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natto games

A member registered Mar 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words and for playing (:

Thank you for your kind words and for playing (:

Thank you for your kind words and for playing (:

Thank you for your kind words and for playing (:

I think this is a perfect execution of a simple idea. Would have loved to go even bigger (UNIVERSE!) and smaller (QUARKS!), and I wish that each scaling answer had a bigger range of possibilities (e.g. to surprise you how small or big something was - the T-rex was a good example). I think the Sun's gotta be a bit bigger than that! I scored 25 or so.

Adored the cozy music!

Hello fellow floppy friend (:

What a satisfying final challenge and ending! I love how snappy and consistent resetting on failure feels, it really encourages another try. The grab and jump gameplay is super natural and intuitive!

Let's be dragon together!!!

I'm not very familiar with these (legally distinct) celebrities, but I adored the hand-drawn art and the silly minigames. Who doesn't want a life-sized cutout of David Landlord?!

Thanks for the game (:

Well well well, is that a fellow carp friend I see (;

I loved the floppy jumping and the art. You incorporated growing into a dragon so well with the incremental mechanics! The cheerful music motivated me to become a FULL-FLEDGED DRAGON!!

Absolutely beautiful art and music, love how many parallax layers you added to the background. The characters are so full of warmth too! I had a great time balancing risk and reward deciding when to descend further or return home. A small bit of feedback: the radar UI should blip red dots timed when the little rotating scan reaches them (okay, I have no idea if this is based in reality, but that's how everyone imagines radars work, right? haha)

Thanks so much for the game (:

Snappy movement and animations! I'm reminded of HUMANITY (where you direct hundreds of humans as a dog-god). Thank you for the game (:

Frantic fast-paced gameplay! I think this is a great concept and would love to see it explored further, with more mechanics relating the different ball sizes. Had a rollin’ time!

Those skinny chihuahuas really gave me a scare! Love the interpretation and the stealth arcade mechanics, the quick little loading bar as you hold space is such a clean feature. Love the art and SFX!

This is such a thematic take on point-and-click escape games! My fave transitions were the realistic ones, like zooming from the window to the moon, or zooming from the mouse to its DNA. So much phenomenal art! And of course, the silly ending (:

Thank you for the lovely game (:

Wow, that's so kind of you! Thank you so much for playing, we're glad you enjoyed our game (:

Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing (:

Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing (:

Thanks for the feedback! We definitely should have added some kind of multi-checkpoint undo to prevent those awkward softlocks, and there's certainly work to be done with cleaning up the level design. We're big fans of the Thinky Games community! Our initial idea was to build a sprawling mountain with multiple paths forward (much like A Monster's Expedition)!

I truly appreciate your sincere encouragement and thank you so much for playing (:

Yes, we wish we had more time for more art too! We'd love to draw more animations and better backgrounds in the future. Thank you so much your kind words and for playing (:

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing (:

Wow, I found this game quite addicting and amusing! I reached 28000 before my tower was unsustainable -- although I did take advantage of the camera movement "gluing" onscreen blocks to try and time a perfectly level floating drop just before the scroll.

I love the scrolling artwork and the little touch of the languages in the UI changing with the tower of babel theme. It really gave me "Jump King" vibes, always wanting to find out what was next. And having the "postgame" content was great (especially with the troll clouds...)

Thanks for the game (:

Wow, I really enjoyed walking along, counting paws, and stitching the map together. What an utterly unique puzzle! My proudest achievement is finding the right orientation of the tree (I stared at it from many angles).

However, all my positions were wrong and I only scored 19/48 )':
This doggo has to go back to cardography school... bau bau... (I restarted, immediately retried and got 25/48!)

I truly love this concept you've nailed, and walking around Furrtune Island like a true dog explorer charting the unknown. Can't wait for the sailing via sextant and the stars DLC!

I think this is a lovely sandbox style game. I loved the animal assets you included. The terraria in your screenshots are beautiful (unlike mine)... I would love to see these mini worlds expanded in however you can imagine (what if they had day-night cycles with different lighting, or their own bio ecosystems).

Thanks so much for the key rebinding menu especially!

Love the art of your scaly salamander! Hope you can continue building out this game. Thanks for the game (:

What a unique backpack battler-style attack mechanic you've designed! I scaled out of control pretty quickly. Thanks for the game (:

Sinner, I will be ready to pass judgment on your soul in just a moment... wait, where am I supposed to push this? Oh no, now the blue one’s stuck... uhh... give me a sec... I’m sure you have time in limbo anyways...

Not only did you design an interesting mechanic and craft thoughtful levels, but you told a compelling story too! Love the melancholic art and music. Thank you for the game (:

Wow, what a DEEP twist on an arcade classic. It's bigger on the inside!!!

Thanks for the very addicting game (:

Chuckled at the description :) Very fun game, brings me back the memories of City Bloxx (that I played a lot of in my childhood) but with a twist! Would be cool to have a view of the next building (or two) in the queue, so that you can plan your stacking more carefully.

I absolutely love the diversity of the level backgrounds and little sprites (the mice are so cute)! A really challenging mechanic that's very fun to explore. It was a bit unintuitive to not know the range on each individual Glob without clicking. I wonder if maybe certain sprites or parts of sprites could be visually tied to a certain grow range?

Thanks for the game (:

Really enjoyed the game mechanics and the variety of axe uses, very well thought out! Would be nice to have checkpoints or be able to pick up items that heal you.

A beautiful setting with great music! Thanks for the game (:

Fellow dragon games unite! I loved the optional collectibles. The serious tone of the writing and world's story really empowered the feeling of escaping to the sky at the end. I thought the timing-based obstacles were an interesting way to motivate quick thinking in a traditionally timeless puzzle game!

Your line art is sooo clean! Love the cute accessories and the theme options, makes me want to get a SP! Thank you for the game (:

The little dust particles floating around, the smooth dialog system, the minimap, all super polished details that make your stealthy game really special. Thank you for the game (:

Congrats on finding our secret bean! Thanks for playing (:

It would be nice to give credit to all the assets you used, including music, as well as their licenses.

What a tricky but realistic physics game. Love the minimalist palette you picked. It was frustrating to lose all your momentum against a wall, but I suppose ice block collisions are not very elastic.. 

Thanks for the game (:

I really like the lighting effects you've done to make the scene feel dangerous. If you made the music yourself, it's a really great fit for the gameplay, though I struggle to see your interpretation of the jam theme. Thanks for the game (:

Thanks for playing (: If you let me know where you got stuck, I could write a hint for you or anyone else!

Wow, what a beautiful experience that is really situated in the space. I love how both messy and organized the table is! Thank you for the game (:

I loved that each level explored subtle mechanics about the resizing, like whether you push or pick up a block. The last level was subtly difficult in a perfectly puzzly way! Thanks for the game (: