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A member registered Jul 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Feel free to post any thoughts, critiques, or miscellaneous comments here!

Good morning, 

I very much appreciate you taking the time to play my game and give feedback - it means a lot, as this is my first gamejam, and the first game I've ever made. 

Both of your suggestions are really great ideas, and actually are things I would've loved to include if I had the time. I'll definitely be going back through to work on this after the assessment period!

Thanks again! 

Hey there,

Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my game - I'm glad you liked it :-) 

There are definitely some loadouts that are waaay better than other lol. Tried to keep it balanced, but some broken stuff is fun, right? 


Your use of characters on a board in physical space is very satisfying! I really enjoyed chucking my dice at the enemies to try and knock them over while playing.

The enemies could perhaps have some clearer indications to how far they can go or attack, and the sound fx kinda confused me in regards to what was happening on my turns.

Overall though, I think that having your character like little toys on a game board gives this a super unique feel. Great job!

This was easily one of the most creative take on the theme that I've seen. The dark and twisted vibe was super cool, and I really dig the music!

I feel like the timer could maybe stand to be a bit more forgiving, and some situations seemed almost impossible to avoid being hit (although maybe I'm just bad at it lol).

Overall, this was a very memorable game, and I applaud you for thinking outside the box with the theme. Great work!

Yoooo, this I LOVE your art style! It feels like the doodles in a school notebook came to life. The start menu is very stylish, and I just overall really love the aesthetic! I also really enjoy that the sound FX are all mouth noises. The over all feel of the game is very cohesive. 

The attacks/abilities in-game could certainly use some clearer/punchier visual fx, and there were a few small bugs here and there. In general though, I really enjoyed my time w your game - great stuff

Hi there,

My first thoughts are that the controls feel very smooth, and work great for the purposes of the game. Tossing the dice around is fun, and it's a cool lil challenge to go for a high-score.

The game could use a bit more oomph/juice. Some sound fx would go a long way to really punching up the overall feel.

As someone else in the comments said, I could definitely see this making a neat lil party game if expanded upon. Great work!

I'd also v much appreciate it if you're able to check my game out as well :-)

Hi there,

I really enjoy your creative take on the theme of the jam! I think that flipping a quote on it's head is a super neat way to interpret the theme, and there's a lot of potential here. As a couple other comments mentioned, the instructions could've stood to be a bit clearer, but I really like your idea!

I didn't expect to see any choose your own adventure type games, but this was super neat! Reminded me of coming up w lil stories w my friends as a kid.

I went to clear out the bathroom, and I got stabbed while washing my hands lol. Idk why, but that got a chuckle out of me. Keep up the good work!

I really like the style and creativity you've got going on here! I couldn't seem to get the game to play fullscreen, though I'm not sure if that's just a me problem. 

If you've got a minute, I'd really appreciate if you're able to check out my game as well :-)

I really like your art style! The characters are super cute, and I think you have an interesting concept here.

I think the abilities of each character could stand to be a bit clearer, and maybe some music would liven things up as well. Overall, great job!

If you have a minute, I'd really appreciate if you could check my game out as well :-)

Ah, I totally missed that. I figured there might be away to do so. That's actually a neat way to go about it now that you mention it, since the randomness of the shuffle fits the theme

Super cool idea! I really like that the dice serve a dual-purpose, in the sense that the can be used for powers or doors - It really makes you think about how you use them. The art is pleasing, as well as the music.

I think it would be super cool to see an expanded version with different powers to equip, or something like that. I also think that the amount of charges you get back should be proportional to the value of the die. It would make high value die that much more impactful, and really force you to think about how you spend them. Taking that idea further, it could be interesting to have each power have it's own cost per charge. So perhaps more powerful abilities are more expensive to recharge, whereas you might have weaker, more spammable abilities that you can load up with charges in-between rooms.

All that being said, I think you did a wonderful job. You have an interesting take on the theme, and a fun game. You should be v proud of what you made :-)

I'm not quite sure how the controls are supposed to work, but I like the art!

This is a super interesting take on the theme. A text adventure was not what I expected, but it works!

I like the presentation a lot, although I think the text is maybe a bit too squashed, making it a bit hard to read sometimes. 

Overall, this is a super creative take on the theme, and I like it a lot!

You've got a very cool concept here. It feels like a fast paced action-puzzle game. The sounds and effects are super satisfying too!

I did find that it was often difficult to tell how the enemies would attack, leading to situations where I thought I'd hit them, but ended up dying instead. I think that with some different attack types, and some clearer indication of enemy intentions, you'll have a very satisfying game here! Great work!

Presentation is certainly cool, but I'm not sure how the game fits the theme. Also, I couldn't figure out how to rotate/aim, which made it difficult to play. 

With some tweaking, I think you could have a stylish little arcade shooter. Keep it up!

Presentation is certainly cool, but I'm not sure how the game fits the theme. Also, I couldn't figure out how to rotate/aim, which made it difficult to play. 

With some tweaking, I think you could have a stylish little arcade shooter. Keep it up!

Presentation is certainly cool, but I'm not sure how the game fits the theme. Also, I couldn't figure out how to rotate/aim, which made it difficult to play. 

With some tweaking, I think you could have a stylish little arcade shooter. Keep it up!

The core concept here is really cool! I like the idea of building out dice with different attack values, and different elemental effects - almost like a deck-builder, but with dice!

One note I have is that the feeling of the platforming could use a bit of tweaking. The player slides a bit too much when coming to a stop (at least in my opinion), and there doesn't seem to be a jump buffer of any kind. I think adding a jump buffer/coyote-time would go a long way to improving movement feel.

All things considered, you did a great job!

The concept you have here is v neat, and I'd like to see it expanded on a bit. Maybe actually integrating the casino games into the core game somehow. 

The switch in tone rlly caught me off guard, although it was undercut a bit by the guy at the end not following properly. 

Great work :-)

I really dig the presentation! The reload animation, the use of bloom, and the way the hands are animated is all really nice!

I would like to maybe see a more clear indication that you can hit the slot machines. The sound/feedback when hitting a ghost could also stand to be a bit punchier maybe. It would also be nice to be able to choose which die you throw from your hand, rather than just throwing the next one. 

All things considered though, this game has lots of style and polish, and is a great interpretation of the theme. I'd love to see what this could turn into if fleshed out more :-)

Hey, thanks so much for checking my game out! I had no idea that the resolution isn't being forced properly, so that's good to know!

Thank you so much - that means the world to me. This is literally the first game I've ever made, so I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to check it out. 

I'm getting breakfast rn, and I'll be sure to check your game out as soon as I'm back home :-) 

This is v cute. I like the art style, and the music. Whether it fits the theme is maybe a li questionable, but it's certainly a creative take on this years theme. Good stuff!

Also, I laughed when the dog said I "goobered it". Good stuff.

This is very neat. Super simple concept, but an excellent use of the theme

This is pretty cool! I like the concept a lot. The collision detection feels rather off, making is very difficult to actually hit the die. I think the idea of trying to avoid collateral damage is really neat though!

p.s. - I also made a game called Just Roll With It, lol

The dice sounds scratch my brain itch

Thanks for checking it out! I had a feeling this might be an issue :-/

I have a fairly powerful computer, so I was able to run things without any problems. Any idea how to go about optimizing something like this? 

Idk why, but none of my screenshots are showing up :-(

Pls play my game. It's fun - I promise lol.