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A member registered Dec 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I liked this game, the hand-drawn creatures look really nice. It reminds me of the good old days of flash games, I'm a big fan.

Thanks for playing! We had a lot of fun setting up all of the quest lines and having different interactions with them. I was very happy with doing the human-bug voice lines!

There is some different pieces of geometry that it is possible to get stuck on/in, the graveyard fence being the largest culprit(ironically?). We forgot to add it to the itch page, but there actually is a save feature in the game where you can create a save file from the menu, and then reload with your progress back into the hub world.

Thanks you so much for playing, glad you enjoyed our game!

Thank you so much for playing and watching! I'm glad you enjoyed all of our dialogue and funny jokes!

Missing the clear ending is a fully valid criticism, even just a UI element that shows quests complete or pebble completion % would have gone a long way!

Mhmmm... yes... Thank you for playing! Mhmm...

I did contribute to the dialogue, but the majority of some of the dialogue was written by @aardvarkio. You can thank him for those super radical teen ants!

Thank you for saying it is like Chibi-Robo! I wasn't even thinking about it when making this, but that is one of my favorite games of all time!

Kafka is a perfect inspiration in a Metamorphosis theme! Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it and the voice acting! 

That fence is an absolute killer, so many people have gotten stuck in it. Hopefully it didn't set you too far back in progress. We forgot to write it to the game page, but there is a save function that let's you save your progress and reload back into the main world.

Thank you for playing! We were happy with going bizarre and weird and since we were able to build the framework in the first couple of days we spent most of the jam just filling it with more content!

Thanks for playing! @aardvarkio built out the dice game and it was one of the very first things we put in!

You're gonna make us blush! Thank you for playing!

I love to hear it! Thank you for playing! We had a lot of fun with the emotes and quest rewards and in a lot of cases we worked backwards from making those and then figuring out what quest we should write to reward it!

Hmmm yes.. Hmmm! Thank you so much, we had a lot of fun writing the dialogue! 

Delilah is a sweetheart <3! We had established a framework/core mechanics within the first 2 days after that we had an entire week to write dialogue and make content!

Hmm yes! Thank you so much, we had a lot of fun being goofy and weird, and just making whatever we thought was funny in the moment.

Delilah is an absolute treasure, she's the whole package!  Thank you for playing, the fleshiness of the pizza was not intentional!

Thank you so much! We would get random ideas about what sounded fun (or funny) to put in the game and just put them in. In many instances we worked backwards from making a mechanic and an emote and then asking what quest would use it or reward it!

Hmmm... Yes... Hmm Thank you so much for playing!

This was a fantastic game, wow!

I assumed there was only 6 classes based off of combinations of dice, but then realized the base makes a difference. I didn't experiment too much farther but are there 27 classes?!

I had a lot of fun building a rogue/enchanter hand, and then stoked when I found the bard. This was my hard run, and I defeated the final boss without ever needing to select a die. On my normal run, I just kept re-rolling until I could hit 50.

Really satisfying game to play, and all of the polish and UI feels really good and immersive. Absolutely great work!

This was a wonderful game, I enjoyed the vibe, controls and progression. Going from egg to bird to seamlessly unlock going over the hedge is a great transition!

I only got to about 2/3ish bar and then couldn't find any more worms.

Delightful experience!

The chill music in the background was nice, and the platforming felt good.

I got a good chuckle slingshotting the rabbit at the end!

Very well made polished game! Definitely captures that lighthearted vibe of the hole in wall type game shows!

I can see the direction that you were going, and I was able to get the opponent to 0 life.

I was curious what the back line was for. I couldn't seem to play cards into it, was this intended for support type cards?

(1 edit)

It should be tab like the pause menu UI.
I'll add a label to that interface though.
Edit: The label has now been added!

Thanks for playing!

😎📷 👍👍     🐛
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoyed it!

Really fun game! The gritty noir style and audio with the silly duck detective and other animals is an amazing contrast! Very well executed and fun to play!

The graphics and audio were beautiful and immersive. The platforming puzzles were fun to solve and use the theme wonderfully! Great work. As others have said, some of the movements felt like gotchas where I would know where to jump and set up the environment for it, but then I also needed to precisely jump at the last few pixels.

That was a lot of silly fun, I wasn't expecting the twist that I was the human ant going for the cheese.

The twist on the theme is wonderful! This is such a cute and laid back game. As others were saying little audio triggers would have made this game perfect, but even without, the gameplay loop is wonderful.

The humor and vibe were spot on and the voice acting and character interactions gave me a good chuckle!

I was confused by the chess at first until I realized that I could just move pieces around willy-nilly. Hilarious!

This was a fun puzzle game. Interesting use of the chess pieces to determine what moves to make. 

That was a nice simple arcade game! I had a good amount of fun running around the rats grabbing the camera batteries.

Well done with the sound and textures, it gave it a fun and energetic feeling!

Very cool game!

The scroll wheel spell selection was pretty cool, a mouse indicator surrounding the player when you are in the spell menu might be all you need to pull it off. I was one of the unfortunate players that was hit with the speed increase, I was wondering why it was so difficult because the game felt like it was on 8x speed.

Welcome to Godot Wild Jam!

I can see where it was going, great work on what you were able to get done! The art and visuals look nice. RPGs as well as turn based RPGs can consume a lot of time because of the amount of content and assets needed!

This was a fun point and click mechanic, I got through about 15 rooms (levels) of the tiled zone. I didn't know whether I needed to keep going or if it was just generating more levels. The death scene was hilarious!

Thank you so much for playing!

I'm a fiend for audio, and every game we make I want to incorporate even more sound effects and audio. In future games we hope to have even more ambience and interaction sounds.

We have received a good amount of feedback about the ease of access to the camera menu and we fully agree. It would have been a great QOL improvement to be able to open/close the camera menu with something as simple as space bar. It will definitely be something that we keep in mind going forward into future games.

The light theme got away from us. We were very excited about the camera wildcard that we spent most of our time making that work. We had goals of making the cameras and rooms light functionality interact with the monster and even having camera filter options to switch between different light modes to identify different threats. 

Thank you so much! Great job getting away from the monster! I'm appreciative that you had so much fun and it was able to be nostalgic!

Thanks for playing the game! We found that as one of the many bugs that the game has after release. Our character's hitbox sometimes registers as a point that the navmesh tries to path to making for some frustrating sections where you need to direct her away from the point you want to move to before moving to the next point.
The getting lost part was a somewhat intentional design choice. We wanted to make a game where you had to figure out where you are in relation to the cameras. That said, there are definitely times that we failed to make the mechanic interesting or rewarding.

Thanks for playing! 

We found a lot of bugs as well and we ran out of time to fix them. One of those bugs I think is what you are talking about, sometimes clicking near the character will register a point next to the character rather than through them.

Blessings of Sel upon you! Thanks for playing! 🐐

The arrow mechanics and dash did feel really cool! Great work!

This was a really fun game! The game mechanics felt really fun to play!

I enjoyed playing through this game, the mechanics were really interesting. I never thought I would be so thrilled about a log placement mechanic!