yeah that was supposed to become a boss arena. Thanks for playing!
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Thank you for your kind words! I think if we continue development after the jam ends there's definitely room to pump the difficulty up. It's pretty fun designing the puzzles, so there's a decent chance we return to it sooner or later. Thanks for the heads up on the jam name -- that's pretty embarrassing so I'll update it asap T_T
I think this game has a lot of potential, especially as it has a single-touch interface that'd work pretty well in the mobile space. As it is, some of the jam time crunch showed in my inability to change a unit's direction or convince a soldier that there was indeed an enemy in his sights. Great job regardless!
Thanks for the review! The keyboard controls could (and should) have been better though out. I designed it for my keyboard without taking into account that most people have the staggered rows of a normal keyboard. Also, I couldn't figure out a nice way to have the same sort of analog control that the joysticks offer (where you can engage in partial measures instead of perfectly binary 1/0)
Thanks! And yeah, I mostly tested this with the gamepad because it feels better. I added keyboard support but in my rush neglected to take into account that not everybody has a weird ortholinear keyboard like me (R/F and U/J are stacked directly on top of each other, so it makes sense as forward/reverse)
You control the left and right tread independently with the controls found on the pause menu or start screen. So if you want to go straight forward, you'd move both sides forward (so R and U on keyboard or both sticks forward on a gamepad). Then you can rotate in either direction by pointing the treads in opposite directions. Hopefully this clears it up and doesn't make it more confusing