good stuff, Love it
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very Interesting game, fun but at times frustrating.. I will have to complain mainly on the fact the there is no need for a mechanic where you can fall in the void (as I done many times) just make him not walk of the edge, also you can sometimes dash into a corner instead of the target.
anyway really cool concept I had a fun, and the art is very good. great job!
unfortunately the enemy chess pieces just seem to move randomly (I them once going to the same square) and not really go to get you and you cant capture them... perhaps by design but it just dont feel right when pieces I know can capture me never do.
the main problem is that you have to wait like 10 seconds (it seems) between turns and that ruins the game flow, I am glad to see you are going to continue working on it after the jam, good luck!
interesting, I would suggest to just make a consistent jump height for wall jump (and maybe other power ups?) and one that changes for regular jumps.
the only potential down side is that players might find this confusing, at any case the jump needs to feel a little more responsive to player input.
Regardless of your final decision I would like to mention that the way I implanted this before is that there is a minimum amount of time you have to hold the jump button in order for the character to jump.
the benefits for this approach are
1:the jump button isn't overly sensitive (which matters less when you use space bar, but I like to use up arrow\W)
2:more importantly that gives a minimum jump height.
now you would have a maximum jump height and a minimum jump height, and this is useful when designing a precise jump because as a developer you know exactly what size gup equals an easy jump (max - min) and what size gup are harder jumps (max\\min\\max-d (d>min))
I hope this helps, good luck!
great job! you provide a cozy and charming experience.
the world is field fun secrets and interaction to keep the player engage, the platforming is a little standard but I am sure that with more polish and platforming mechanics introduced later could be much better. (not that this is a bad starting point its actually decent, I had fun)
-input jump buffer is to small or none existing (jump input doesn't save for few milliseconds if you are not on the ground yet)
-*jump height isn't different depending on how long the jump button is held.
(just the stuff you see in every how to make a good platformer controller tutorial)
*if you need help implementing this (I found it takes a lot of time to get right) I could send you code I used to achieve this
-it might be temporary but the backgrounds are drawn on a much smaller size (or maybe aren't detailed enough) and than the sprites looks off in contras with the background.
-shadows and lighting in cutscenes is weird, cartoons don't have real time lighting
-chunk fish (i think) with too much shade on them looks like a part of the background
-the chunk fish is great, the sound the animation its very polished in contrast to the main character the slime who for some reason doesn't have sound effects (weird priorities in the sound design)
-some animation for the main character are missing: landing (i would also add some more slime particles here), on ground and holding move against wall (should squish against the wall)
-for some reason the speakers dialog is skippable (why? you don't have to read it and I accidentally skipped it)
hey I just wanted to thank you for taking such a big part of the jam, you rated all the games in the jam and gave each a detailed review, a lot of people didn't even thank me for creating this event and reviewing there games.
so I just wanted to let you know you are appreciated.
I'll try to keep up with your stuff, good luck with future projects, the community needs more people like you!
hey I am exited to play your game but the installer seems to get stuck here
and this happened every time
if lunch the game anyway this shows up
Unable to find file Graphics/Tiles/ectitle copy.
If I can assist in any way with this let me know but I do not know how to use RPGmaker.
maybe if you just send this folder as a zip instead of ECV3.9.exe it would work?
if you want me to try again with the ECV.3.8 let me know
your review is waiting in your inbox! sorry if I wasnt being clear at any point in the video
also you mentioned how you can make the game more engaging it didn't came up much when playing the game because I was to busy being confused :( but adding more feedback is always a right answer for solving this!
Thank you so much for playing my game and leaving a detailed review!, ironically your game is the only one I didn't get to today...
expect the review to be done in like 12 hours maybe :P.
anyway I am glad you enjoyed the game! feel free to follow me on itch to get notified about future updates, I might follow your project too it looks interesting.
last thing I have a hard time getting inspiration for improving the graphics of the game if you have any references or ideas please let ne know.
well I just finished playing the game, it was longer than i excepted for a single game i played for an hour and a half.
I usually don't recorded myself so I realize I wasn't speaking very clearly in the video, I will also note that in visual novels its hard to give helpful feedback but the video does show the general experience I had and what i thought and felt when playing, so I hope this will help the designer to see if he achieved his goals.