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A member registered Oct 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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I fully agree with the feedback!! I really wanted to include playable tutorials at the start but I used up the entire 9 days on this project.

I wanted to have some difficulty settings too, so the enemies start slower and ramp up etc, but again, not enough time 😌

I intend to fix all that as soon as I can work on the game again tho!

thanks a lot for the feedback!!

yeah unfortunately it broke :/

thankfully the downloadable version works fine!

sweet bullet heaven! inspired by runic survivor perhaps?

loved all the different enemy attacks like the broom flying at you, and you even have huge bosses!

I had a few performance issues in html, and i did wish my spells would synergize better together and stack, but I found it pretty fun!

great job!

I'm glad you enjoyed!! keep an eye out after the jam if you want more! I fully intend on expanding and making it even bigger and better 😁

lovely. I see you too dabble in the art of spending WAY too long searching for stuff to try and get everything perfect... 

the key is sometimes just choosing the fun option 😅😅

good luck!! have fun!

yea unfortunately I didn't have enough time to figure out why it bugged out :/ 

the downloadable version works fine though!!

the art and visual design are breath-taking, and it goes for the music too! hard to believe it was made in such short notice! the text was far too small and I found myself leaning in towards the screen to read it, which is a shame because it looks interesting!

the gameplay needs some polish, the movement is too slow and doesn't feel great to control, and I fell through gaps in the world I couldn't see. the wolves also kept spawning on top of me mid-air.

but wow. talk about potential. I can really see this being great given some real time to develop. 

great work to the team.

not gonna lie, when I clicked on alcohol then running I did so fully expecting an accident to happen. I guess I'm.. glad? it didnt?

pretty creative take! will make for a very interesting game when finished!!

very nice illustrations, congrats!

I kept forgetting there was a character lenght cap and trying to counter act "stupid" with "intell". eventually i found out the word "insane" is a power house and kills everything by itself in a few seconds. I guess that makes sense. 

i had NO idea what was going on at any point but  really really like this. great job.

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I didn't notice the timer at first so imagine my surprise when I'm looking around, petting the cat and suddenly I'm in eye hell fighting for my life.

it made me laugh when for my last item the goat gave up on the riddles and just said "these are like stairs that are portable"...

unfortunately my game broke, i placed the first item on the top left slot and the top right slot lit up, and never allowed me to place anything else there... i restarted tho because I loved how your attacks change depending on the items you place down, and defeated the boss! very cool!

oh, I think the timer might be a bit too long? I found myself talking to the goat, figuring out the item and placing it down and waiting for 40 seconds every day, and the riddles aren't very hard to figure out

great job overall!

impressive!! very nice... happy to hear you had fun!!

happy to hear that! thank you!

hehe!! well, naturally its four very known monsters: the vampire, the werewolf, the devil and the.. chinese jiangshi. yeah.

thank you!! im glad to hear you had fun!

great atmosphere, really sucks you in.

i played until the timer ran out and captured two enemy bases and yet I couldn't really tell if there was a resource bar? is every ability free? I can't really read the tooltips at all.

super cool game! the feeling of slowly spreading through the map is very engaging, even if the cultists are rather difficult to control.

i got ending 2/3!

great writing, I really enjoyed the experience!

I only found a few bugs around the dialogic, with text overlapping if you keep pressing F and the master not letting you put the kindling on the fire until you go out and back into the house.

all in all, fantastic job!

super cool to see a escape room game in here!! great job. its a real shame i suck at them hehe. I got completely stuck with only two items and not able to get into any door... oh well...

the camera felt a little claustrophobic, the ground would go off-screen when i jumped and while floating I never knew if I was above ground or not.

definitely keep trying!! looking forward to your next entry!

crazy creative. took me a while to understand what I was meant to be doing but then it was easy breezy til the end, great job!!

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short and sweet! 

pretty nice!

yeah something I did right before posting it broke it and I only noticed after I couldnt fix it anymore. thankfully the downloadables still work...

it didnt really occur to me that it'd be expected for the dash to follow to mouse and not the movement, I thought it might conflict with shooting, this way you can dash and shoot somewhere else at the same time. ill probably try and integrate a mouse dash and a few more things after the jam... 

you've got a pretty interesting concept here! lots of potential for  expanding the rules and making new puzzles.

apart from little bugs like cards sometimes not updating when a neighboring card is placed, I feel its lacking a little clarity. for example, it took me a minute to notice that a card can give and take blood from any side, as the signs made it seen like the snake, for example, could only take blood from the bottom and left, and only give blood from the top and right.

maybe adding a little animation when a card gets and loses its full effect would work really well, too!

that said, very good work! I'd be interested to check it out again if you decided to continue work on it!

thank you so much!!!

very good point with the dash actually, i like that idea!! i chose a dash so it'd force you to move around a lot and adding extra melee attacks felt a bit too complicated, you know? but dashing to the mouse sounds pretty good...

ill try out your game after I get some rest hehe.