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A member registered Jun 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Giving the game a quick playthrough again I realized that the directive gets stuck on finding an apparent third wreckage that doesn't exist instead of changing to "open the gate", bit late discovering it to be fixed but worth a quick mention.

Yes, but horror was the main focus due to the jam theme. I do however have plans so if you're willing to wait.

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I had an extra day to work on the game with the plan of adding something like a map but decided against it. I am now regretting that decision because I came up with a great idea to solve the lack of a map problem that didn't make the whole experience just "follow the marker". I think I'm going to add it anyways but I will have to wait till the end of the jam.

Managed to max out the geiger counter, find the bottom of the lake, check the file a few times, then declared myself not fit to ever pilot anything bigger than a car. I've played a game called barotrauma before and while it isn't a game about piloting a submarine one of the main things I did in it was pilot a submarine. I still managed to get into a lot of trouble piloting the submarine in that game even though it was 2D so one could imagine how a 3D environment just added more layers of confusion. So it was fun until the charm wore off.

Game: Spooky feet steps and noises!

Me: Floaty smiley face make me laugh.

I don't really have much to say about this game other than the camera monitors are pretty neat.

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Simple to a fault. Within the few minutes I played I managed to side strafe to gain extra speed. Discovered that enemies like to stack on each other and scatter when touched or just instantly kill you. Plus there is no point in going beyond the first level other than seeing how far you can go or using your weapon. (Looks pretty neat tho)

Short, fun, and to the point. Wish the boot worked on enemies too and that the boss was more fleshed out. Really does remind me of the original Doom game. 

This game gives me "The Worlds Hardest Game" feelings for anyone who remembers that game but it doesn't feel intentional. It took me around 7 tries to finally beat the game for reasons that are out of my own control that required trial and error to figure out. The game is quite simple and linear leading to repetition every try. Simply put I feel like this game suffered from a lack of polish which could have been remedied with just a little more time. However due to it's inherent simplicity there is not much to gripe about and was satisfying to finally beat.

Plenty of tension during the first minutes but the only relief for the tension was the loud noises of which I am particularly prone to jump from and seeing the floating eyes out the windows and chuckling a bit. The amount of light switches (I lost count) I went through made me question my goal only to get greeted by the games ending. The previous two games didn't have settings of any sort but this one did and included an audio slider for all sounds which was nice but the audio levels varied too much to make it matter resulting in a worse audio experience than the aforementioned two games. However for a first game this is quite a great result that could do with a bit of polish.

I'm not sure how I feel because at points I did get scared a bit, but at other I laughed (specifically at the spider) but after 10 minutes of walking from one end to end at a snails pace in a place that looks the same then seeing the same scare multiple times I just gave up from lack of anything new. However I feel like if I was given more of a clue on what to do and was in a more unique environment it would really have felt more enjoyable.

A well polished short game with an enjoyable art / rendering style that I had fun playing with some mild horror elements. The one gripe I have is the enemies are an annoyance rather than a threat.

More variation in enemies.

Title Says It All :l