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A member registered Jan 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Not yet. I’m still doing maintenance on it as mentioned here.

Yo, I appreciate the kind words and effort you put into making this playthrough of my game… but can you please post this somewhere other than here, like a Twitter account or some other platform?

I don’t feel comfortable with people posting external links into my comment sections (for security reasons, and frankly, because I find it kinda rude when someone repeatedly posts their own content on other people’s platforms).

Yooooo this is actually a really cool concept. Frankly, the clunky controls aren’t really my cup of tea, but overall I thought the game was neat! I love me some dragon mommies 😝

Yep, I’m a sucker for pixel art… and this definitely scratched that itch. Loved the designs of not only the characters, but the environment as well. I’ve always wanted to try and capture a “cave-like” aesthetic using a classic 8bit style, but never felt like I pulled it off as well as here. Simple, yet very effective.

As for the gameplay, it is a bit more on the challenging side. But I guess it makes sense given the length of the game (kinda reminds me of how Contra for the NES is only eight stages, but each stage is fairly difficult to get through. One of my favorite childhood games of all time XD).

Anywho, great game overall!

Loved this aesthetic, also a pretty fun platformer. Not sure if this was intentional, but I did notice that I was still able to hit enemies off-screen. Overall enjoyed it :)

Oh no… here we go again XD

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Pretty interesting concept and neat designs. I know there isn’t a lot rn, but definitely curious to see where the game goes from here w/ the story and characters.

Ooookay, I went ahead and inspected this more and found another bug in the Linux version. You’re right, the speed was way too fast on that version compared to the others (could be an OS thing). I updated the executables for both Windows and Linux as I did with Web. Now if you were running this on Windows, then I’m not really sure what the issue is. I tried playing the game on both my Windows machines and found no problems.

Also, with regards to having to start the page over again if you fail anywhere… that’s unfortunately the only functioning mechanic I was able to come up with in the short amount of time I had. Could be a good opportunity for an update in the future, though.

Anywho, I do overall apologize for the inconveniences. I’m trying real hard here to squander any playability issues that I missed before submissions ended (again, I only exported what I had while the jam was still active).

Hope you understand.

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If you were playing the Web version, then there was a bug. I went ahead and fixed it, so hopefully it’s much more playable now… sorry about that!

UPDATE: Also updated the Windows and Linux versions.

So… it looks like this was a bug in the HTML version (something with input handling). Fixed it just now, so it should be playable.

Whenever there’s text, you type in what’s displayed (similar to a WPM test). A lot of the functions are keyboard-based.

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Heyo! Honestly, I wasn’t really expecting to get a lot done this past week and a half. But somehow, I managed to get a decent amount of sprites/scenes completed for my interactive VN. Here’s a preview of some scenes I’ve finished up so far :D

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It… shouldn’t be? I just haven’t had any big updates to share in the past month.

You can also check out this Tumblr I made a little while back if Insta isn’t working for you.

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Yea, unfortunately I only have the insta. I actually just got off of Twitter cuz I wasn’t a fan :/

UPDATE: I made a Tumblr page if that works better.

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Heyo, glad you like the art! I actually am working on a deluxe edition for the game with more characters and stuff.

Updates for that will be posted on my new insta. There isn’t much on there yet, but that’ll change soon :)

It took me waaay too long to complete my first task lol.

Love the character designs and the variety of different “hypnosis” obstacles. Overall, the game seems pretty polished for a restricted amount of deving time.

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I was in the same boat during one of the other jams. Sadly, I didn’t submit anything before the deadline… so you’re already a step above me back then 😅

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Love the direction the artwork and music seem to be going in. Definitely a promising start as others have said.

Cute pixel art. Not really much to say here ‘til there’s more functionality.

Quick game. Decent artwork 👌

Okay, so I went ahead and retested both versions of the game… and the input methods for each (at least on my end) seem to be working fine.

Considering this is the first time I’m hearing about this issue, perhaps it’s something unique to your device? Frankly, because I’m not able to reproduce the problem myself on either platform, that’s the only conclusion I can come up with as of now.

So sorry you ran into this! I wish I was able to help out more.

Nah you good. Better to try and get this resolved so other people don’t run into the same issue. Which version of the game you runnin, Web or Windows (v1.0.0 or v1.0.1)?

The game’s supposed to wait for the player to click their left mouse button before moving on to the next chunk of text. It shouldn’t be automatically going through the entire dialogue. Also, the minigames shouldn’t just be ending outta nowhere.

Is that what’s happening? Cuz this could be some bugs I’ll have to look into for a future update.

I was hesitant to make game updates while the jam’s still going on, but after a decent amount of requests to either add a skip button or checkpoint system… I’ve decided to make an updated version of the game (v1.0.1), just so people who’ve already played it can do so again without the fear of getting insta-killed. Because I don’t wanna change the main Web version until the voting period is officially over, this only applies to the Windows one for now.

Unfortunately, (me being a newbie to Godot) the way I did synchronization doesn’t really allow me to add a proper skip button without having to rewrite/reorganize a large chunk of the game’s assets. So as a sorta compromise, this newer version has a “lives” system instead. More specifically, the player will get three lives to use once the game begins before having to start over.

If you haven’t played the original jam version (v1.0.0), please still do so and base your rating off that version to keep things fair. Then if you wanna come back and play the updated one, by all means go for it.

I really appreciate all the feedback everyone’s given me. If any other issues arise from this alternative system, don’t hesitate to share :)

The vibe I get from this game is eerie… and I like that.

Really like the aesthetic of the characters, the pixel art is very fun to look at.

A couple of main issues I had:

  1. The movement. Imo character movement is kinda slow, and I’m not a huge fan of the friction while moving against walls.
  2. More of a nitpick, but the arrows at entry points. At first, they were a tad bit misleading, as there were arrows pointing to doors that didn’t really lead to anywhere important. Maybe there could be a better way to indicate available entrances?

Overall though, I’m really intrigued to see where the game goes from here :)

Played both the 30 min and 10 min versions, and yea… 10 was much more doable. Also, maybe add a stamina meter for the dash?

Neat game, and neat art 👍

Simple and sweet. Really cute art style :)

Geez, that boss fight was brutal.

A few issues with the hit boxes, but overall a nice little game 👍

Neat character designs, very unique.

The little robot guy’s adorable. Hope to see an expansion soon :)

Not really sure if this was intentional, but (just in case) the song would change every time I toggled the mute button.

Overall, this is a pretty good game. The character dialogue seems to have a nice flow, and the designs are prolly the most polished I’ve seen so far. Awesome sauce 👌

Simple, but really fun. The artwork’s pretty nice, too 👍

Got consecutive “perfects” despite needing some “betters”. Guess I’m just too good for this game.

Interesting concept. I admit… I was a bit confused at first with the mechanics, but overall I had fun fighting off bad guys and building my little empire. Also liked the pixel art :)

Them claps tho… loved this game 👍

Cute game. Dunno if you planned on adding upwards/downwards attacks.

The slapping noises scared the sht outta me.