzle game, I've never seen anything like it before. The graphics are absolutely amazing, whoever did the spritework should be proud. It took me a little bit to figure out the instructions on the game page, but when I realized the puzzles were really fun. Great work you two! 

Oh and I did find a glitch where if you spam click the corridor, you can skip the puzzles... but I went back and did it legitimately of course!

This was a cute little puzzle game about managing some antsy lemons, thanks for sharing!

This game was really cute! I really like the mechanics you introduced to the game and the pause button was a nice addition. It was fun trying to get the timing right, I didn't want a single lemon falling into that tequila... The only thing that it really needed was a way to speed up the level or reducing the amount of lemons, but it wasn't too long of a wait. Besides that this was a really nice puzzle game, well done!

Just finished playing, great mechanic showcase for only a few days of work!

(1 edit)

Wow doing this all from scratch is very impressive, well done! I thought the idea was interesting and you nailed the theme, I wanted to know what was behind it! Unfortunately I didn't get to complete it because the keypad would keep double pressing a number, and I couldn't type the code correctly. Besides that, I thought the timer and the overall "HURRY UP" transformation was a great idea and I got genuinely stressed out haha. Great work for such a short time period! If you have some spare time I would love it if you tried my game too!

Thank you thank you, the developer may have used the wrong animation clip but it will all be ironed out in post... Thanks for playing!

Easily one of the most well-designed (and challenging) puzzles in the jam, try this one if you're into block pushers.

(1 edit)

This is easily one of the best games in the jam.  The narrative story that went alongside the puzzles was a great idea to keep the player interested in finding out what comes next. The art was fantastic (it looked straight out of a paid asset pack). The puzzles themselves were brilliant and obviously well thought out. In fact, they might have been a little too brilliant... the doors added a high level of complexity making the later levels extremely tough to figure out, I got stuck myself and had to stop playing after like 20 minutes on the same level haha. Difficulty aside, I wouldn't even consider this to be unfinished, you could slap a price tag for a dollar or two and sell it in its current state and I think it would be worth the money. The only improvement I would make would be to change the crate colors, as they blend into the floor tiles a bit and make it hard to take a step back and look at the puzzle. Great job to the team, you all did great!

Great job for your first jam!

Jumped way too hard at that jumpscare, the picture wasn't even that scary LOL. I like the idea of pressing the button to move the game, I usually get lost wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out how to make progress. This is really great work for your first game jam, especially since everything besides the controller was made by you from scratch. Great job, can't wait to see what you make for the next one! If you have some spare time I would really like if you checked out mine too!

Really unique game, check this one out if you like the retro vibe.

Wow this was such a unique game. The graphics and the audio were such a nostalgic vibe, I liked them both a lot. The theming and using Janus was brilliant, not only using doors but having to pay attention to determine which of the faces is a liar. My only feedback is that dying to the enemy in the second floor felt very punishing, I think I would have liked it better if it just put me back to level 2 instead of going to the main menu. Other than that, you guys did a great job and made something very polished! Well done! If you have some spare time I would love it if you tried my game too.

This one is a spooky one, don't get lost.....

I like the idea of being surrounded by doors in a massive labyrinth. It's very disorienting and adds to the atmosphere when there was a horrifying black bean chasing you! The exit said to find the three keys, so I got one on the desk and two glowing ones but the exit didn't open, so I was probably missing something. I like how the doors closed behind you and the monster also interacted with them, making it a lot harder to keep track of where you've been and increased the difficulty. Good job! If you have some spare time I would really like if you checked out mine too!

Can't recommend this one enough. Incredible level of polish, I'm shocked you did this all in 7 days.

This game was totally tubular, dude!!! There is so much care put into this game, you can tell by how polished it is. I didn't read the controls and had a moment where I softlocked myself and I instantly just pressed 'R' because I knew you had thought of it and put it on the key that made the most sense... and it worked. Plus pressing down on upside down teleports instead of up. That's how you know you have a great game. The puzzles were fun, the audio was great, the design in throwing the doors was super interesting... Easily one of the best games in the jam. Amazing job! If you have some spare time I would love it if you tried my game too!

Definitely a cool little escape room. The puzzles are very intuitive, great for people like me who are terrible at puzzles.

(2 edits)

This was a great little escape room. I liked the mechanics, and I liked that the puzzles weren't TOO hard as I always get stuck, I think this is the first one I didn't get stuck on haha. Also liking the One Piece and T1 references... A small thing I thought was great is that for the final arrow puzzle, you used the same color scheme as the previous one, that kind of thoughtfulness is what I really like about games. Great job! Oh and I forgot to say you should make more puzzle games, you're good at them!

Great work for only two days! And glad to hear, hope you enjoy it!

Wow this was made in only two days by a beginner? Man I can't wait to see what you can do with the full seven days, this was a really cool mechanic for such a short time-frame. The visual feedback on the click was definitely a nice addition as well. Great work!

The fact that this has such low attention is criminal. Go play it, seriously.

First of all, thank you so much for adding a slider for mouse sensitivity. I move my mouse a centimeter and my character would do a 720 LOL. Secondly, it's absolutely criminal this game has such low attention. There were so many cool mechanics packed into a game jam, from being able to pickup/inspect almost everything (even couch cushions), highlighting interactable objects, a working blacklight... On top of having a really good set and graphics. Just floored by this one, probably one of the best of the entire jam. The only thing it needed was a hint mechanic either in-game or in the game's description, as I got stuck on the blacklight part because I have a peanut brain when it comes to escape rooms haha. Amazing job, well done team! If you have the time I would appreciate if you could check out mine too!

Just played it, thanks for sharing!

This was a nice game! I liked having to solve the puzzle and the door closing on me and creepy laughs were spooky. The only thing I would add is it would be nice to have the reticle on the screen the whole time and turn red when you hover over an interactable object as a nice QoL change. Nice job! It would be great if you checked out my game as well if you find some free time!

Really cool puzzle parkour game, well done!

This is a really interesting and unique game! I really like the idea of having to use boxes to parkour up places and I think you explained the mechanics well through showing instead of telling. The doors were of course very cool and you really nailed the theme for this jam. I got pretty far in the game before I got softlocked by slipping and my poor box was stranded at the top of the wall. Besides that and maybe making the game slightly less mechanically difficult (like making the jumps a little easier) I thought the game was really good! I would definitely pay some money for a full game when it's polished, I love parkour games. Great work! I would love if you could check out mine if you have the time!

This game has a great vibe to it, very polished, I'm glad I got to play it!

This is really impressive having pretty much everything done from scratch while adding so much replayability! I liked how you added the skip time button instead of having to wait a long time arbitrarily, that made it easier to skip to new content. The graphics and audio were very good, just a great amount of polish overall. At the end I had enough time to find 8/11 endings, and I was impressed by the variety. This one is probably one of the best games I've played in the jam, very well done! I also thought the similarities between our game were very funny (even down to a slenderman ending), if you have some free time I would love for you to check out mine too!

Thanks for playing! Your game is on the list, I will play it soon :)

Thanks for the kind words and thank you for playing!

The notes are actually a randomized mad lib based off a large word bank, so it sounds like you got pretty lucky with your CUSTOMIZED lore haha. Thanks for playing!

It sounds like you created QUITE the masterpiece, good job for setting the bar so high... Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate the positive feedback and I'm happy that you enjoyed playing!