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Limbo Productions

A member registered Dec 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very well polished game for a game jam! The way the light works and blends is very satisfying, and the game is incredibly relaxing. Great job!

Very cute, unfortunate that you didn't finish ):

Second best audio in the jam (: Great game!

Great game with good graphics and audio! The theme was incorporated very well

Very nice game, I really liked the music!

The game was fun, the music got a bit repedtitiv, the movement was hard to move around but the dialog boxes and animations was really cool and the story was great :)

I Liked the art style and the story was funny but the clicking space to hide was very unresponsive and the animation was to long, otherwise this game was alot of fun.

I liked the art style of this game and the movement felt good, but i dident see the point of it, you could just run through it without transforming or anything but none the less a great game that you should feel pound of :)

Thank you! Ah yes noticed that one aswell haha, thank you for your feedback :)

I know right haha

We did, its on our only fans page ;)

Mabye try downloading it. haven't happend to me so dont know sorry :

Good game, i really like the transitions and the art-style. Good job!

I love the art and the concept is pretty cool. I would like to be able to change the volume of the music, but other than that it was great!

Thanks for playing! Obviously some bugs that will have to be fixed, thanks for notifying me.