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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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Great policy!

Oh, that makes much more sense! I thought it was just a very unusual game design decision at first.

Fun little game! I definitely spent like 45 seconds thinking I had to press the number keys in order to punch, though. But once, I figured it out, it was fun, and I was totally bopping to the music. Nice work! 

Super fun! Well done! 

I love the idea behind this game, and the controls are snappy. I feel like it's a little too much too fast though. Would have been nice to have a tutorial area to have time to realize that you need to weaken the enemies before you can take their weapons. Or just giving the player some more health. Overall, great job! Very fun game! 

Very interesting concept, but a little bit difficult to control. I liked that there was a mini map, and I also like that you added a storyline into the game. Nice job!

Nice game! Very simple, but well done, with nice graphics and very helpful sound effects. I will say that it took me a while to figure out the controls.

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I enjoyed playing this game, but for some reason moving to the left seems to be mapped to the Q key instead of the A key. That might cause many people to get stuck and not know how to progress. You have to move left in like the second level, which is before you even get the hourglass, which is the most interesting part of the game. Other than that, I liked this little puzzle game quite a bit. Nice work! 

Great game! I played all the way to the end, and had fun the entire time! It has all the great aspects of a matching game, and makes them even more chaotic and fun by adding in combat elements. At first, I found it really hard to keep track of which enemies were which, but I noticed that as I played more, my brain just got better at subconsciously keeping track of them. I also really liked the main character design. Great job! I think you could definitely make this into a longer game. One suggestion is to maybe make the sword swing a little wider, or have you be able to swing in the direction of your mouse, because a lot of my swings missed.

Nice idea! I really like the art and the music. 

Great game! One of the best ones I tried from the jam! Nice visuals, music, and puzzles. Amazing work for such a short period of time! Great level of polish.

Very well done! Amazing level of polish for a jam game. I love the fruit theme, and the animations for the enemies were adorable. 

Very well done! Conveys so much story with so little. I was sitting there anxiously waiting for calls to come in. The game looks very polished, and I think it would do very well as a full length game. I hope you keep working on it! 

Great concept! I love the gun art and the color scheme in the backgrounds. I only encountered one enemy, though... But I think this premise has a lot of potential! 

I really like the art in this game! Also, controlling the characters was fun, and I enjoyed watching them bounce around. The only thing is that I found the control scheme to be quite difficult and could only make progress through trial and error. Still, seems like a great start to a fun platformer! Plus, I really liked the sound effects. 

Very nicely done! Impressive enemy variety for such a short jam. I really like the enemy designs. Like the other commenter, I was also a little confused about what to do. Pro tip to anyone reading, you need to move the wizard activation chicken into the range of the turrets that you would like to power. It definitely fits the theme pretty well! Also, the hotkeys for the different placeables was a nice touch. 

I liked this a lot! Killing the enemies with the laser beam was really satisfying, yet there were enough of them around that they felt like a threat, especially because they would lunge at you. Only thing is that it took me a minute to realize what to do. I didn't realize that I had to hold E to unlock the server, and then, since I didn't see any indication that the door had opened, I wandered around for a little while longer. Likewise, in the second level, I didn't realize there were multiple servers, would've been nice to have some UI indicating how much servers were left to connect up. Other than being a little bit confused, I really liked it! The lighting in particular was very well done and atmospheric.

Very nice core concept! I would love to see more levels. Also, the music and sound effects were top notch, and I like that you went the extra mile and had interesting lighting. It added a lot to the atmosphere of the game. 

I really love the art in this game! The gameplay is fun too, although I was a little bit confused about what to do at first. Also, I couldn't figure out how to get the cherries. Nice work overall! 

This game is really very fun! I was amazed at how much better I got at the game in just a few levels, and the difficulty ramped up at an appropriate pace too. I think having the jetpack meter that you have to balance, where you can't use too much of either color, is a really great feature that definitely elevates this game. It forces you to keep mental track of not just where you are and the rotation of your player, but also how much jetpack fuel you can budget. Great work!

Very nice narrative game! I almost always had an idea of what to do, and where to go next. There was just the right amount of exploration, but not too much so that I would get lost. Little things like having the text color be different in the present vs the past were very helpful. I like that the themes were subtle, but definitely there. Great job! 

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This game was super fun and very entertaining! It was a little bit laggy, though. The character designs were great!

I love the artwork and the music and the ambience, but I couldn't figure out how to place the wires on the receivers. Was I too far away from the generator? I didn't know how to connect them without being too far away. 

Nice concept, but maybe it would've been good to introduce the mechanics gradually over several levels. The tutorial level was a little bit sprawling. I really like the zooming in and out effect when switching dimensions, though!

I like this idea a lot, but the game is kind of buggy. Maybe it would be good to have it start off pretty easy each run, and get harder as you go. Here, it starts off kind of hard. But I like the idea! I love endless runners.

I like that you made this style of game but I could not figure out how to open the first door.

This game is quite impressive for just a short game jam. It works well, and it's fun to traverse and try to figure out how to progress. Only thing is that sometimes I didn't know where to go, like in the room with the first moveable pink box. It took me a while to realize I had to approach the door.

Okay I definitely didn't understand how this worked, but it was still fun to experiment and try to beat the levels. 

I like this a lot! I think it would be really fun if it was expanded into a multiplayer game where each player controls two characters and you're all trying to build one garden and not get into each others' way. I will say that it seemed like the plants disappeared a little too fast. You could also maybe add a dash that can be used periodically. Lots of room to expand on this idea. But even just this little demo of it was quite fun! 

Solid idea. Could use more levels. I really like that there's a minimap so you can see both blocks at once easily.

This game is pretty fun! I really like the swinging mechanics. My highest score was around 7500. The only thing is that it's easy to lose all at once. It might be nice if you were invincible for a few seconds after you get hit, or if the obstacles around you in a certain radius disappeared after you got hit so you had some space to escape. 

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This is a really great idea! I had fun throwing the ball around, and I liked your dialogue system. The game definitely had an action movie atmosphere. The main issue was that every time I got caught, I was sent all the way back to the beginning and had to click through the dialogue all over again. It would be better if the player was sent back to the start of the most recent area they entered when they get caught, or at least if they just wouldn't have to see the same dialogue over again.

Nice little demo! It took me a little while to realize that I could push the yellow block to move the wall. Maybe that could be good to add to the tutorial. 

I liked it a lot, very fun idea! I think the grammar might need a little work, though, and maybe some more words to choose from at any given time. I found it hard to put together sentences that made any sense. Then again, maybe that's the point. Nice work!

Very fun! Nice, silly graphics, and easy to understand gameplay. It can get very tricky, though! Which is a good thing. Well done!

I like the art and animations, but the hazard hitboxes were too big and it was difficult to progress.

Great puzzle game! Really had me scratching my head sometimes. You know you're playing a good puzzle game when you feel very foolish and very smart at the same time. I wonder how many unique solutions there are for each level..

I love this idea, but it got really difficult really fast! I couldn't get past the second level with the flying bugs. It might be nice if the goal was just to reach a destination and killing the enemies just gave you extra points. I love the drawn artwork, though, and throwing the ball and dashing after it is pretty fun!

Really nice little puzzle game! And great music! Would be good if there was a way to reset a level... maybe I just couldn't find that button. Also, it's cool that you included a color assist mode. 

I like the idea a lot, but it could do with a tutorial. I was confused about what to do at first. Also, it was a little too fast paced, I would say, and the jumps were difficult to make. But I love the color scheme and the music!