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Nap Studio

A member registered Nov 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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A simple but really enternaining mechanic. I could spend hours playing without getting bored, the truck really feels out of control. I would have liked  it better if the objects that you can move stood out a little bit more. That aside, controls feel good  and I think it is a great game.

This is a great game. Pixel-art is amazing. My favourite animations were the frog, the dying ghost and the falling stars. Game was really hard at times, and even when the controles felt a bit floaty, the overall discontrol feeling of them was really well accomplished because it did not feel annoying. Great work! 

The game mechanics worked well. The audio that you chose also fit this short adventure quite well. The main issue is that I don't see how the game relates to the theme. Overall, an entertaining game.

Interesting game.  I would have liked it better if it had some sound, at least for the effects. Also some kind of feedback when you get hurt. It becomes hard to know when you're about to die unless you're paying close attention to the health meter. That aside I really liked the pixel-art design of the character and the enemies. 

That last boss was hard (good hard). More often than not I would have loved to be Wrack. I loved the dungeon style pixel art, which reminded me of titles like Enter the Gungeon. The electric guitar driven music fit the game perfectly. I'm not sure if it had something to do with the whole out of control theme, but the dash felt kind of deflected since it didn't seem to move where I was ponting at. Nonetheless, great game. Congratulations.

Ever since I saw the name and the banner I wanted to play this game due to how absurd it seemed. Now I now how hard and stressful would be  having laser vision. The detective theme is honestly one of my favourites, I loved the overall artstyle and I think the music you chose suits it perfectly. Congratulations, this is a great game.

This is one of those games that I could spend hours playing! What I liked the most is the mechanic. There were times where I had more than 20 copies following me that really gave me the out of control feel. The sound is a perfect complement to create the atmosphere.

The only thing that felt weird at times were the controls. Sometimes I felt there was some sort of "delay" to what I was doing. Nonetheless, this is a great game.

This game is such a delight.

The animations are clean and full of charm. Crafting mechanics are well thought and they do make upgrades feel great. The RTS vibes are just enough to keep you hooked, but if you want to go berserk in exchange for your HP is also an option, which gives a solid couple of choices to the player. The audio is just amazing. Every interaction feels great and the music gets you pumped up right away.

Amazing work. Congratulations.

Amazing work with this one. It is a really fun game and has a lot of charm.

Gameplay wise, I loved the physics-based movement. Seems more than appropiate for a game that takes place in space. Graphics have a lot of charm to them, and the audio part of the game is amazing for a 10 day time constraint. I guess my only "complaint" (and probably just me nitpicking) is the font, since it can get really hard to read at some points.

Other than that, an amazing job. 

It's always nice to see someone take on the extra challenge to build 3D games. After I got past figuring out the interaction basics I had a good time with it. Crafting mechanics are pretty solid and are actually quite fun. Given the fact that you went for 3D instead of 2D, I'd say graphics were pretty good too. Everything made sense and was easily identifiable.

Not bad for a first 3D game, specially due to the time constraints. Nice job.

A really enjoyable entry. Crafting system is pretty solid, my only complaint is that the time it takes to collect resources  can break the pacing a little bit. Graphics and animations are really cute and charming. And not sure if it is only me, but the game came with no audio.

Good job!

A very interesting game. Took me a couple of attempts to figure things out, but once I did I was inmediately hooked.

The crafting system is overall really well done. Even when there are no instructions, everything makes sense in regards to which materials combine with others. The music has a really nice touch to it, loved how everytime the day changes there's a change in the instruments playing the same audio loop. Graphics could've benefited from a bit of intereaction feedback (changing color or making them slightly bigger on hover, things like that).

Great work!

OFFENSIVE CONTENT WARNING: The game heavily relies on the use of political criticism and comedy. All of its characters are based on political figures from Mexico, both as a satire and a critic due to the general incompetence and insolence shown to its population, and specifically to the medical personel  that is helping us trough the global health crisis (specially true on the case of the infected civil servant that literally spitted on the hospital staff).

Thank you very much for the feedback! I haven't really thought about the knockback that way, but now that you mention it, it totally makes sense. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

PS: I don't think I'll be able to come up with a better name than "Cross-Bred Kirby Cactoid". That's just awesome.

Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Incredibly acccomplished entry. From the very beggining you feel completely lost and intrigued with the story. The handling of audio is exceptionally well done, and it adds an extra layer of inmersion to the whole product. Graphically this is incredible as well: particles, light and shadows, focused and unfocused textures... there is an amazing amount of detail to it, and the fact that everything is customizable to a certain point on the graphic options of the menu just makes it even better.

Amazing work, overall. Would love to play an expanded version of it. Congratulations!

A really enjoyable experience. The graphics of the game are top-notch, and in combination with the music they give an incredibly pleasant, tropical-like experience. Very interesting characters along the way, and an impresive atention to detail; from the shaders applied to the water parts of the painting, to the eneternaining dialogue you can easily see how much effort has been put into this game. Amazing work!

If you would like to play the game without a mouse it is also possible!

Alternate controls are:

  • Arrow Keys - Movement
  • Spacebar - Jump | Double Jump
  • X - Attack
  • Z - Dash

Thanks to The Icehouse for pointing it out. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for playing and for the in depth feedback! I didn't have the time to finish implementing instrucctions for the alternate controls of the game, but it is possible to play it only with the keyboard (Arrow Keys + X + Z). Personally I too prefer that control scheme as well, but I did forget to note it in a comment on the jam page  and only wrote it in the game page, so I'll do that right now (thanks for pointing that out!).  I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! The comparison to HK gameplay honestly just made my day. Glad you enjoyed!

Thank you for playing! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

The initial scene is really well made, and It does feel like being far away and lost. The entry to the "arena" is really cool too. Upgrade system feels fair and the addition of rarity levels makes it even more interesting. I found myself upgrading stats instead of healing just because the upgrade was "Tier 3" quite often.

That being said, there are also a couple of improvement oportunities with the shooting mechanics. The first one would be a change in the crosshair because it gets easily lost in the background, and I didn't know where I was shooting quite frequently. The second one is the more visual feedback of the hit, because whenever I was shooting at the enemies I was honestly just hoping I was hitting them (happended more often with the big ones. I noticed skeletons have some red particles when hit). Didn't stop me from playing, tough. The game is really fun.

Good job!

A really interesting experience. Music score is on point and it really helps creating a peculiar atmosphere for the game. The creature that appears after a couple of minutes on the room really creeped me out (which I believe was it's objective), and once it even scared the hell out of me when it appeared right on my face (restarting the level as well).

There is a lot of potential here, and I do hope you continue its development so that I can enjoy the whole thing. Good job!