It's unfortunate that it runs during the exact same time as the big biannual Brackey's jam, this one looks really fun too.
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Making this all pretty much from scratch is incredible. The getting out of the car part is also very interesting and something I haven't seen done in these types of games, which really helped to solidify the theme. The graphics are great and helped form that Mad Max vibe of lawless vehicular hijinks. Overall just really solid work and a very interesting concept, the team did great work on this!
I finished playing and was looking to see whether it was a team that made this or if this has been in development in a while... Making all of this in seven days is an insane amount of work, especially for this level of polish. I love the backpack hero inventory system, I loved the weapon modifications, and I especially loved all the juice you squeezed into this. The aesthetic was also amazing, my eyes went wide when I see the menu LOL. The only thing I can think of that would make the juice better is to have the enemy bounce a little when the player stomps near them and takes a step, to convey the weightiness of the mech. Really amazing game, you should feel proud.
This was a cool project! I don't remember seeing something like this before, it's very creative. I like the strategy element of determining where to build bunkers and predicting where ones might be good in the future. In the beginning, I was unclear of how the mechanics worked, so I put a bunch of bunkers in the middle of nowhere away from the bombings and wasted a lot of my resources. A little text popup in the beginning would solve that issue pretty easily. If you were to keep expanding on the project, which would be a good idea, it would be nice to have more actions for the player to do between bombings. There's a ton of stuff you could implement depending on the direction of the project. Great work!

I've gone and done it! That was pretty fun! Two small points of feedback: I thought the game was glitched because I couldn't place anything where I tried, I had to look in the comments to see what to do. I think some more specific instructions in the instructions page would help out dummies like me haha. The second feedback is maybe preserving the player's unfinished structures for the next wave or having some indicator to let the player know unbuilt structures will be lost and not compensated.
Other than those two small things, the game is beautiful and incredibly polished. I thought for sure this was from an asset pack, kudos to the artists. No bugs, interesting mechanics, nailed the theme... overall an amazing submission!
Thank you for the feedback! I think you bring up a good point, there could have been more interesting/challenging mechanics for feeding customers. That gets somewhat addressed later in the game with other subtypes that have unique mechanics, but it should have been more of a focal point in the development process. Thank you for playing!
Wow this game looks like a ton of work for just 7 days! The story was funny, the controls were pretty smooth, and the graphics/animation were great. The initial cutscene of panning around the world was a great introduction. I had a little glitch where my mouse leaves the window in the Windows version and isn't locked into the center of the screen, but I bypassed it by only turning left so it stays on the correct monitor haha. That shogun didn't stand a chance... Fun game, you did a great job!
Well well well... According to the discord, I believe this picture entitles me to a doodle of a chubby monkey perhaps?
This game was super fun!! At first the random turret placement and base moving was really jarring and I immediately almost died, but after that initial shock I realized it's actually really clever. Having to constantly remake your maze to adapt to the placement of your base position and towers is challenging, but probably the best part of the game. The only feedback I have is that it's pretty easy to game the system by closing an opening right before the enemies get there and opening up another one, so you can just make the bounce back and forth infinitely until your towers mow them down. Art was beautiful, loved the voice acting, story was fun, overall a really amazing game! Team did fantastic, well done everyone.
First of all, I love the art in the game! Good job for doing it all yourself. I thought the mechanics in the game were really interesting, having a aggression bar, the battle mechanics, choosing to recruit or fight... I did get softlocked in a battle after I tried to switch positions, which was unfortunate but understandable since it's a game jam after all. I think after a bug sweep, it definitely has the potential to be fleshed out as a full game! I especially like the grid based combat, I'm a sucker for those kinds of strategy games. Great job overall, I hope you keep working on it!
Thank you so much for your comment, it made me smile when I read it. You give out some good points too, definitely going to need to whip up a boilerplate menu for future jams... I agree with the theme being the weakest, I tried to weave it into the story but there were definitely better ways to incorporate it.
P.S. I tried to take a picture of my final base in Stack Island to show you. The picture did not turn out very well...
It wouldn't be a game jam if there weren't a few criminally unplayed games in it. This is such a cool concept, I don't remember seeing anything like this before. The balance between frantically throwing stuff in your pile then building it up in the last second was very engaging. That last level... I'm sure it can be done, but not by me LOL. I think the safety line was a good foot above my head at the end. My only two points of feedback are: the rotation tool is a bit unintuitive, I ended up just positioning my player instead of the rotating tool because it was easier for me. The second one is small too, it would be cool if at the end, the lights turned back on when you died and you got to see your base so you could send a screenshot to your friends! I know there was a spectator mode, but I was 10 leagues under the sea before I remembered. Overall this was a really great game with lots of nice features and deserves to be played more!
Hey, so I tried to play this quite a few times because it looks really cool and I wanted to try to beat the boss! However in every attempt, I was unable to scroll through my backpack or craft or anything. It's a shame because the art is so great, the pickaxe is fun, you clearly put i a lot of thought and effort, even the signs can be chopped (I love that). If you have time, the game jam rules allow you to fix game-breaking bugs, and a game this promising deserves to be played. I would love to try it again with the worst of the bugs gone!
Oh man, the first time the screen started shaking I was terrified haha. I thought the setup for the game was smart, showing the player how to beat it instead of telling. Then of course the elevator scene was great to prime the player, and the narrow corridors really helped as well. I got three of the fuses, but I am not sure how to evade/beat the monster, it seemed like whenever he got near it was game over, but maybe that's a skill issue? Overall good job!
First off, I have to say... Wow, conduits are insane. I think I had over 1000% efficiency on all my buildings at one point haha. The game definitely has a learning curve but it's fun to strategize and even more fun to break it (without using the negative bug of course). The fact that all the music, graphics, art, code all of it was done in mostly a day is absolutely crazy. My only gripe is that it was inconvenient when workers were assigned to processing buildings and ran out of resources and would sit there, I didn't realize you had to manually unassign them until I almost beat the game. Really fun game, I would love to see the concept expanded on. Amazing work to the team!
How in the world did you all make an escort mission one of the most polished games in the whole jam? Giving the player decisions on how to defend the NPC was interesting and challenging, the overall mechanic of the weapon was satisfying. The only thing that felt a little off was the melee attack of the parry, it felt more responsive just tossing the weapon down point blank and retrieving it than meleeing.
Also the little things, like using an obstacle to show the player how to attack, kamikazing a monkey to show how lightning works, and the graphics... absolutely beautiful.
Really amazing work, the only thing I didn't like is the cliffhanger... I want to play more and see what happens next!
Hey, I would love for you to check out my game! I'll check out yours as well today.
I probably won't be able to show up right when it starts, so feel free to skip me until I pop in :)