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A member registered Jan 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah “puzzle” was a stretch. It’s more of a clicker game.

The game is definitely missing some feedback, that we ran out of time for. I wanted the main “fun” to be sorting the columns while your piles start to get out of control, but there needs to be some more indication of when items are incorrectly sorted.

Has a nice atmosphere. It was sort of fun just riding around in the snow.

Fun idea. I would definitely play more levels of this.

Nice job for only 6 hours. The controls feel pretty good.

Fun mechanics. I sort of wish I had a walking speed and a run button for a little more control.

Thanks for playing. Just shove them under your bed! Out of side, out of mind.

Fun puzzle game! Not sure how I feel about the timer. Might of had more fun without it.

I had an annoying bug on the third level where the piece position and the cursor were getting desynced and pieces wouldn’t rotate sometimes. This was on web.

Interesting mechanic with jumping off of missles. There was a point where I was riding a bunch of missles up into the sky. Could be a lot of fun with a little more polish.

Needs some feedback when using the thrusters. Hard to tell if you’re moving or not at times.

The bullet density made it really hard to get the raindrops.

looks interesting, but couldn’t figure what each slider did. You could maybe add some description of what each slider is.

love the twist on tricky towers.

Definitely want to at least finish the main gameplay loop and see how it feels.

Thanks for the feedback. Having the farmer and the store owner have budgets was something we ran out of time to implement. Definitely something required for the game to actually be fun.

Had fun. Wish there was some bassier notes.

Pathfinding felt a bit rough. The player kept running into the spike I made and wasn’t sure how to get them to avoid it.

Loved the concept!

Very silly!

I had fun with the shooting. FOV felt a touch small.

Reminds me a bit of Mario Bros.

Note: game is unfinished. The main gameplay loop of picking items and the farm updating is mostly done, but there is no economy, and no success/failure states.

Really great feedback on bevy. Some of the pain points you mentioned are being worked on like the asset system is being completely reworked. Other things like there being a lot of runtime checks won’t change anytime soon. (Fixing this in bevy would require a way to get a const type id, which isn’t really possible with how rust currently works.)

Comments on the issues you were having:

I was thinking it should have been a custom schedule maybe, that I would run manually somehow

This is what I would recommend for anything turn based.

load configuration from lets say a json file at runtime

I usually use bevy_common_assets for this.

I have no idea how to take ownership of a component.

The problem here is that the world owns the components, so you can only get ownership when you have access to &mut World. For what you want to do I would recommend writing a custom EntityCommand. https://docs.rs/bevy/latest/bevy/ecs/system/trait.EntityCommand.html

Once I read the comment about not pulling back, game was much more playable. Though it was very scary with the effects on the last level waiting to find out if I was going to slide off or not lol.

Very impressive work! Especially for a jam entry. Sometimes things felt a bit unintuitive with the sticky effect. I struggled with the controls a bit when changing between the floor and ceiling.

Couldn’t get past the second jump as the game was dropping my jump inputs

Really interesting game. I had a fun time with it. One issue I had is that I felt like I was guess and checking towards the end. I had a hard time understanding “promotes a healthy appetite”. I think it was because I would normally expect a mouse to eat cheese even without any drugs.

(1 edit)

You had some fun puzzles. It might be better to make the platforming a bit easier though to give more focus to the puzzling aspect. I fell and died a couple times on the second level after I already knew how to solve the puzzle.

Really cute art!

fun puzzles!

Interesting idea. I had a lot of trouble giving the drink to the patron that I wanted to.

It was fun seeing the levels change.

Got stuck on the third level when the first enemy fell to the bottom.

Fun game!

interesting idea. only tried with 2 players but I can see it getting really hectic with more. My one complaint would be the rotational momentum. It made things feel very unresponsive when trying to change directions.

Fun game. My one crit would be that it would be nice to have some visual indication on top of the text of the debuffs for the already placed towers.

Feels a bit like vampire survivor

How do you drink?

(1 edit)

game is crashing on windows for me.

Hope you had fun!

Very pretty. I like the loop between searching and shooting.

Nice effects. Felt a bit tedious as the game wore on. Probably needed a way of collecting the earlier resources faster as the game progressed.