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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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OMG dude you honor me... Heheh there truly is no winning for something that disrupts the natural order to survive :')

Everything I've always dreamed of...

(2 edits)

This was my second solo game jam right after VF2 and man, I really hope certain aspects of my improvement have been evident!

But I have to be honest and a bit of a downer for a sec--I HATED my game when I submitted it, capital H, private jet mileage shake it off hated. Idk what's come over me but there's a sense of purpose and flavor that's left the writing department of my brain and I was struggling hard to fulfill what I had listed down. Things were just written in a flow of consciousness "i really dont wanna do this" mentality and I was so embarrassed at the thought of anyone playing my game. I was so worried that it would come across as some sappy "what if ai became human" mush because man I really do actually have a lot to say on the psychology of ai and how our treatment of it is just as if not more important than the ai itself but I should've known to have better faith in readers because gyattdamn did people catch on to the yucky implications of Elliot's relationship with Galatea (honey she's made to please you) and her inception (Sorry Iris). But I I shall save the rest of the rambling for my post mortem. To this day I think if I had a bit more spark, I could have made a way more reactive and complex game within the time scope but womp womp, wah wah, coulda/shoulda/woulda, yyyyyyetcetera... I went in to make a game and game was made!!!

Okay now it's time to take the hater hat off. This (as usual) was so much fun, yippie!!!! I was really excited to make a spinoff of an idea I've had stewing for a while and finally seeing my girlie Galatea hit the big screen! Also I just desperately wanted to make a game, especially for velox heehee. I'm still a pretty ignorant beginner to figma but if you couldn't tell, I had a blast with the GUI and aesthetics this time around! Coding was also super fun, even if it was simple, and doing animations made me so happy! Not to mention how incredibly kind everyone was in the comments, and how they once again proved that you'll always be your worst hater, now turned harshest critic.

And of course, all the entries were absolutely lovely, I'm at a loss for words really. I hope all my comments were able to get across just how much I admire everyone who had a hand in this because WOW. [clenches fist like an anime rival] I'm so incredibly anxious so I'm happy I managed to comment and know if I haven't replied yet, it's because I'm crying happy, fearful tears of joy at your words whilst my heartrate ricochets.

(Oh yeah can I admit now that 2 of the themes I submitted were based on a roblox game that has a sexy, vengeful fish man? Thank you Michael Smith for the support of "You are expendable" LMAO)

Now, what I've really waited for and what I've had the pleasure of learning WHILST writing this:

Katherine my little kohai goat!!! I told you you'd be amazing and sweep, have some more faith in your vast range of capabilities girl!!! Your entry was a delight and everyday I'm thankful that I get to work on so many projects and hang out with you, you genius, pervy artist, you! I'll always fondly look back on working out those programming kinks in the dining hall and eating your lasagna, and I hope it won't be the last time something like that happens. Anyways, you did it!! Enjoy the rest of that vacation to the fullest and know once again that AI never could have replicated what you just laid down. Coalition of Losers let's GO!!!

Thank you! I hope I can continue to carry on and expand its legacy in future works!!

default lemonstatus = "chilling"
default saiyohara = "the goat"

label start:

You speak such high praises I fear that your outstanding review eats up the actual game it was written for.  The UI, admittedly, was made with the initial rationale of "me like old windows" which then later evolved into maintaining a sort of antiquity, to reflect the advances made to create Galatea coexisting with her less-than-optimal first performances. But who do I even create these interfaces for, if not for you, my dear gamer? Truly it was for your eyes, and for your eyes alone to behold.
$ saiyohara = "academic"
I'm glad you got my Pygmalion and Galatea reference, though I wonder who the true Pygmalion is in this situation? Teehee. I do hope the small hints given at the offputtingness of her form further accentuate the treatment of female figures in that story, and really the whole dynamic of her being made to please someone like Mr. Kennedy and all the connotations that come with that. And Elliot, Elliot, oh Elliot. What a pretty little fool he is, not just serving as the player's cardboard vessel, but also playing straight into the hands he swore were nothing but cold, unfeeling metal. It's funny, isn't it? How the barest hint at casual humanity can endear people to systems that process them like yet another algorithm. While there was some Iris to begin with (wonder if that's a good thing though...), I won't pretend she wasn't leveraged like all hell to please Mr. Kennedy. I hope future entries that show different sides of Galatea will further sour the "connections" made in this one, as she truly is only what you make of her.
$ lemonstatus = "ate up"
You will definitely see more of my girl, Galatea, and hopefully I can continue to delve into both the inherent humanity and lack thereof in artificial intelligence, and how we should try to reflect more on how we conduct ourselves with it rather than just the programs themselves. Thank you so much for the breathtakingly kind and thoughtful comment, formatted like absolutely no other!!!


Ooh man, I don't think I can pick a favorite but the exchange between suzu and haru and that whole page was *chef's kiss*, and "No matter what anyone says, it IS a sin to be a child", and the whole thing about the whipping girl were some of my tops!

Ate and left not a single crumb in its wake. So many lines resonated deeply and I think I need to play this five million more times now please and thank you *0*

print("I'm coming for you")

M-m-meme??? You are someone after my own heart tysm you don't understand how happy this made me ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

Thanky you, it was a lot of work and crunching under suboptimal conditions, but solo jams just have so much of their own fun to them that I couldn't resist!! I'm so happy my janked, brainfart writing could eek out even a fraction of emotion from anyone, truly an honor [bows]

Yep! Let's call it a mix of actual intention and also the karma I get for not wanting to write that weekend LMAO. I totally get where you're coming from. Orignally there was way more exploration of that quote depending on what upgrades you then proceeded to get/your actions in other runs, but such is the nature of game jams having you squish your ambitions into a semi-serviceable sample size... >M<

But just like you said--There's also this slice of the story where you have to consider how different Elliot really is from Galatea, seemingly having certain conversations that ultimately end and diverge with very little consequence because of what was written. He always comes back, no matter what, until you get to the end. And in the end, he gets a slice of what he sees, which is just what he wanted to see, and what Galatea learned to deliver...

Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! I'd definitely love to tackle this sort of structure with more time and inspiration, but I'm glad that what I once saw as a mess (we're our own worst haters it seems) has still come across as fairly consistent and meaningful :,)) Here's to hoping I can get said plant in an update after this jam is over LOL

Thank you!! And omg you so get it like... There's some shenaniganery afoot here!

To not encroach too much on territory I want to cover with the main game in this universe, let's just say it's a naughty mix of both ;)) One does not simply make an AI chatbot story in this day and age without considering the current politics and issues on the subject, heheheh...

I'd like to call this jam "the one jam I continued to do some mining offscreen in figma" because man was I having a blast with the UI [to absolutely no other consequence whatsoever ha. ha. ha.]...

The devil works hard but Galatea processes harder, let's just say. Thank you!

Thank you! I've only dabbled a bit on the subject from a cognitive psychology pov but I really hope I can learn more about it in the future! Elliot being a bit of an unreliable narrator with his own motivations to interpret things sort of muddies the amount I can get into how truly different Galatea's mental processing can get, but that's part of the fun too, teehee!

And noted! Totally forgot that was an itch thing and made sure to add it. Thanks for catching that!

Yes, thank you!! I'm glad that you got to see the funky, pain in the butt side of this series of meetings--there's definitely more than meets the eye and I hope future games I make can only further set this into perspective >:D

Thank you for such a sweet comment! May Otto's vulnerable little mind and Galatea's questionable evolutions leave an interesting taste in your mouth heehee :3

Haha thank you! What a schemer that Galatea is... foolish, foolish Mr. Kennedy.

And you and me both... [looks at my ugly lil desktop]

Ooh yes, I'm glad the jarringness was caught there... like who do you think you are... [coughs x2] Thank you!!

Thank you! Was an interesting dev experience haha

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed :3

Thank you!! I honestly was crunching the dialogue at the last second so I'm happy that the essence came across, and I hope I can explore more animated sprites in the future since this was so fun, haha >O<

LET ME REITERATE-- GODOT. GOAT. The setting you made in just 4 days is crazy, so talented!! Love me a bit of saucy and sassy back and forth between the narrator, player, and librarian, and the use of theme really does make you think about what is "(un)importance" and how individuals define it. Will definitely be sitting and stewing on that food for thought for a good few days... ( •_•)>⌐■-■


I feel like if I were to say what I didn't love about this game, I would be absolutely silent--just like our poor and lovely acolyte... Everything comes together to set the tone and atmosphere of the game, from the graphics (I LOVE IT WHEN GAMES HAVE SCREEN OVERLAYS!!!) to the haunting music, the heartbreaking to heartwarming story, and all the way to the stat raiser programming you never cease to amaze with. I feel like this might have been the final push I needed to make a recommendation list because MAN do I need to see more people playing and talking about this! Teach me your ways, I am in awe...! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

Your art? Devoured, absolutely ate up like it was cloudy with a chance of meatballs. I aspire to reach even a micropercentage of the talent that made those backgrounds and lighting shots! You know you're starting strong when you open up with a question about birds and what type you would be, like YES I'm HOOKED. That building sense of dread had me turning my room light on, the lurking danger and the continuous bursts up to the climax... Let's just say I was decidedly NOT going to be a hero! (¬‿¬)

I'm always a sucker for your writing and art, we all know this (and by we I mean me, I know this--but soon everyone shall know too)... Every page had multiple quotes that had me in a chokehold, like I want to get into bookbinding purely to make this masterpiece physical and store it in the nearest library. Always running, always changing, yet never finding that sense of contentment or safety, and when you do try you just get sent back into the thought of losing it all over again... Tragic and beautiful, just the way I like it. *,__,*

One of my favorite uses of the theme by far! Already had my theorist brain gears turning playing as Jules for the first run and realizing there was a sense pattern going on with the three friends. It was such a perfect detail to have your previous runs affect your current runs, gosh I love it when games have details like that. And the sprites? ADORABLE, even when Garrett is a suffering victim of the stinkies... I deem it to be 3 Michelin stars on this lovely meal, thrice over. >3o

As a proud member of the university of the coalition of losers as a wise man once called us (true story), I found this game to be a scrum-diddly-yum-yum-yumptious peek into the absurdity and frankly nightarish conduct of our judicial system. Let's just say these are all devils I know, and you nailed them perfectly! I say this with love and care, but you transported me into my worst nightmare via your sound design, graphics, branching paths, and effects. "Mistrial!" I call. Whoops, seems like I'll simply have to play this game for the seventh time in a row........... what a shame [in a lying voice].... (•ˋ _ ˊ•)⚖

Allow me to call this "icky and yucky" in the best way possible. I love love love these sorts of stories with creators and creations, organic and synthetic, angelic and--you get my drift. I really loved the little segments with Lilith where you get to choose what items to click on and how the back and forth between Lilith and Eve goes. Chills at the end, I fear you have eaten us up with this entry, just as Lilith wished her creation would accept and swallow her whole. Have some mercy for my lowly, human self lost in the sauce. >__<

A cinematic masterpiece. Together with you until the end of time is easily a masterclass in the cyclical and personal nature of visual novels and interactive fiction, weaving together choice and inevitability with a practiced hand. For me personally, I experienced the high-tech, university, warring family, and alchemist worlds upon first playthrough, each delighting me and cementing the theme and core message in its own way.

Our mc has such a unique set of eyes to see through, viewing themself as a fix-it charity case in world 1, a meaningless, lonely failure in world 2, and a fool who hates as much as they love in world 3, all while the people around them obviously see them so differently. Life is what we make of it, and if we continue to search for missing pieces dictated by others, then we'll never be able to see it for what it truly is. Just like how the mc can't see their life for what it's worth, the people around them also fail to see the mc in their deeper struggles, being friends but never confidants.

...And not to mention our lovely guide, who observes the mc through every plight and peril, ultimately choosing to bridge that gap between one who watches and one who does. It's incredibly fitting that the endings hammer what was set up from page 1, that contentment can not be found if you don't even actually know what you're looking for. And then, the curtain closes. Brava.

I'm so very proud at all your work in every aspect of this game. From the writing, to the visuals, to the game design, to the coding, everything is so cohesive and smooth, I'm sure anyone would be surprised that this was your first forray into ren'py. And I truly do hope that it isn't your last. 80085


You know me, you know I'm gonna call this jank., but still allow me to be your game's first fanartist :p

Listen, I may not know much about the backrooms, but I know a power collab when I see one. Was so happy to see HSP back in the game delivering the goods, the services, the hotties with eldritch bodies. And lets not forget that background, god I love it when things look mixmedia. And last but certainly not least, the character writing and voice acting. I need to know more!!! I NEED to see more!!!! I GOTTA HEAR MORE!!! AND HAND OVER THAT METER!!!! [rages] >:O

This game is raw. I'm talking still moving on the plate raw. From the graphics to the writing to the--well, everything, it all comes together in such a chaotic "method to the madness" experience. The dissonance, the pain, the ugliness, and the power that arises all the same, it's something that needs to be shared. Truly beautiful. Godot goat. :')

Um hello blond man with immense power, an attitude, and deep issues tm... No, no it's alright you can call me "pet" all you want :)))). But for realsies what a treat, an absolute pleasure to play--really came out of the woodworks to bless us mortals with a stunning sun god who is NOT afraid of giving and getting some harsh reality checks. What a beautiful scene at the end, has me scrambling to go listen to Liz Calloway's performance of Meadowlark to feel something...

(And not to be brainrotted to all hell but we were all thinking Apollo needed more lines in God Games... Right?... Right????)

So. Many. CGs. HOW ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE RIGHT NOW??? As someone who plays DnD, you really nailed the "everything must become a beneficial trophy no matter the cost" energy in Marcell. Peak chaotic party member energy. Doctor Elodie... let's maybe have a chat about that medical license and giving in to peer pressure for life-altering operations... (•᷄- •᷅ ;)

That painting... absolutely gorgeous, I was blown away the moment I saw it posted (and so early :0) on here! Each character waxing poetic with their takes on the art... just for Jin to come waltzing in, say "hm I don't really get it" and then also proceed to deliver one of my favorite takeaways from the piece? Truly captures the hopes any creator would have for how differently people view their art. Bravo! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Hmmm... seems like there's some true to life inspiration in here... Why am I also an avid reader of said infamous reproductive rights turned JFK reference zootopia comic? But that aside, what fun gameplay! I especially love the challenge added by only getting a limited number of shots to sus out what works and what doesn't. Gotta say, my favorite characters hands down are smut granny and mrimgonnacrapmyselfthatwashilarious.  Gave me a good laugh! >D<

(1 edit)

TYSMMMMMM for playing the game and commenting, completionist queen!! As I have been informed, it was very much inspired by Cabin in the Woods and old slasher films from the 2000s + any and all things 'girly advertising', so we're glad those vibes came through >:D

Mr.Ryker... the only man who understands Radiohead's Creep like a teen girl would.

oh! iirc that section is a part where you get looped back until you give the 'right' answer as part of the tutorial on keywords. have you tried typing the bolded and underlined phrase they give you in the section it loops you on?

Maybe I'll add a note somewhere on the page that'll help in case anyone has trouble with it!

Thank you!! Initial release was pretty rough but hopefully the new update is leagues above the submitted version LMAO

Haha thank you! Lots of trial and error and google searches and macgyvering let's just say, heh... I've never respected the UI/UX artists I've worked with as much as I do now *0*

hahah thank you!!... the exams we had were not on our side but we persevered and now have a game we can really be proud of! [insert game errors i am unaware of]