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A member registered Aug 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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you should try out mine as well ;)

Simple game, but surprisingly challenging! Makes me wonder how the main character got into this situation, half naked and scaling a building lolol

Yea haha definitely wanted to crank the difficulty for this game a bit. Maybe went a bit too far! Thanks for all the good feedback tho it’s great insight for what i can adjust next jam! :D

Thanks, glad you enjoyed! Definitely keeping more checkpoints in mind for next jam :D:D

Very cool setting for the game, and I love the design of the cat! A lot of people are talking about coyote time and I agree that it would make the controls more satisfying and fluid, but good work overall!

This game's toughhhhh but it was a cool concept! The wind is programmed very well, solid submission!

Visuals here were super cool! Gameplay was also pretty neat with how dark the environment was contrasted with the blue and red and green. The very last part with all those red diamonds was so hard too but after I beat it I felt like a true gamer >:) Also great music! 

Pretty simple gameplay concept that I had fun with. The visuals are on another level though! Definitely makes me wanna see more of this! :D

This one is definitely the best Jump King-esque game I've seen on here so far. The block placement is just so thought out so that the angles of the jumps are satisfying but still challenging. Great visuals too!

I tried downloading but can't play! Is it not available on windows?

The visuals, especially the lighting, look really cool! Idk how people speedran this in 20 seconds, I could barely get below a minute. Also, a lot of stuff stops working when you press restart, but other than that this was great!

Creative take on pinball! Had a lot of fun and wouldn't mind playing a full game out of this, good stuff!

Took me a sec to figure out how to play, but once I started I had a lot of fun! The difficulty ramps up, but I felt myself getting better as I played too! That last level tho is super hard, good stuff all around. Also love the cover art lolol

This one is super cool and I'd wanna keep playing if you expanded on it after the jam! It would be nice if you didn't have to be so precise with grappling hook for some more fluid movement, but still this one was solid all around.

Glad I put some more appealing cover art lolol, originally it was just one of the lizard sprites with a white background :0 Thanks for playin!

Thank you! Was gonna make the visual trail a bit visually appealing instead of just a big rectangle, but only so much can be done in a game jam. Glad you like it!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it :D

You should be able to dash into the lizard three times from the right and he'll die. Then right after is one of my favorite parts! :0 Sorry I didn't make that very clear! Thanks for letting me know, and I'm glad you liked it!

This game was very tricky! It could definitely use some checkpoints to ease the frustration, but it was a very cool concept, especially the miracles! Good stuff!

Thanks! I've definitely learned quick that mapping controls is not my strong suit rn XD

This one really surprised me! At first I wasn't much of a fan of the whole theme you were going for, but it grew on me as I played and you made the most out of every mechanic! The gravity switching had some especially creative challenges. Bravo!

This game had some pretty cool and imaginative visuals! Starting from the beginning is a little frustrating, but I get that it's all part of the challenge. Definitely had to bring out some of my true gamer skill for this one lolol

This game's visuals were definitely my favorite part! I love how the character is designed and the boss fights and their effects looked so slick! The platforming was a bit slippery which added some frustration but dashing and jumping at the right time was satisfying. Nice work!

Definitely a unique one! I love how silly the aliens look panicking about the bomb. A little of the game depends on luck, but it's a very funny, solid game that's easy to pick up overall :D

Thought I left a comment on this one, but I guess I forgot to post it! The animation is adorable and you made good use of the assets! Getting set back can be a lil frustrating, but it's a nice platformer overall. Also very cool level map! Makes me wish I put something like that for my game's levels. Nice stuff :D

Thanks! I'm definitely reconsidering a lot of the keybinds since publishing this, since I got so used to the mouse controls that I forgot they're a little confusing lolol. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much! The lizard was definitely my favorite sprite to draw. Now I'm gonna have to resist the urge to put lizards in every game I make >:)

I like the visuals! The music was nice but stopped after a bit D: Other than that tho it's a very nice platformer with a super cool aesthetic style!

ah, I remember taking out the horizontal dash on the ground so that people don't spam it over and over, but honestly it does make more sense to leave it in. Thanks for playin!

This was such a simple but creative game mechanic! Killing enemies to store an extra jump makes for some really nice gameplay that I'm sure could be expanded on in a tonna ways. Good game!

it wasn't loading for me at first either, but then I opened in google chrome instead of microsoft edge and it worked! you should definitely check the game out, they popped off.

This game had some pretty nice, creative mechanics! The doppelganger part was really neat and puzzling, as well as the gravity switching!

For being made in two hours this is very nice work! Love how blankly he stares at me for the whole game lolol

It was pretty quick, but I enjoyed it while it lasted! The visuals also look great and the sound effects were pretty silly. Love how he apologizes to the birds. GG!

This was nothing short of phenomenal, especially for a game made in a few days! If you made this into a polished, full fledged game I'd buy! Good stuff!

Was a nice game with quite a bit of content! Love the scribbly/notebook animation style. Some surprising challenges here too! Feel free to try mine as well :D

Very nice control scheme, the very end saw super hard because of how narrow the opening was, but I persevered and did it! Nice game!

Ohhhh good to know

Also wth more people need to rate this it can't go unnoticed.

(1 edit)

This game was amazing! The gameplay had a lot of wonder and fun, the visuals were immaculate, and it was just an overall nice take on the theme! This has gotta make it among the top games for sure.