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A member registered Jan 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of my favorite of the jam so far. The random destructible ships is a really cool idea additionally with the different weapon types. Great job!

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Really well done polishing and making stuff feel juicy. I think you should explore making the player have to be more strategic with when they switch sizes. Great job!

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Really fun movement mechanics. And the polish is really good too. It is a bit hard to understand at first, but once you figure it out, it gets easier. Great job!

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Absolutely amazing visuals. Favorite looking game in the jam by farm and one of the best I have seen in a while. Great job!+

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I really like the behavior designing aspect. Makes me feel like I'm programming their little minds. Really cool!

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The aesthetic is really cool, and I never thought to make a shooter that drops block. Great job!

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Love the Pico 8 style. The colors are amazing and the gameplay is fun. Would have like a little bit of an intro to find out how to play, but it was cool once I figured it out!

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The visuals in here are actually so cool. And the dynamic sound effects when the player gets closer to the camera is a great touch. Sometimes it was a bit difficult to find the edge of things, but otherwise great job!

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I like how you made multiple unique abilities for all the different abilities. Great job!

Really cool dimension shifting. Reminds me of Patrick's Parabox. Pretty cool. I noticed there was a slight hiccup with the camera when switching dimensions. Otherwise, great job!

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Cool horror rougleike. The double use mechanic is always cool to see. I had a bit of trouble finding the exit sometimes. I think having the exit sound be a bit more panned and common would be nice. Great job!

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Definitely my favorite game of the jam so far. Polished and customizing your mobile city is really fun. Great job!

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The metroidvania genre is such an interesting decision for a game jam. I do wish the power up had been placed a little bit earlier. I think there was some really great puzzle design. Great job!

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The style is really well done with the music too! Very polished. Great job!

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There are some pretty good puzzle here. Also great job on the art. I think you should try making the camera pixel perfect. Great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

Pretty solid game. Art style is nice and the trading mechanic is cool, but I wish there was more room to express the depth of trading. I pretty easily got a build that carried throughout the game. Great job!

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Really nice art style. The take a chance mechanic is a really good idea. My feedback would be to prevent moving the pieces with the piece your are placing, but other than that, great job!

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The aesthetic and vibe here is spot on. I think that the resizing has a lot of potential but I think one more puzzle mechanic would have been nice. Great job!

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I like how goofy the game is. Also nice interpretation of the theme! Great Job! My feedback would be to add in an additional mechanic in level 2 to make the game less repetitive.

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

Very solid game. I think the gameplay unique and fun, and the art style is pretty polished. Great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

I like the style! The little cutscene intro. Great job!

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Cool aesthetic. The black and white is pretty unique. Great job! I think you should increase the fire rate a bit. If found that I was unable to actually destroy all of the obstacles.

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I think that there is a lot of good polish. The visuals and sound design is very good. Personally, the gameplay is a bit monotonous. I wish there was a bit more t o spice it up. Otherwise, great job!

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Fun little game! I would suggest working on polishing up the platforming!

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I like the quirkiness. The downscaling over time is a funny idea that I haven't seen any other game use. I wish the jump was a bit less floaty but that could also just count as part of the vibe. Great job!

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I really like how the controls are simple using only the mouse, but there is still complexity in managing your time! I don't have much to suggest as feedback other than there is always room to polish the game more. Great job!

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Great job on your first FPS! The music was pretty good and the color matching was interesting. My feedback would be to change the shuffle to a skip so that it is easier to skip to the right color. Great job!

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This has a really cool and unique style! It's like pseudo dystopian. I wish there was a bit more explanation as to what to do at first, but otherwise great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

The slime with a blender was so goofy! Cool game. My one feedback is that the large slime feels like he needs a bit more mobility, but otherwise great job!

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There are some nice puzzles and some really good polish! Great job! I would suggest making it a bit clearer on how to swap characters; I couldn't figure out the keybind for it so I used my mouse. Otherwise, great job!

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A fellow factory game!

Very nice visuals and the dynamic sound effects are really cool. All the physics is also extremely fun. Great job!

Really good polish and I like the bits of story! Great job!

I think that there is nice polish and a good amount of charm. Great job!

There's some pretty cool puzzles here, and a lot of polish! Unfortunately I got a bit stuck when I think the breaking for one of the blocks stopped working. Other than that, great job!

The puzzles were pretty enjoyable. It seemed like there were few a different ways you could solve some of them which is cool. My critique would be try to keep art consistency. Especially when scaling the objects, the pixels get scaled too, maybe try unity's pixel rendering? Anyways, great job!

Nice game! The game is overall pretty well polished and the barrel dodging mechanic is pretty cool. I would suggest improving the actual page with some custom coloring at least to spice up the initial impression. Great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

Fun little game. What engine did you use, I don't recognize the loading screen? I would suggest working a little bit more on the polish and overall feel. Great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

Congrats on completing your first jam! That's quite an accomplishment. One thing I think you could improve is making the controls a a bit easier. I found it kind of hard at first. Great job!

It would be awesome if you could rate my game too!

I like that you added the ability to fire a bunch of missiles at once. It felt really cool like a giant swarm. However, I do think it is a bit hard to actually hit the enemies. I wish the missiles collided with them or had a larger area. Great job!

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