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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely need to find that because yeah, the cursor issues in my WebGL build are embarrassing haha. Thanks again! 

Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah, I kind of copped out and didn't have ammo save because I've never messed with saving data and my attempts were fruitless so... yeah, sorry about that. Amateur hour over here, hah. And I wasn't sure whether or not to make it more explicit and am regretting it a bit now but the ghosts can only be damaged by the purple wand. But I can see that it's definitely confusing, especially because you can't really give it another attempt after you die. Anyway, thanks again for the detailed feedback - it's really helpful! :) 

Really smart mechanic - being able to add force on your fall to hit bouncy pads harder. That's super cool. I think that second jump is a bit hard for being so early in the game, though. Overall really nice job! :) 

Wow. This is surprisingly thought through for being an RTS made in 48 hours.  I do wish there was a tutorial but I mean, that's a small nitpick considering not only how ambitious this was, but how it delivered on its ambition. Great, great job. 

"One more go" is what I kept telling myself every time I died. I probably would still be playing it if there weren't a million other games to rate. Really engaging and fun. Great job! :)  

This was really fun! I think a point and click system would have fit the game better than using E to interact but I loved the atmosphere. Nice job! 

Cool concept! I think the framework is solid and could be built on even more to make a really awesome game. I think an attack of opportunity system could be a really cool addition. I think that because you can't adjust anything after you finish moving that turns should end automatically. Nice job though! :)

Interesting concept! The scaling for webGL was off so I had to expand it across both my monitors and the water wouldn't douse the fire, but I'm not sure if I was doing it wrong. Overall, this could be cool if developed and refined further. 

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Good notes- yeah, I definitely should have made the spawn room a safe room somehow. Big oversight. And I agree on the downsizing of each level, too. Thanks again for your feedback! 

Okay, it's embarrassing how good this game is, I can't believe it's a jam game. I have nothing else to add, other than bravo. I love this game. 

Still playing it but wanted to give my thoughts after a few levels:

-The level pop-up effect is so cool. I've been playing through Divinity OS 2 again recently and it made me think of that - such a nice polished touch to have in your game that makes the encounters sudden and unforeseen. Love that. 

--And polish, on a more general note, is top notch for the most part. Super creative use of assets. And the right amount of game juice. The sounds are chunky.  

--The overall concept is super fun, too. A crawler/arena shooter where you go up the deck of cards? Awesome. If you were using your own art you could see how this easily lends itself to themed levels and the like, so overall that's super solid. 

--One critique I have is that I'd make pickups automatic. It's so fast paced that I don't think you need to press E to pickup health and ammo. I think it'd keep the flow better if it was triggered on collision. 

--I also think a bit more indication when you're getting hit would be nice - a screen flash our sound effect. 

Overall, I really like it! Gonna get back to playing it now :) 

Thanks so much for the detailed feedback! Yeah, I'm going to take the bones of this and make it a juicier game moving forward. Start fresh on all the rough stuff but at least I have a decently functional level generator. Thanks again for playing and leaving such thorough comments! 

Super inventive. When you first posted your progress in the discord I knew I'd have a good time with this game-- I really dig the visuals. I think having the fisheye gradually come in as you get closer to death would have been a nice touch, and make it more frantic. I also love how the swords close in on you as you dash by, really cool effect that oozes personality with just a couple of the assets. 

Fantastic! The interconnection between the multiple sides reminds me a bit of some of the puzzles in Baba is You. I really, really like this game. 

I love this game so much yet I'm so bad at it. I haven't even come close to finishing but holy hell, this is solid. So much charm you can't help but smile while playing. Standout entry, for sure. 

Thanks for playing! Yeah it would benefit a lot from more (any) game juice, make it feel less flat. Thanks again! :)

Thanks so much! :)

oh wait, I’m an absolute idiot then— I thought there was only one. I reached the red flag and didn’t see an option to continue. I will try it again, sorry!

got through it by the skin of my teeth. I’d love to see more levels! :)

thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah that was the goal but ran out of time so had to settle for the mouse wheel /: Thanks for playing! 

This is such a creative and fun game. At first I was really confused how you'd integrate a poker system into RPG combat, but after the first battle I got it. I really have nothing all that constructive to say other than this is a game I'll be playing outside the jam. It's a lot of fun. 

This game brings me back to the old arena shooters. I love the feel and the quad jumping. So awesome. I wish there were more enemies in the overworld, before you kill the king. Also, some indication you've been hit would be good - a red screen flash or whatever, just because in the fray it's easy to miss that you're low health. 

The movement and jumping is so solid though. I love it. 

I can't, for the life of me, finish this game but that's because I am awful at it. How awful, you say? I tried to beat it for about 35 minutes and as time went on, I fell further and further down haha. My own skill aside, I can tell this is an awesome game unmatched in its polish. You guys really did a tremendous job. This is the type of game that could easily be scaled further and made into a full, paid, release. So job well done! I just wish I was better at it haha. 

This game is rad. The sound effects are chunky and remind me of the Atari. I also like the art style - I can't put my finger on it but it looks so different from the assets while also looking just like the assets. That makes no sense but I really like it. 

My only note is that I wish it would either take you back to the main menu automatically upon dying or have another screen pop up because the prompt at the top is a bit hard to read.

This is great - I love the enemy animations (both their waddle and when their heads get lopped off). I also really love how there are certain rooms that lock and force you into a curated combat encounter. Very Doom-esque in that regard and I think makes it stand out because then you were able to flex and design a well paced fight. 

I also love the secret walls. And the armor system is a nice addition. Overall, really well thought through and solid game! One note is that I think you can take away the first locking door because if you walk past without picking up the sword, you can't advance the game because you can't go back and pick up the sword. 

Great job!

Ok I will! Yeah I may have overused the gong, haha. I need to time it better. 

I really like this game. I made it to 3AM before the yokai took me. Also, **** that one that steals your charm haha. Great job! :)

I dig this game a lot! I really suck at 2D platformers so take my feedback with a big grain of salt because these are not my forte: 

- I wish the jumping was a bit snappier. The weightlessness of it made it harder at times than I think it needed to be. 

- I LOVE the rope mechanic. I'm a sucker for games where you can swing like Indiana Jones. That to me was just so fun. I'd go so far as to say that should be the main conceit of the game. 

- On that note, I'd even say that the whole combat/shooting system could be removed, which would sync up better with the narrative imo: if he's trying to not be an awful person, instead of blasting his way through time cops, having him maneuver and navigate around them would make more sense. 

- The humor is awesome. I like how the watch breaks the 4th wall. 

So yeah, I think this has all the makings of a really cool game. Great job!! :) 

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah, cursor issues seem to be the common thread here. I sadly don't have any more time to fix it, but that's something I need to look into. I think it should be fine in the download, but it's been extremely problematic on WebGL. Thanks for playing and giving your thoughts, though!! 

Edit: I had just launched your game when you commented, by the way! Excited to play it :) 

This game is A LOT of fun. Something so cathartic about just causing unbridled mayhem. I do wish there was some sound effects when you shot and enemies were killed. You already have such great game juice but I think more sound would have pushed it to even greater heights. Awesome job! 

Not sure if you're planning on continuing development of this game but I think this could be really cool if you did. It has an awesome foundation. I think it could have been explained a little more clearly - this type of game really benefits from a tutorial level, in my opinion. But once I started to understand how it worked, I was  really engaged. Yeah, I think with some more work this could actually be a priced full release on Steam. :)

Very nice! At first I thought the skelly was a friendly so I went up to see if he had something to say and then: BRRRR.

This is insanely well thought out and polished for such a short amount of time. I am incredibly jealous, haha. Nothing more to say, really. Bravo!

It's so funny you say that- initially the gates were visible from anywhere in the map, but I changed it because I wasn't sure if that would make it too easy. Also, I initially had the bonfires in there, then took them out because again, I wasn't sure if that would make it too easy, and put them back after someone else suggested a wayfinding system.

I think this is a sign that in the future I need to just not overthink things it and go with my initial feelings, haha! 

When I first saw you post this in the gamejam-progress, I was super excited. And yeah, this game is awesome. I am horrible at it, but I still love it. I wish the camera was a smoother when you're dangling and I wish I wasn't so bad at 2D platformers so I could swing with the deftness of a coked up Indiana Jones. Great job. 

Thanks for the feedback! That mouse cursor is the bane of my existence -- I can't get it working properly for the life of me, sorry!! And yeah, in retrospect I wish I had put some other pre-placed landmarks to help guide the player. The gate is always in the same spot so I know how to get there no matter what the level generator spits out, but it's easy to forget that players are going in blind. Lesson learned! Thanks again! :) 

This is the foundation of something that could be really great! The visuals and lighting are awesome. It would have been nice to get more indication of when you're being hit/when the enemies are attacking. Also, it's very very short but if you kept going with this project I could see it being a really, really cool game! 

I dig the visuals and the humor! Going up stairs gives you quite a bit of jarring camera shake though. Nice job!

It's an awesome concept, your flesh falling off as you go. Dig it. Also, I absolutely love that your blood trail is left behind and you can follow that back to where you were. If it was just a regular line or trail guiding you back I think I'd say that'd be weird and possibly too hand-holdy but because it fits so well thematically I just love that as a mechanic. Outstanding game, even if I suck at it. 

This game is a lot of fun! I'm not sure how you handled the spawning of the spiders; if there were just set points they'd show up, on a timer or whatever, but it had the feeling of Alien: Isolation where it seemed like they could pop up anywhere, any time. 

I would have definitely put a pause menu in there, however. And it may just be my setup but for me the cursor was wonky - it was still active on my 2nd monitor while playing. 

But yeah, this is a rad game!