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A member registered Jan 11, 2021

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Thank you so much! We are really glad to hear that. In the future things will still get that randomness but not EVERY event will be like that

This kind of comments really puts a smile on our faces and drives us to keep adding stuff! Thank you so much

We're really happy to hear that!, We wan't to keep adding some more stuff later down the line!

Maybe is... maybe it isn't... what are your chances? maybe in another "parallel time line" it was worth it ;)

We're really glad to hear that!!

That's so so awesome to hear!! Thank you really much

Oh wow thank you so much, we definitely planning on adding more stuff down the line ;)

So this is your first ever Gamejam game and even tho you said that you overestimated the time needed to add more details, you still added a scared face to the character when the eagle is approaching???? 10/10 best game. Honestly tho congrats!! its really cute and fun :D

I mean, it is original!

One of my favorites from this Jam, I love the visual presentation and the idea behind the mechanics! It only needs some fun music and sound effects and is done, really liked this one.

I liked the way it was presented on its page and the premise with the masks lol, but it could have had some more animations to help you visualize your shots and hits to the enemies, as well as maybe some simple music and more levels.

Fun! Responsive, right to the point! I liked those pads on the music as well

Really fun, loved that explosion sound, and the music fits perfectly!

Definitely original! But really confunsing to me at least, I tried to get the hang of it even reading the controls. The few first times around I miss everything... then at the forth time I got an A straight up... and then I failed miserably again. I don't know if its just me that I'm not used to this type of rythm game, or if its just need a bit more explanation or a tutorial. Still really interesting! Interesting choice for the music and the implementation of it's rythm with the visuals is perfect

I gave it a go on my PC! And I've noticed some issues. First the good things, I really like the premise and the intended mechanics of trying to throw your sausage around (lol), as well as the visuals and the music!. But, the music was parented it seems to an object, rather than being separated from the game objects (I don't know the Godot terms because I don't code, but I noticed how when you start playing, you can only hear it from the left speaker, and when you move the camera around, it follows your movement, like its coming from an object within the game). The second thing is that it needs more tweaking to make the controls more understandable and responsive! Because I tried to make the slingshot mechanic work and it felt like the sausage was more out of control the whole time (I can't control my sausage sometimes, sorry). All in all I'd love to see a more refined version, cheers!

Really really fun, It left me wanting for more! The shots orbitting the planet, the presentation, the overall smoothness of everything, a very solid and fun game with potential! Maybe the enemies could present an actual danger to the player at some point! And spawn randomly, really liked this.

Thank you!

Can't believe how smooth and polished it feels in all aspects even tho it is quite simple. Plus it is really addicting, kinda like an old 80`s arcade game. Bravo!

Loved the mechanics and the premise of the game, as well as that presentation!! The music has that really nice and weird atmosphere with some groove to it, and the art is really tight, really cool game!!

(1 edit)

Really fun and cute game! I really enjoyed the controls and was entertained while playing it!, I really thank you for putting a checkpoint right before the bossfight lol

LOVE it, absolutely a blast, it feels amazing to control and the presentation gives it that final touch to spend some time playing and perfecting the highscore. Only 2 or 3 things that could use some tweaking!. The restart button doesn't seem to work for me, and the Main Menu button restarts the game lol. All in all I think its a blast to play

Really original, easy to understand and fun, loved the light effects, it really added like an extra-layer of polish to the looks of the game!, the only thing that needs fixing is the audio resetting each time you enter a new level

If you had a bit of a giggle wobbling the guy around then it was worth it lol, thank you for your comments on the presentation <3

We're really glad that you enjoyed it! Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to play it!

I played it! and I have to say, even reading the description and kind of getting a bit of what's happening, its still really confusing. The fact that the character in the top is the only one that has a speech bubble the whole time and says your options out loud confused me.
The music is fine! it's just a bit agressive to the ears, and the art style could use a little bit of movement. All in all I like the concept, but it needs polish

Thank you! We didn't have the time to put a proper tutorial or prompts for the controls sadly!

I REALLY love this little game, its got charm, cute characters and a great mechanic that's really original, I love the fact that they're just making everything better by fighting eachother endlessly, The art and music are cute and simple as well, but it really feels great to play. Best of luck!!

I like the little story/motivation behind the Main Character and I also really like the gameplay mechanic!, sadly when I downloaded it it didn't have any sound at all, I dunno if this was because there was no Sound designer or what, but all in all it has potential

The game is fun and cute, the level design is great as well! The music could use some work tho, cuantization of the midi notes for example so it doesn't sound so wonky and a bit less volume! All in all a fun game and concept

The game is fun and cute, the level design is great as well! The music could use some work tho, cuantization of the midi notes for example so it doesn't sound so wonky and a bit less volume! All in all a fun game and concept

Awww that was fun! Loved the music, reminds me a bit of the Oriental approach they had with "Homeworld" for the music, being a Sci-fy game, it was a nice mixture!. The game was responsive and pretty understandable from the get go, and it was fun! :D

Seems fun! played it for a bit and it's one of those strange simple games that you say you'll stop playing but just one more enemy, just one more wave and I'm done. With that said, the movement could use a bit more tweaking! and the music is a bit too loud specially on the Low-end, but it sounds nice and chill!

It feels really good, the controls are responsive and the idea behind every ability being needed for the next wave is really good! It's fun! I enjoyed the spooky music as well :D