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Thanks! Yes, this is supposed to be the Tutorial Battle ( so that's the reason for so much dialogue and a slower pace) so it's correct that you need to understand "how big" (and in some cases Weird) you can go. Then, (I hope,) I will try to teach the player "how deep" we can go with the mechanics.

The idea is to add Elemental damages ( like Torches and Stoves) and increase the attack output creating a workbench that lasts until the end of the battle, and so on.

I will try to limit the hoarding of materials and use it to challenge the player.

Thanks! I will need to address some errors and remake some code, using the TileSwap for better visuals and avoiding some GameBoy limitations. Then, I will improve the strategic part of gathering materials by stealing (Avoiding hoarding too many materials) and adding more complexity (Like elemental damages, status effects, increasing the stats, etc.) 

Thanks! The nostalgic charm of the GameBoy is unbeatable :D

Nice Game, the basics are there, need more polish.

I've been able to plant only one type of plant at a time, even if I've some empty pot.

You also need to tweak the economics, otherwise the more expensive plants are not worth the selling value.

That said, nice job. 

I'm glad you liked it! Although the game is still barebones, I hope to pass the round and explore the mechanics further.

I'm glad you liked it! I hope I can meet your expectations!

GB Studio is easy to use when you understand its limitations (colour palette, sprite size, etc.). It's also good for prototyping or laying out simple concepts.

Thanks for the kind words! The game is rough now, but I hope to improve it as I improve my skills. It's only my first GameJam, after all...

Not able to run the game ( so I can't rate it), but from the screenshot seems cool.

Cool game, 

I would decrease the fire rate of the pistol, giving it a better feeling.

Nice game but too easily you get stuck on clouds or you can go out of boundaries.

One of the few typing games I like.

Have you considered putting a countdown on the words and not a "global" one?

That can avoid spamming the same word and force you to use all the effects.

A good game, easy to grab but hard to master (as it should be.)

Platforming elements are good, I will only add more spawned objects to force players to risk it more. (a temporary or one-hit shield,  and why not, a timer increase that you must dodge...)

As a fellow RPG lover, I like the style of the game.

Design-wise, I've found the visual effects a little too big. Everything seems affected until you see the damage input only on one target. 

If you like it, you can move Fish down just a little so it's easier to understand who will take the damage.

Thanks for the kind words and also for the feedback. 

I've used a pointer to highlight the active character (or the one speaking) but forgot the black outline, so it's easy to miss. 

I will also change the dialogue to fit the context. Thanks.

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Hi Robert, 

I would slightly change the UI on some pages.

I.E. Move the cursor to the Right/"Next" after you press the "SELECT" to reduce the number of clicks/inputs or delete the "Back" empty trigger on the Left on the first page.

I'm learning GB Studio also thanks to your tutorials. Great job! :D 

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I'm glad you liked it! It can also run on the original hardware (btw, the thrown items are too small, I will need to fix it...). That console still has some untapped potential, I will try to squeeze it. :D

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Good Game. I liked the "Eureka" moment of compressing energy. When the player intuitively understands the rules of the game, It's a great game.

I would only add collisions to the signs, just to avoid "breaking the illusion". The game world must feel "real" when you play it.

Thanks for the kind words. Music ( and audio/sound effects) is not my cup of tea and must be improved.

I really like this game, well done!

Glad you liked it! 

Thanks for the feedback, I will add some reminder of the controls in-game next time. 

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Fun and Cute. Well done. I would only change the jump button (like space bar) but just a personal preference...

Glad you liked it! 

Yes, that's the spirit! :D

Thanks! This is my first jam so getting feedbacks is extremely useful for me. Also not a native English speaker so i feared the dialogue could fall flat, and so on.... With extra time I would love to add some other battles and at least a little boss battle...