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Namida Sai

A member registered May 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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¡Hola! Gracias para preguntar, pero no somos de Mexico. ¡Hasta luego!

hey Kordeyrow, thanks so much for playing and the nice thoughts, really appreciate it!

The different types of balls and scores associated is a great idea for further development. Could totally justify the levels of difficulty with material. Thanks for that! 

Regarding the level reset, forgot to mention you can restart the level by typing R on your keyboard. Whoops!

Thanks again for playing! =)

Thanks so much for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

The Reloaded mode turns all enemies into Agent Smith.

Become the One is actually an “easy” modifier that gives about 3-5 lives to the player / Neo. 

So glad it hit the right chords with you Theo. Thanks for your glowing comment 🥰 

Thanks for playing and sharing your experience! It’s really great seeing that our intended message came across so well. Wasn’t easy to get just right!

I absolutely love the mirror idea. In a full form version of the game I’d definitely explore how to integrate that somehow… but probably not as a straight on practice as I think this would break the “alignment” a bit… Gave me something to think about for sure, thank ya! =)

Thanks so much for checking it out! =D

Thanks so much for playing! You're not the first one who thought you had to press a key combination to make them happen. Glad you eventually managed to solve it, even though with memory rather than by cracking the pattern!

Thank you so much for playing and the kind words, means a lot! 

Thanks so much for playing, glad it succeeded at conveying the feelings
Spoiler alert, but there's an underlying pattern to the glyphs: find the common elements and you can get it right every time! 
DM me on discord/twitter and I'll spell it out more explicitly if you're still not satiated! ;)

Thanks so much! Tried really hard to make sure the game was solvable two ways: by understanding the pattern, or by memory.  Seems players are sticking around long enough to solve the game so far, let's hope it holds up!

Thanks so much for playing! We thought taking away all instructions would be the most immersive way to replicate social anxiety. 
Understood it can get frustrating though, thanks for powering through!

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This was an absolutely beautiful experience in every way. The art, the storytelling, the audio work... Damn. Thank you for making this heartfelt and intimate game.

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Hey Johan, thanks for playing and sorry you couldn't reach the end!
The cross is a false friend - there's one cross which is "full" with a dot in the middle and the other cross (which you screenshotted) where the lines do not touch each other in the middle.
It's the trickiest one of the bunch and has fooled a couple of people so far. Sorry it threw you off too much, hope you still enjoyed the experience!

Such a unique idea! This is a great game jam entry:  it's got an interesting gimmick, great art, and straightforward gameplay with a humorous setting. Great job!
Yet, I wonder if it's got enough room to grow in the next rounds. We'll see!

Really cool entry - the character feels great, has an insane amount of charm, and to top it all off we've got a tutorial, a fully fledged game with 4 levels, enemies... Damn, it's so good! Well done!

Great art and animations! Interesting mechanic. With enough limitation added on top, this can become a great platformer. Can't wait to see where this goes next!

Really nice Pico-8 prototype, can't wait to see where this goes next!

Interesting concept that could use a little bit more polish. The range on the weapon feels too big atm for it to feel linked to the player character I think. Got some potential though, nice work!

Superb entry with already a great amount of polish. I love the art and animations. So good! <3

Interesting concept and good attention to art and animation. Agreed with other comments re. temporary blindness. Good job!

Oh yes! Reminds me a bit of Crawl. Can see this leading to some interesting moral conundrums maybe? Nice one!

Ohhh this is really interesting. I like the spin on "not doing the thing" rather than doing it and can definitely lead to some interesting puzzles. Nice one!

Ohhhh I love this! Such a unique idea for the prompt! I can't wait to see where this goes in the next round. =D

Ohhhh we need more destruction oriented games in game jams! Nice one =)

Ohhhhh that's really intriguing and unique. I really like the concept. The gameplay itself could benefit from some polish (it was a bit confusing when the arrow switched character but the control didn't) but I definitely see the potential for some really high brow puzzling going on there. Keep it up!

This is ridiculously addictive. The poking is SO SATISFYING. Good job! 

I'm in love with this art, omg! The shapeshifting is really well done - i particularly like how it's just melded with movement rather than being a conscious "press X to spaceshift" kinda shtick. Here, it makes it an integral part of the character and I can't wait to see what comes up next.

I love the art style and the elegance of the presentation. The abilities have a lot of potential, I wonder what a level would look like. Well done!

As always, your character's movement oozes with charm and even though it's just a square, the skating ability feels satisfying as hell already. How do you even do that? Well done!

This is such a cool and unique mechanic. Could work really well as a mobile game if you decide to take this further. I love it!

Oh hi fellow Disc lover! Interesting ride mechanic. I definitely see some crazy physics puzzles arising from it. Nice one!

Such a cool mechanic, with a lot of potential. Execution is smooth as hell, nice one!

Plague Knight on steroids, this has no right to be as satisfying as it is. Why am I still blowing myself up, it's been 30min already. Save me. So, so, so good. 

Oh man that was cool. Really good job on coming up with the ring system, the movement felt fluid and satisfying. Grapple mechanic is smooth af as well! One wee room for improvement: i kept expecting the grapple to be a bit more forgiving in the targeting so that if you click next to the grapple points it would snap to the grapple point, but that's a very minor thing! Good job!

Interesting choice of genre for this jam! Hard to gauge the uniqueness of the ability as I think turn-based gameplay would depend a lot on the interaction between the various systems. Curious to see where you go with this!

Thanks so much!

I totally agree with you regarding the particles. I left them for the very end of the jam and I just didn’t have enough love in me to give anymore… oh well, game jams innit! Thanks again for your kind words =)

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Thank you Daymio, means a lot! I thought about making the strings move, you’re so right, that sounded like the juiciest thing i could do with this game, but… i haven't the slightest idea how to handle ropes in Unity, so decided to step right away from that path. xD

I hate that the notes are so out of sync in some places, but honestly, after spending 6h hand picking and adjusting timings, I just gave up on it eventually. Sometimes, you just have to call it done! *shrug* 

Thanks so much again for playing and rating!