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A member registered Feb 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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got ending 2 first

Wonder what the ??? thing for the last extreme is.



(1 edit)

very fun! wish there was more to do, could definitely see this becoming a full 30-60$ game

Alternative title: A good Croquet is hard to play

the comment by allison is likely fake,i definitely wouldn’t trust them

enjoyable, but a bit lacking in actual stuff to do

i hate the enemy dodge mechanic

wasn’t able to get it to work even on firefox

incredibly laggy for me

the reason the speed is slow is because in testing the player would fly around uncontrollably

the second level is bugged and cannot be completed! that is why you couldn’t finish it.

i got stuck around the end where the scale is the biggest, i loved it though, would definitely want to see more

as a witness fan, this game speaks to me

oh, i thought there was a code or something i was supposed to enter somewhere, i actually had the thing solved from messing around with it before, i was just assuming it was something else,

couldn’t figure out the shadow thing no matter how much i rotated the thingy still enjoyed it


got stuck on artemis due to the pieces being too dark, as well as a bug where i couldn’t let go of a piece.

felt like a real tourist while playing! probably because I’m canadian

I continue to refuse to update my graphics driver

Extremely impossible to win.

can’t run it

the creation of engines doesn’t work for me

i meant the game ends before you actually set foot on the volcano

felt like there should be more to do, but it’s fine for what it is.

would love to have a guide to figure out the quests with!

west is to the left, but the hut is to the right of the office


the wizard said Weast

maybe you should research all the meanings of the word ‘rubber’ before you use it to refer to a stretchy, growing thing. Comes off as very awkward when you’ve never ever heard anyone use the phrase to refer to an eraser. plus, the text when you fail a level makes it even more awkward.

it started making red instead of black for some reason


i completed a puzzle inside a yellow piece but when i dragged out the second red piece, nothing happened, and when i left the puzzle, the yellow piece was still there.

controls are a bit floaty

didn’t work properly

the gameplay just doesn’t go well with the theme.

if you jump too close to a wall you get bounced back

we felt it wasn’t nessacary because you can reset from the menu at any time, so we just didn’t get around to it.

you can reset from the pause menu at any time