Cool game!
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Would you fish in this lake?Can you survive the dangers of the Grobnik Lake?
You came here to catch some fish but something happened to this place and now every fish is, well... different...
Get some baits and some planks and catch everything you can to gain money and buy upgrades, so that you can catch even more! But watch out for the deepest zones...
Are you serious!
This is one of the finest games in the Game Jam presentation! You managed to correctly match the theme with the limitation.
Good thing you went and commented on my game otherwise who knows when I would have seen yours...
I loved the fact that the number of connections to make changes depending on the amount of vertices in the shape. I also liked the screen shake effect although it's probably a bit much but maybe it's just my impression. Also I think you should make the intro skippable so if someone loses they don't have to wait those seconds to start again.
Despite that, great game!
Thanks a lot for playing and for the review!
I didn't spend much time on optimization because I thought it wouldn't be needed since it's a short game anyway and with a low amount of polygons or models, but reading what you wrote I assume that in fact it would be needed, I'll keep this in mind for any future project.
I liked the fact that you have to quickly think about which tool to use (bullets or shield) and this is a great gameplay gimmick.
However, I think the game is missing some sound effects or music that could really raise the bar!
Also, as someone else in the comments mentioned, I think there's a little too much delay between the shields and the shooting but maybe I'm wrong and I just need to gitgud :P
Other than that, good idea :)
The spiders' movement made me realize I actually have arachnophobia...
Really cool concept and really fun, great combination of the theme and limitation, also the spiders were scary as hell.
Sometimes the spiders don't get electrocuted even if they collide with the electricity beam, I don't know if I'm just stupid and didn't get the mechanics or if it's a bug.
I'd love to play this on a daily basis if it was a bit more polished :)
Good use of the limitation by removing the player controller and relying only on physics and simple level design.
Are the grids on the background just visual or do they serve any purpose?
Normally I would've adjusted the change of gravity so it would have followed the momentum of the moving crate but I think you preferred to leave it like this for game design reasons and I think it's cool.
Well done!
Thank you so much for playing!
I know, I suffer from this problem a lot because my game is made using Unreal Engine 5 and I don't think it has native support for web apps, also it's the only engine I know how to use well...
I didn't know it was this tedious to start UE games, especially with the "download C++" and driver thing.
I guess I'll have to learn some Unity or Godot before joining a game jam again.
Thanks for the tip!
Nice idea and cozy game, the sounds are satisfying and you managed well to combine the limitation with the theme.
I've found it a bit too easy to gain money and I think it would've been better if you added letters to display big numbers like K for thousands, M for milions etc...
Also there's a small bug where the money goes negative:
other than that, for being the first game you made in 6 hours it's really good.
P.S. e sei anche italiano :)
Interesting idea, but i find it hard to differentiate between left and right when hearing the footsteps, I don't know if it's just me but i'm hearing them like they're always coming from the front and not from the sides.
The style makes for an immersive experience and the jumpscare is really effective...
Great use of the limitation and of the theme overall :)