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A member registered Jan 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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dang this one good, fire emoji

amazig, wao

1924 B)

very good music, definitely made me feel like going faster than i should've been lol

mmm, monkey

like the sprite work on this one

art direction impeccable, i definitely made one of the pets of all time

im sorry... i could never get it started.....

Red versus Blue..... the feud is unending......

I am an extreme enjoyer of the art and sprites

I really like the idea, i'd def play this if you flesh it out more

This game is so crisp, love the direction you took it

really awesome art in this one

blinks cutely

combat more like wombat am i right

but then it did work or....?

what browser u using?

very crisp and strong art direction. needs a small tutorial. also a few game breaking bugs - orders coming with no item specification+reward, eventually ran into an out of bounds error and broke the whole thing

very quality art, controls feel a bit slow, and as far as i can tell you can speed up infinitely in the air lol

the audio choice is top notch

holy moly this ones CRAZY

high schore 1046 :sunglasses: good game

Hey there, thanks for this. We coded in and exported through processing - neither of us have linux but we supposed that there were probably a few people who had it so we exported that version just in case (not really knowing if it was the correct option since there were multiple choices for linux).
Also the fourth stage is the cirno stage, if you couldn't beat it it is working as intended :)

The visuals and sprites are superb! I fear I might of had a bit of a skill issue but it seems other people are also having it so It's probably just a hard game - I did note that speed was definitely an over powering mechanic, making, in my opinion, Cirno the meta. Once I played as Cirno I won a lot more than the other characters.

Hey, sorry about that - that's really weird. Are you running the 32 or 64 bit version? I'll try and find the issue.

Very good and incredibly polished! I think the youmu crashing sound jumpscared me a few times.

this is fun actually

it handles a bit weird, the snowball keeps slipping off the character which gets a bit frustrating after a while

music is nice, i must make the snow ball bigger

I really enjoyed the unique artstyle in this one, and props for having it in multiple languages too. Some of the sprite alignment is off where the characters are hidden by the text prompt, and that there are floating trees, but aside from that the visuals are stunning.

(1 edit)

I was using arrow keys and chrome. So far it's only happened while holding z to shoot, but occasionally only one direction will register.

I think there's an issue with player movement diagonally? Aside from that an all around great game.

(1 edit)

Because it's a two player game it inherently becomes more fun when you've got a friend, though the draw back is when you don't have a friend there's not much to do (as there's no single player mode). The skill choices for Cirno are good and balanced.

Even if the gameplay is a bit boring, I did enjoy sitting there listening to the music - very calming. The blurbs about each fish were funny too, I liked them.

THIS ONE IS VERY CUTE. I really like the art and the drifting is very satisfying.

It's fine, a bit simple and could have benefitted from different kinds of fairies/gameplay.

There are some typos in the PDF (not egregious or changing the meaning, but noticeable), and I think some sketches depicting some of the given scenario or characters would be nice, but I SUPER enjoy the setting given and how it's written.

I really like this one - I think 756 is a good score.

Very cute! I especially liked the art.

The pickups not being fast enough to catch up to you is a bit of a nuisance but I really like the idea in this game - maybe an indication of where you're aiming would be nice since it's a bit hard to tell when Marisa is facing forward.

Really enjoyed the music and the game physics! Very satisfying.