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A member registered Jun 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like this idea! The gameplay is so simple and enjoyable, I send this to my friend after playing so many times, haha. Good job! : )

Thank you! Our artist partner is really amazing!

Thank you very much! We put lots of effort on discussing the gaol. : D

I'm glad to hear that! We put lots of effort in designing the mechanic. Thank you very much! : )

This mechanic is interesting! Player's bullet can either harm enemy or be used as a grapple.

It's really fun to play. :D

Thank you very much! :D 

Haha! It a really cool game. Begin with an upbeat atmosphere, and then find out that Dad is really harsh on me. : (

And I love those delicate character and background arts! Good job!

This game is interesting! I'm not quite sure what can I do in the beginning, but the goal becomes clear after I fly around and try to grab some blocks.

I also enjoy the music!(sfx is a liitle bit to loud though)

It's really a nice concept, good job! : )

Yeah, we can to create a conflict that you won't be able to neutralize animals if they are healed to over half HP. But we don't have enough time to introduce this mechanic in a more clever way. : (

Thank you for playing!

Wow, Thanks for your kind words! It really means a lot to us.

The last level was designed by me in the last ten minutes before we decide to submit, haha!

Even I can't save all four doge... After so many tries.

Thanks again. : )

I just watched your devlog on Youtube, this game is really interesting!!!! Good job. :D

Hi, I really like your game! The art style is lovely. :D

The graphics and audio design are really excellent! It's fun to play!!!! Good job!

This mechanic is so interesting! I think it would be a nice puzzle game if the difficulty curve being more smooth. 加油!

Thank you! We will try to discuss what to do with this idea in the future. :D

Thank you! Our artist will be glad to hear this. : D

Adorable game! I like your art style. : )

This game is simple and satisfying to play! I think your art style is really lovely, good job! :)

This idea is interesting! We came up with train-related idea, too. But we end up decide to use stretcher chain and ambulance, haha!

We planned to use slimes in our game at first, haha! Yours are cuter I think. :D

I like your art style! It’s satisfying to play. Good job. :D

This game is so cute! We use doge in our game as well, lol.

The art style is so lovely! I love this game conecpt! : D

I like this idea! Use another little platformer game to achieve the ability you want, it's fun to play.

Really cool concept! Try to let enemies merge together and then kill them with fewer ammo, it is a good idea with potential. :)

Good! I like the way you polish this simple idea. It's fun to play! :D

Wow! The art style is really great, and the concept is easy to learn. Good job!!

This game is so creative!!!!! I have a good time playing this. Good job! : )

This game is fun! and the art style is really good. :)

This game is so cute! But I'm not rich actually...

Cool! a simple mechanic with excellent level design, it's fun to play. :D

Really cool concept! With some key-binding constraint, this simple platformer has turned into a well-designed puzzle game. Good job!! : D

Wow, I really like your art style! The visual feedback is smooth and satisfying. Good job!!!!!

Interesting game! The idea is easy to learn. Good job! : D

It's a little bit confusing at first, but I think it's a nice concept for the theme this year. Well done!

I like your art style! And the game mechanic is easy to understand. Good job!

Really cool concept!!! I like this. :D

I like this idea! And the visual feedback is really cool. Good job! :D 

This concept is interesting! Good job! :D

Nice visual feedback and sound effect! But It's a bit to difficult for me. lol