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Elise (Litotic)

A member registered Apr 09, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your comment! These days I'm having a great time researching about where commonly used ingredients come from and their possible equivalents in other parts of the world. Good luck with your own project, it looks very intriguing!

(1 edit)

Intriguing idea! I'm very curious to see how you'll connect the "micro" and "macro" (how small daily actions can have larger consequences). I'm not entirely sure I fully understood the concept to be honest though -- I'm having a hard time understanding how the players' real life actions will be tracked or recorded within the game (for example, if they drink a water bottle, will they have to register it themselves in the game? Which might be hard to incentivize especially if they know it'll impact their island.) Maybe you cannot  "degrade" the island but only restore it slowly over time, which might enforce a positive loop instead.

Thank you very much for the kind words! I really hope the game will live up to such expectations, ha! :)

As a big fan of Ace Attorney your key art caught my eye haha. Your card game looks interesting. I must admit some of the language confused me a bit (such as "Column" for example, which is not a column). I think this will get clearer with a prototype though. You might want to also add "losing conditions" (if any, or mention it if there aren't none) -- I could see how one can win, but I wasn't too sure what would be the possible obstacles and challenges that could cause a "failure". Also, I love that "punch through the screen" art, not sure what it does yet gameplay wise but it is  very evocative! :D

Your presentation is very clear, concise and thorough. Great job! The idea of "getting attuned" to the environment's needs via music is excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing how your project evolves! Also I'm so happy to see people considering the UI/UX needs from the very start of a project. I think your major challenge moving forward will be to refine this concept of "synergizing" music with visuals, and the appropriate flow/steps to achieve this (both design wise and production wise). This might require quite a lot of coordination between team members to make sure things go smoothly (but you seem to already have a robust plan).

Your document is clear, I do love "interactive infographics" to learn about things, and I really liked how you shared your doubts too (as a fellow solo dev, I relate :D) 

Another ref you could check if you don't know them already: Nicky Case's "Shtuff" https://ncase.me/ especially the https://explorabl.es/ they made some time ago. While they do provide lots of texts, they rely on simple interactions and are very effective. I also very much enjoyed their Fireflies simulation: https://ncase.me/fireflies/

Lovely art and concept! Looking forward to seeing more and playing it. A quick suggestion is to maybe (if you have the time) think about why the mayor in this particular story chose to collect the stars to light the city in the first place. This may help give you more depth to the final conversation and the need to convince him. It can also help you guide the progression (like, maybe some of the other animals have their opinion about why the stars got stolen), leading to some possible reveal in the last conversation/ending.

Impressive work in just one week! You seem to have a very clear direction and detailed documentation. I think I have mainly two suggestions, as a fellow writer here:

- Make sure you don't have too many characters for the story, especially considering the time constraints of the jam. You may want to categorize them as "must-haves" vs "nice-to-haves" in your next steps -- it will be a challenge, writing wise, to make each of their voices unique in a few weeks. 

- Make sure the amount of endings/flexibility of actions each day is also appropriate. Depending on how you're structuring interactions and how time passes forward or not in the story, things can get out of control if you don't set a few hard rules first. (I've seen in more than once in my job and career :D)

Good luck!! This is a very promising idea, I love how specific you went with the setting, and the whole idea about making things more relatable by focusing on the people's stories.

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Thank you so much! Been dreaming of making a cooking-related game for years, so I'm very happy to see other folks also enjoying the theme and understanding what it means.

Thanks a ton for reading me! Yeah I tend to research a lot about stuff (started my career as a writer so I could spend an unreasonable amount of time browsing the Internet, heehee). 

Ohhh thank you!!! Your comment means a lot to me! I'm also of Vietnamese descent. Wishing you all the best on your project(s) as well!

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Yes exactly! Thank you for the comment, I'm glad my message came across clearly!

Thank you so much for the kind words! :)

(3 edits)

Hello there! I've worked in the industry for some time, but it's been a while since I haven't jammed ;). Would be happy to help a team/teams with their writing & design process. I do know a bit of basic programming, especially Construct 2 & Game Maker (and also Twine for text games, if that counts).  I'm currently training myself in Javascript. Oh and I'd love to experiment with Voxel more (but I'm a true noob at this) so let me know if you need a hand for anything :) I'd be happy to contribute to any light-hearted, positive, inclusive, cheerful, or comedy game. ('cause my current work is super dark, so something more colorful would be nice :D)

You can poke me on Twitter if needed: @lecrivaillante

Love your drawings as well! I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to commit to this jam, but if you're looking for a writer/narrative designer let me know :)

Hi! WAG Challenge Organizer here. Can you please provide me your email address? Thanks! :)

@Six Down Studios: thanks for all the details and explanation! :)

Hi there! WAG jury here. Could please add some details about the controls of games? Don't know if it's us or what, but dialogues seem to loop and we cannot open the door...! Thanks!

Thanks a lot @Jupiter_Hadley! :)

Really nice idea! The game mechanics are really fun, especially the kiss thing! I was not sure what the benefit of the sleeping song was compared to the other one, so I killed all the zombies :D

I'm not sure how to win though? Maybe I missed something. I picked all the scrolls and did not know where to go next, and when the time ran out, it was over :D

Anyway, very original take on the subject! Bravo!

Hahaha this was fun, and considering the source material, quite accurate ^^ But yeah I had to check the source material to understand the game properly, so as some have said, maybe add some quotes at the beginning at the game, then some other quote when the player fails, could be a nice way to wrap things up ;)

Thanks @KaraJayne! :) What you said about anxiety is really something I had in mind while making the game, I'm glad you saw it ^^

About a longer version? Heh, why not! :) We'll see!

@Norbez: Thanks a lot for taking the time to play my game and write such a detailed review. I'll do my best to answer some of your questions, but I don't want to spoil the experience too much for others -- I'm quite interested in seeing diverse reactions, and it's quite funny to read your reaction then @JKGiih's one, hehe. (and I agree, Doctors are not always reliable! :D)

I'll probably write some post-mortem, but here are a few keys:

- the more you play, the less choices you'll have

- but you can play the scenes in any order you want

- you can even replay some scenes depending on the choices you've made

- it's "freely inspired" by The Double; I mostly focused my game on the "mental disorder" aspect. Mental disorder usually affects memory and interpretation.

That's impressive! There's a Stanley Parable mood I really enjoy :)

Nice! I didn't know about the poem either. The art is very charming and suits your text well. As some have said before, I was also wondering about multiple paths... or maybe something that would make the text react more to the player's input. When I saw several pictures on one page (I think there was a wing, the character's eyes. etc.) I tried to click them. You don't need different ending but maybe different ways to examine or "watch" the humming-bird, leading to the same conclusion in the end, could be a way to expand the experience a bit. ;)

Hi! I've been quite confused by the controls and puzzles (could not get past the one with the Ivy and water). It seems that you can choose things with left/right keys in your menu while choosing dialogues with the up/down keys. Not sure if it's intended? (That's the only way I could pass the fiddle one, I had to choose in the menu bar the door and use it) I don't know what engine you've used but using point and click features here would make things way much easier ^^ Apart from that, I like the fact that you've used Carols; could be nice to have the music related to them ^^ as a non-english speaker, I don't know the tunes and was wondering what they sound like.

Really like the jumping/climbing, and the sound is very good too! Nice job :)

Thanks for your feedback JohansenIndustries! I removed the fullscreen button, you were right, unfortunately the screen is not scrollable for some reason :/ I didn't have the time to check this thing properly.

It's funny!