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A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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thank you for everybody who participated in the jam.

all the video reviews were sent, please let me know if I helped you!

special thanks for ClassyKraken for going above and beyond by leaving a detailed review on every submission.

hey I just wanted to thank you for taking such a big part of the jam, you rated all the games in the jam and gave each a detailed review, a lot of people didn't even thank me for creating this event and reviewing there games.

so I just wanted to let you know you are appreciated.

I'll try to keep up with your stuff, good luck with future projects, the community needs more people like you!

your second video review is waiting in your inbox.

I seem to not be able to progress the game I sent a video to your inbox let me know if you submit again

(2 edits)

hey I am exited to play your game but the installer seems to get stuck here


and this happened every time

if lunch the game anyway this shows up

Unable to find file Graphics/Tiles/ectitle copy.

If I can assist in any way with this let me know but I do not know how to use RPGmaker.

maybe if you just send this folder as a zip instead of ECV3.9.exe it would work?

if you want me to try again with the ECV.3.8 let me know

(2 edits)

your review is waiting in your inbox! sorry if I wasnt being clear at any point in the video

also you mentioned how you can make the game more engaging it didn't came up much when playing the game because I was to busy being confused :( but adding more feedback is always a right answer for solving this!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing my game and leaving a detailed review!, ironically your game is the only one I didn't get to today...

expect the review to be done in like 12 hours maybe :P.

anyway I am glad you enjoyed the game! feel free to follow me on itch to get notified about future updates, I might follow your project too it looks interesting.

last thing I have a hard time getting inspiration for improving the graphics of the game if you have any references or ideas please let ne know.

congrats on your first published game! the review is waiting in your inbox

thanks for submitting your game! a review is waiting in your inbox

(2 edits)

well I just finished playing the game, it was longer than i excepted for a single game i played for an hour and a half. 

I usually don't recorded myself so I realize I wasn't speaking very clearly in the video, I will also note that in visual novels its hard to give helpful feedback but the video does show the general experience I had and what i thought and felt when playing, so I hope this will  help the designer to see if he achieved his goals.

best game of the jam I've played. amazing Job!

I am glad you enjoyed, thank you!

did someone say mushrooms?

Interesting concept, very polished. I don't really understand what towel to take though :p

epic, cant believe I played it twice  

ice skates saves the game best upgrade out of the two ;P

its not very puzzling, but cool patterns 10/10

special effects don't work on the browser or most browsers. either download or turn them off. 

needs more mushrooms :(


I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i played for like 15 minutes . nice 

fun game, good job!

not a bad game, but It need a 100% chance of the mushroom you need appearing in the next 5 mushrooms or something. otherwise you progress too slowly  

interesting concept. cant get pass the dog :(

thanks its the first thing i ever composed 

(1 edit)

it killed mine too

its fun, but i do not like getting reset to level 0

surprisingly fun. keep making games. 

Ok I LOVE the game now. Great job!

suggestion dush in the direction of the mouse i am not gamer enough.

funny, but just port to web in the future 

All good, I hope you’ll keep making games

(1 edit)

the game has potential but its not really playble at the moment.

I can see this is a hobbie project and its imperssive what you acomplished but it seems that you really wanted to realese it and forgat to playtest and polish some raff areas.

first of all all the dailog in the game interfiers with the gamplay and obstracting the screen. 

A lot of the time there is to much text to want to read all at once and you are putting it in sections that you cant posibly read and play at the same time.

 Some stuff like moving and gluiding is self explentory and can be explained with button prompts, players dont like walls of tet after they took two steps.

my final complaint is that some times there are multiple puzzels in a single level and that there arent any checkpoints. last thing fading to black between levels is just really needed.

I hope youll take the criticism to heart and work to improve the expirience.

best of luck with this and fututre games if you message me I'll might give the game another try if you feel it improved since writing this comment. 

very cool game

funny little game.

good game, I like that I am playing for a draw so everyone will win

amazing game

nice job, very clever puzzles