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A member registered Dec 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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yeah lol

I’m so glad you enjoyed the game :D thank you for commenting

I’m afraid the well doesn’t accomplish anything at the moment, it would be a good idea to make it do something though, right now it’s just a little reference to The Colour Out of Space, but we have thought about doing something more with it, just never got around to that rly. Could even make sense to move the monster into the well, we just put it in a shed because the game jam was about what’s behind the door. We may return to this project someday, we had a couple more planned features and there’s definitely room to improve UX.

been playing this for hours lol, I wish the cards were smaller or you could zoom out or something when they no longer fit in the screen, also some of the card descriptions are kind of confusing, like the healthcare mentioning “health” twice but meaning the player’s health as opposed to the cards health, i misunderstood a few card descriptions actually but yeah rly fun

so cool but it blasts the loudest noise i’ve ever heard in my entire life straight into my eardrum as loud as it can whenever i submit a track :)

Thank you for playing ! I’m so glad you liked it :D

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hmm I had some help from a friend who knew a bit about godot, but I’d say just experimenting in the editor, and for the scripting intellisense was crucial to understanding what functionalities are available. I wish I could be of more help in terms of resources but really it would just come down to looking up whatever question i had in the moment about it.

godot is more object based than unity, which is more about making the components on the same gameobject type, in godot you make different subclasses which all lead back to a generic Node class. it’s almost like Unreal Engine in this regard, which is also like adding your own twigs to different spots in a class library. once it clicks though it actually feels more natural than unity in my opinion, like you don’t have a PlayerComponent script to put on a GameObject in the scene, you just have a Player in the scene which inherits logic from CharacterBody3D or whatever you extend it from.

however this does mean instead of stacking components on one object like a characterController, MeshRenderer and MeshCollider together, you instead have different objects for each so it would be a CharacterBody3D, with a MeshInstance3D and CollisionShape3D as children to it for the same effect. to make your own player script you would select the CharacterBody3D and at the bottom of the inspector add a script, which will change it to your own class type extending CharacterBody3D, meaning you will have access to a bunch of useful inherited logic for movement and stuff, like how a CharacterController in unity gives you nice functions for moving and whether you’re grounded and such. you can also choose to have a template script generated when you make your subclass, which will allow you to move around and jump with arrow keys and space.

In terms of scripting it feels very similar to unity, you have a _Ready method which mirrors unity’s Start, and a _Process which is the same as Update, and also a _PhysicsProcess which is like FixedUpdate. oh and instead of Prefabs, you make ‘Scenes’ which are basically the same thing as prefabs.

I guess what I’m trying to say is unity skills are hugely transferrable to godot, so you are probably more capable with it than you are aware of already just because of your capabilities with unity. and yeah I totally agree about Unity becoming unreliable as a business, I was looking for an opportunity to switch over and I’m super glad I did for this jam.

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Thank you :D yeah I’m so happy with how it turned out, this was my first project in Godot and I’m definitely not planning on going back to unity any time soon. the majority of development just took place on a tiny plane with 2 trees on it, just making the game systems in a controlled environment


made the map itself quite late in the jam, then we dragged a few trees on there and it was like oh this is starting to resemble a game now lol


ig our source of productivity was communicating as much as possible, and greyboxing a lot to begin with so we could develop the game mechanics as soon as possible instead of relying on assets early on.

sry if i’m rambling, your game is super polished, and in only 48 hours too is crazy ! what did you use to make Boom Town?

edit: i’m daft it says Unity in the web build x_x you should maybe give godot a try if you haven’t already, I avoided it before because I thought you had to use GDScript but it also supports using C# instead :D

the game crashed when i blew up earth, very cute cool game. I laughed when the cybertruck got totalled in 1 hit

Thank you so much :D I’m so glad you liked it! your screenshots are amazing

this is fantastic, I love the music, the style, programming the seeds is such a cool puzzle mechanic, it’s so fun experimenting with it. the vibe is so calm and pleasant too. well done :D

one of the most addicting entries i’ve played, I could only get to like day 47 though before it gave me some task I couldn’t do in the time it gave. really cool kind of city building roguelite thing, very clean visuals too. well done :)

such a cool art style, I love how much personality is in everything, like using shift when you’re the little blue guy makes you all angry and how blocks get scared and shrink when you’re the red character, it’s so creative :D the puzzles are really well designed too. the only issue i had was sometimes it was quite easy to get stuck in the floor for a second, probably just an issue in the browser version, or a gamemaker studio thing. really good job on this game, it’s super cute and fun

this is such a creative idea for a game, and it really works. I think this has major potential if you choose to continue working on it. being able to filter out tasks by the selected member colour would be a really nice QoL feature, sometimes the colours threw me off like there was a burgundy labelled ticket which apparently wanted a blue member. this is such a good proof of concept for this idea. it’s also really neat how members and projects are each associated with a symbol, the level of abstraction is just right. well done :D

really good puzzle design, I actually gave up on the one where you have to jump a bunch of horizontal pillars with spikes, my brain just isn’t moving fast enough to nail them all. it’s mad how much content there is, and each puzzle ramps up the difficulty from the last, but you did a really good job of introducing new concepts so that it’s never confusing. it almost plays like a rhythm game at times. really good work

I really like how the combat system makes smaller people have less health but also be a smaller target to hit. I like the weird premise, it feels cruelty squad pilled somehow, maybe the reverence of meat. very good game :D

really good game, I adore the art style and UX, like splitting yourself open to upgrade your organs with the meat you have devoured, this is one of my favourite submissions. one thing, I think the framerate is uncapped so it’s going to be working the player’s machine quite hard, also when exiting the upgrade menu you are unable to control the camera until you click again. I had a blast playing this, and I eventually ran out of meat for ammunition or upgrades. anyway yeah I love the weirdcore setting and enemies, the game has such a creepy surreal vibe, and stuff like the crosshairs swaying around as you turn the camera makes it feels so unhinged in a really good way, and shooting enemies feels super satisfying too because of all the feedback like giant blood particles and camera shake, oh and the audio is great, the rapid footsteps are really creepy and there’s a very visceral cruelty squad like meatiness to everything. well done :D

very fun idea, I love physics based games like this, took me a bit to get the hang of it but when you get that it launches you in the direction your feet are swinging in it’s a fun challenge. I was confused by the controls at first, I thought Z/C for swinging your legs meant like for swinging them left and right, when it only swings one way. I liked the little rat things. well done :)

A good foundation for sure, I really like the diverging routes of the level, it felt satisfying finding shortcuts, and the upgrades are really neat, though the wallrunning kind of felt more difficult than just platforming my way up, maybe a skill issue. I like the feeling of momentum the movement has, feels like the kind of game people would speedrun, like lovely planet or neon white.

this game rocks, it’s so satisfying when hitting things with petra, kind of reminds me of lethal league the way everything freezes for a moment as you chain hits to gain speed, the artwork is amazing and cute

good puzzle design, I love how all the sounds are using your voice, the sprites look really nice, it would be cool to see the levels in the same art style. well done on this :D

really cool interpretation of the theme, and i love the art style where there are eyes on everything. had fun going back to levels to get 3 stars on them all, idk if it’s just the webGL version but the movement was a little jerky, maybe part of the challenge though. well done excellent game :D

very satisfying but the voice lines made me jump lol

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a really neat twist on flappy bird, I like how the music gets faster the taller you are, and the art style kind of reminds me of crossy road, I guess because of the isometric view and voxel style assets. it controls well and the hitboxes are good, it never felt unfair when I lost. well done on this :)

this game has some of the best writing I’ve ever seen. thank you

So unbelievably cool and Hylics pilled I love homunculus games

Thank you so much for playing it DD I’m glad you enjoyed it !

You are too kind hahaha I’m so glad you like our game, are you planning on continuing development on Titan Climber Z? We’re planning on sticking with Ant Odyssey once the ratings period is over so I’ll let you know when it gets updated. but yeah what you’ve achieved here in only 48 hours is insane to me

a really nice gameplay loop of collecting food whilst avoiding this crazy guy who is stamping on his table over 1 ant, the effect of objects bouncing up when near the stomp is really nice. good job :)

cool ant game, controls well and the music makes it feel very profound

this is amazing, such a creative idea that really fits the theme, genuinely had a blast playing this. this could be a really good multiplayer game too, like having multiple people climbing on one larger mech or having pvp mode

yeah i hope a fish doesnt show up that would be a disaster

This is so good, it reminds me a little of bitburner. I really love games like this

really cool game, I love games like this where you have to optimise production with the space available to you :)

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using this as one of the game’s screenshots you rly left no crumbs

really cool game with some proper depth when it comes to customising your ship, I love the kind of analogue art style too, the monochromatic theme but with a meaningful use of colours for stuff like laser beams. I hope this submission gets a lot more recognition over the course of the review period

yeah we had a really really good musician on the team

m.. miku..

Thank you so much! Yeah I’m really proud of what we got done in the timeframe, I’m so glad you liked it :) it’s definitely a project I’m going to wanna stick with

the sequel will be called ant freaky

oh yeah I knew I remembered this from somewhere !