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A member registered Aug 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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That was a bug that made it into the jam version of the game, but should now be fixed in the latest version! We left those in for only the most stouthearted of adventurers to discover, you see...

Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed it!

Glad you were able to find a way around it!

That was a bug we missed in the jam version, but have just uploaded (as of a few minutes ago!) a new version that should fix a few of those quirks that snuck by us :)

Hi, thanks for checking out our game!

I got started learning Unity with the help of Brackeys' channel and would highly recommend it:

This was really well put together and felt super polished. I liked the balance of deciding how much to plant vs how much you think you can take on. The pumpkin boss was a great way to end it, too. Super fun game!

Shooting your hearts out as weapons feels like a really fresh mechanic. There's a great tension there between deciding to take out a group of frogs (an 'army' you might say, hah!), or darting away to stock up on HP/Ammo.

Gaining new modes every round fits the theme perfectly, too. Just great game-feel overall. Fantastic entry! All 5's from me!

Oh man, that wiggle slide is so smooooth. I like that the emotions reflected different aspects of the controls, like anger was fast to move, but resistant to slow down. I don't think I've seen that idea done before.

Fun arena shooter! I liked having the additional challenge of finding the targets hidden in the environment as you're darting around the level. I usually went with the Chocolate/Strawberry/Neapolitan loadout, but it was fun to throw in Mint or Cookies-n-Cream every few rounds. (Poor Vanilla always gets a bad rap!)

The moat mechanic is a great spin on TD! This could easily be expanded on in a post-jam version, like having the environment shape how your moat grows. Nice work!

I thought this was just a brutally difficult platformer until I read the comments regarding double jump, haha. I wasn't able to get past the lasers without it :)

Nice job on the atmosphere of the game here!

Great concept! I didn't really know what to expect going in but was pleasantly surprised by the creativity and execution of the idea. There were a lot of great homages to the way those 64-era games worked, like the fixed perspective cameras, platformer quest-givers, short draw distance, etc.
Those spider things can die in a fire though.

Cool entry!

Man, you've got MODE working on multiple levels here. I felt this had a good scaling of difficulty and interval of learning new things. You did a good job of going for those 'a-ha moments' without making the puzzle solutions too obscure as well. Nice entry!

This is really good! It took a bit to "get" the game, but once you do, it's quite enjoyable. It had really fun writing too, though I did run into the dialogue bug toward the end. Also that is the wildest kitchen I've ever seen, but totally worth bringing the cherry red cherry.

I do feel a tad guilty for accidentally shooting the frog with the grappling hook (he was off-screen, I swear!)

I just jumped in and started playing and didn't realize what the game mode switch would be until it happened mid-game, which was a fun surprise. Cool twist on a classic!

I don't know why, but I didn't expect an actual hard mode. And indeed it was!

Great take on the theme! It was fun trying the different modes and learning when to use each. I wasn't able to purchase upgrades in the web version though, not sure if I was doing something wrong.

Gorgeous game and fun gameplay too. Super polished entry! I love the personality of the king's animations

We've uploaded an uncompressed web version: 

Could you let us know if that fixes it? There's a Windows version available there as well if not.

Thanks for letting us know! We've uploaded an uncompressed web version that hopefully fixes that error (haven't been able to reproduce it yet).

There's also a Windows version available there.

Man, this game looks so good! (A fellow dithering fan!) Really interesting gameplay, too. I'm shocked to see a rewind function on top of all the other gameplay already in there! You put a ton of work into this and it shows. Really really nice job! Would be fun to see more levels and abilities for sure.

Saw your comment about blending into plants. I suppose that was Mr. Green's ability? :)

The room with the yellow door was quite difficult! I managed to beat it, but I didn't feel like I got the "right" answer, if that makes sense. 

A lot of the levels were well designed though. Just slightly harder than the one before it and teaching you something new each time. Nice game!

Best game I've played in the jam yet! I was hooked the whole way through.

The attention to detail was really nice, like the mountain getting closer in the race. The different sprites for vehicle upgrades was unexpected, but gave an even weightier feel to your upgrades. And getting better scrap as you go was a great design choice.

But the gameplay twist and also that ending twist!! Writers need to take notes on this.

Fun game! I like how each move/mode feels different. Level 8 stumped me for a bit, but eventually figured it out. 

Great attention to details overall!

Cool jam game! I thought the simple art style worked well for it.

An idea for game-feel: it would be nice if the board and player had zero friction so that it wouldn't get 'stuck', and the player could more easily go for speed-run style gameplay. 

(1 edit)

Nicely executed mini-metroidvania for 48h! Some of the enemies did feel unfair at times, but gameplay is hard to get balanced just right in only a couple days. The twist was quite unexpected and worth playing to the end for. Nice job on the sprites too. Those animations are great!

Edit: Just a thought, you could add a [Spoilers ahead!] warning to your theme description for those who read it before playing to the end.

First Vend-like I've played! Took me a bit to understand my goal, but it was fun once I got into it. 

PS: That animated background gif on the game page is absolutely mesmerizing.

Definitely the most stress-free sokoban game I've played! It was fun seeing the interactions between the different types of 'plants'

You guys accomplished some really cool stuff with this! I didn't even realize there was more than one way to rewrite a headline until the end. It was fun going back through to try to find other scenarios.

Solid action game, really enjoyed this. I did have some trouble remembering which colors were effective against which, but the difference in the sound effects did a nice job of communicating that. 

Also, I made sure to come back and press Settings and Button after reading some of the other comments. Did not disappoint!

All 5's from me for getting to draw a victory hat at the end.

Very creative idea! The simple style is very appealing and the levels were fun

This is so well done. I was super surprised when it loaded real games! Totally expecting this to be featured :)

NICE! All 5's from me. The idea and execution were great! I could easily see this getting featured. 

This could also make a great foundation for a slower-paced puzzle game where you reconstruct a crime scene based on the evidence. 

I was surprised how many scenarios and reactions there were based on my gifts (correct, or otherwise). What a cool idea

The idea that the tomato halves are essentially extra lives is genius. Also that music is bumpin'

I liked the choice between repairing a component at low health vs replacing it with spare parts. Perhaps the stakes could be upped even further if you had to manage some things on the left side of the screen (or maybe that's too much to keep track of?), like finding better components on the battlefield.

Solid entry for 48hrs!

I just tore dozens of cute little penguins in half for 15 points apiece. I'm..... a monster.

Got to level 10. Fun game! For some reason at first I thought I was playing as the white dot with my controls reversed. It was a mind-bending experience realizing I was controlling the terrain instead!