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Lolster24 Vitomir H

A member registered Jul 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Fun game.The sprites are top notch.The flying angel that shoots circles is OP though.

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The story is good at  keeping you interested in  the mystery.(Actually too good,I was surprised  at  how long this game took me to complete,and how I wanted to keep playing through it at all)

The puzzles are pretty unique,and gave me a good kind of head scratching.Great Job with the dual purpose levels that you return to,they give the game  a good sense of progression level after level.

Great job with the game.

The boss is fun,fast paced and just the right amount of difficult.The music does a really good job of hyping up the fight.The particle effects for the dodges and fire is unexpectedly quite good.

UI is responsive.Nice job at color theory the player character and the enemy nicely stand out

The only nitpicks that I have is that the enemy attack windup  in some attacks is a bit too short so it's hard to react to the attacks.

All in all,awesome  game.Had fun playing it.Reminded me of a another great indie game Furi.

It's a simple game on paper if you look only at the  gameplay.But the art style and imaginitive setting really make this game truly awesome.

10/10 the mouse/rat ears jiggle with the walls

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Thanks for playing and the constructive feedback

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Wow I didn't expect this game to be so good.It's really imaginative.It's so imaginative that even though the last safe puzzle was bugged,I spent about 20 minutes solving it.

Really liked the whole design of the demon,and the various puzzles

Spoilers for game:

:but the number for the safe is 328.(even though it says 439 on the plant)

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A combination of  Crypt of the Necrodancer and a roguelike.

I really liked the random chests and weapon variety,they were the best part of the game for me.The combat is a bit confusing but going behind them or on top of them seems to work most of the time.

The levels seem generated which is a big plus(mainly because in some levels you're spawned really close to the exit :D )

The Music is lit though.

I had fun playing this.

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Thank you for the kind words.I'm glad you had fun ;D

Hell yeah, bro same.

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Fun game.I like that the game changes it's rules quite frequently forcing you to adapt.The character design is awesome.The music is  also quite energetic.(The shaking on the S attack is a bit much,and on the space Attack it's hard to pull of a attack)

All in all a enjoyable game that keeps you on your toes

Game is challenging but also fun.Almost died at the end :D

Also big props to procedural generation,it's  so seamless that I almost though it was  all preSet.

Interesting game.Really liked the random events that would sometimes happen.Even though there was a bug where the music didn't loop it was a nice song to listen to while it lasted

It's a fun difficult game.Definitely deserves the Extra Hand challenge.

The style and the music are also quite enjoyable.I think I'll invite a friend or two so I can beat it :D

Thanks for the praises!

Sorry for the late reply,I haven't checked itch.io in a while.So this comment was a nice surprise.

For the moving part,after a certain sentence was said I just simply enabled the player controller script. ( the script is very similar to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-oSXg6_AMQ  with some added IF-s if the index reaches a certain value)

For the gravity it was just enabling gravity in the Rigidbody2d after the player has entered a invisible trigger after a dialogue trigger.Now that I think about it most of the game is just the player entering a invisible trigger box collider :P

I know this was commented 55 days ago but I hope you keep on learning and someday make something..

Thanks,it's a pretty dope song.Glad to hear the song  in   its entirety 

Yeah that was not intended.The game didn't have much time to be polished,it was pretty rushed(because of school exams :/  ).I'll patch it up after the voting is over.Thanks for bringing to my attention

I'm glad you liked the animation and the story :3

Thanks for playing!

Such a fun game,the story is extremely enjoyable.I love the meta-ness in this game.It was all such a unexpected surprise with each ending.Got the 3 endings

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It's a really fun game,the visuals and the music are all so nicely done.I have  gotten a really unique experience when I got a scenario that :I had 2 snipets left to collect ,the bug monster was right behind me and the music was just kicking ass,letting me feel like I was a total  badass...... and then I died.The jump and the distance between platforms are kinda ruff,but you get used to them.The music and the voices that want to distract you are really fucking awesome,and nicely executed.

I hope you guys post the music for this game on youtube/soundcloud or something like that


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Thanks for the feedback I'll certainly update and fix all of the bugs once the game jam voting is over.So thanks for notifying me about the bugs

And yeaah there's a lot of polish missing to this game,I guess trying to balance exams and  game-jams kinda does that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Glad you enjoyed the core part of the game,thanks for playing  ^⌣ ^ 

Thanks for the compliments,the ending  was pretty rushed.Like the 30minutes before the  submissions closed I was working on the ending level platforms.I was planning on making a giant chase scene where the player was being chased by the" deleter"(But it didn't make it in,because of time).

Glad to hear you felt something at the end,when submitting I was really worried that people wouldn't like the ending.

Thanks for playing my game :D

It was a interesting game.It certainly nailed the theme.The overall story was nicely done.The voice acting was a risky choice,but having it did make the game feel more personal,and overall more engaging.

Nice job on finishing this game it turned out awesome :D

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It's a really entertaining mashup of  mini-games.The first mini-game could be a pretty addicting mobile game by itself.

In the first mini game I got a bug after hitting 2 yellow blocks one after the other.in which the player went off screen and the camera couldn't catch up.

The second and third mini game are also pretty fun.It would have been useful to get a mini game select screen to play only a specified mini game though,but that's just a small nitpick(mostly wanted that because I found the first mini game really addicting :D  )

PS: my high score https://gyazo.com/6816731d01ed4d9e70a6b289e3f96f0b

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I loved the game's  meta dialogue at the beginning and the end of the game.The core mechanic of the game is really creative and fits the theme perfectly.Towards the end it gets a little tedious but the overall mechanic is really cool.Nice job on making this,it's a fun game.The main character is also pretty cute :3

Also I love that thumbnail picture, it's so cute

A awesometacular fun game.The music is really energetic and gets me in a mood to murder some bugs.The particle effects,the sounds do well to give you that satisfying feeling when killing a bug.Everything about this game is  satisfying,well made,polished and most importantly fun.

This game is a great example of how game juice and polish can make your game legendary

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It's a pretty simple fun game.The animations are nicely done.Also the text moving slightly while you're carrying the blocks gives the game a nice unique style.And the animations are also pretty smooth.Most of the procrastination text is really funny. :D

Some of them are a little too real to me though O_o.

I found the game very innovative,the puzzles have a pretty nice balance of being hard but not too hard.The enemy design,and the main charecter have  amazing designs.And regarding the theme I think you nailed it.

Thanks for playing my game,I'm glad to see you enjoyed it :3

It would have been useful to have the remaining time shown on screen.I feel that dying and/or letting bugs get into the game didn't have that much of a punishment on the player(maybe adding a score system and decreasing it on player death and bug entrance could have worked)

It's a hard game,it takes some time to get used to the controls, but you can have fun with it.

It's got a interesting mechanic,it's kinda hard to use but it's interesting because it's hard....The dialogue and the story were really good....I especially like the development hell part it really caught me off guard.

It's a fun straightforward game.The animations could use some work but otherwise,good job on completing it :D

The visuals,the music,the gameplay are all fantastic.The gameplay has a nice learning curve,that once when mastered is very satisfying to pull off.The movement is very unique as well.

It's just simply a  awesome game.

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Oh yeah I may have accidentally given clues to secrets with out of place sprites(and lack of collision)....Sadly I didn't have time to put in any secret dialogue or anything like that :P

Thanks for playing my game,glad you had fun with the grappling hookヽ(´▽`)/ 

The start is a little slow but once you upgrade anything it instantly pick ups the pace.I always had a thing for games that have upgradable parts in them and this is no exception,the upgrades are useful and have nicely balanced prices.The graphics are also nicely done.

It's a fun game.

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Yeah I ran out of time at the end,I planned to make a additional part where you're being chased by a cleaner(deleter/something), but I ran out of time.Thanks for playing my game,glad you had fun playing it ヽ(´▽`)/ 

Ha,thanks...I'm glad that my evoked a emotion on your playthrough.While developing I really didn't think much of that part.So I'm glad that I created some accidental comedy there.Thanks for playing my game :D

I've already said how much I think this game rocks on AliveDrive's stream but I'll repeat it again.This game is fucking awesome.It's hard to give criticism on a certain part because honestly I just love everything about CryptCrafter