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A member registered Apr 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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I've got a discord invite for you right here:

Once there, send @banddcole a private message with the game you worked on and he should be able to forward you the feedback Mediatonic gave out!

Hi @crazyJaydon,

The announcement happened on the 6th of July (at least on the discord group, which you should consider joining if you're looking to participate in more jams in the future!) and the top 3 games as judged by the guys from over at Mediatonic are: 

1. Gold Award - Purgatory by EnnisB

2. Silver Award - After the End by aceofswords

3. Bronze Award - Aramis by 777 Studios

I loooved this game! So cute!

Unfortunately I only got to meet Ally (who I am in love with and will marry fyi) on day one, after which I  decided to have a shower which ended the game.  Definitely will be back to play again and try out some of the other options. I'm hooked. 

I    really enjoy the look  of your game, but unfortunately it does have some bugs (mainly with hitting enemies)   that make it difficult to judge. Leave me a response if you ever get around to fixing/updating this because I would love to play it again in all of its intended glory!

I  quite enjoyed this game, although there were some things that could be improved. I agree that using the deodorant in the tutorial image as opposed to for instance the pen is a little odd, but I had no issues figuring out how to play. It would be nice if we knew what the range was on the towers though.

The game seems to reset when completing a level  as well as opposed to returning to the room overview, which feels a little weird (It's the small things that count!). I liked the music and environment but would like a little added clarity. 

I quite enjoy narrative driven games, so  it was good to say them being represented in this jam!  Although I was intrigued by the experience, I  started skipping through things after a while (I am trying to play all 70+ games so I  can't spend hours on all of them unfortunately), but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it! 

The controls were a little weird. I would have much prefered to be able to interact with everything with one button.  Who knows, maybe I'm just lazy, but the controls just didn't seem to make much sense to me.  Having the acronym of KEVIN is a nice gimmick, but I don't feel like it brought anything to my playing experience.  The voice acting was good, although at some points felt a little slow and dragged out.

I had very mixed feelings playing this.

On the one hand I love football, so anything to do with just kicking a ball already gets a couple plus points. Watching the character slide up to the ball and hit it away actually had me laughing quite a bit. It wasnt what I was expecting, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. 

However, all of it felt very slow.  The transitions from one move to the next, the player movement, the ball rolling, it all could have just been sped up a little. Also, the camera doesn't follow the ball after hitting it, which was quite disappointing to me!

In the end I had a decent amount of fun playing this, and I  can see myself playing a slightly improved version again some day.

Congrats on getting the entry in just in time!

Your game is remarkably like another entry in the submission list in idea - one person moves a character but cant see traps, whereas the other can see the traps but cant move the character. Again, it's a great idea for a 2 player game and I think you've done it quite well!

I love the art for this. Absolutely love it.   Pixel art is quite difficult to get right, but the walls especially look great. On top of that the music is very fitting as well.

Since I'm trying to play these titles on my own, I  had to try and remember the safe path (which was easy enough for the tutorial) and then play the game myself as well. However, trying to select the mapper for level 1, 2 or 3 just puts me in the game as the explorer, which has made it very difficult to play. Through some trial and error I  got through  most of level 1 ,  but stopped trying eventually (because not being able to access the map just made it less fun). - Okay, little update:    I was able to select Mapper for these levels after restarting the game, but it seems you can't switch back to the mapper once you've selected the explorer, which is a bit of a pain, but I worked around it to complete level 1 and 2.  

Good idea, decent execution, although given the submission time I think with just a tiny bit more time you could have gotten that (quite big) bug out and it would have been even better.

Unfortunately that's just how it is sometimes with Game Jams. 

Good job nonetheless! 

Alright, short but sweet!

I loved the way the music tempo lined up with the  bobbing of the rings. However, it was a little difficult to tell which rings were which colour. A slightly larger difference in colour between the two racers might have been nice! 

Also, although it is a two player game, I'm not sure how much you can call them a team - they don't interact with each other  at all besides one of them maybe screwing the other over by boosting too much.  Definitely fun though, and I wouldn't have minded playing on if the level was longer, but as the title says; more of a race than a teamgame!

Hey guys!

I haven't quite finished the game yet so I might come back to this later if the last bit of it (how many levels are there?)  brings anything new to the table, but for now I've got some comments!

I'll start off by saying that I love the steampunk setting-  I've not long ago made a game in the steampunk world myself and I know that it isn't as easy as it appears to get the look down, but you guys nailed it! The pixel art/backgrounds in particular  look great.  However,  since everything else in the game is pixel art, the characters feel a little out of place. They don't look bad perse, but they do clash a little with the game world.

Otherwise, I had my concerns after the first 2 levels that this could just as well have been a one player game, but then I got the the switch/puzzle level and that obviously required 2 players!  And you know what, it was actually a real good puzzle!

The level after is where I had to quit. I  pushed the box off to put it on the switch , to  (I m guessing that was the goal)  make the other block hover so the second character could get up to the teleporter as well. However, the block didnt fall far enough to the right of the platform and I couldnt get on the left side of it anymore, making me unable to complete the level. I'll give it another go tomorrow.

The music is nice, not overpowering, but definitely fitting for the theme you've gone with. Speaking of theme's- you've definitely got that part right! You can't solve/ complete these levels without both characters doing their thing.

One last thing I had a slight issue with is the way the camera is set up. Because tof the way the camera movement is set up,   and the characters movement being so fast, I got a little seasick after playing a couple of levels. 

Overall a really nice game with some small flaws. I  look forward to trying to complete the rest of it tomorrow!

(1 edit)

Theres some nice things about this game as well as some things that aren't quite as polished as they could be. 

Lets start with my favourite thing:  the map the professor gets looks sublime! 
Also, the idea of having  one person playing and the other giving instructions (keep talking and nobody explode vibes anyone?)  is real fun, and, with good enough memory, you can even try and complete it on your own!

Besides that, as soon as I launched the game,  the music stood out to me very positively, good job on that!

Unfortunately though, there are also some things I didn't love. The 'tutorial' section is very awkward. Using imagery to show players what to do is much more effective!  Also - if you lose once, you have to quit and relaunch the game to give it another go. Anytime you try to play again without doing so starts the game with the 'You got caught!'  message on the screen. 

I understand that it has to be dark when you're burglaring, but wouldn't the guards have some lights on somewhere? 

All in all, it was definitely a good idea for incorporating the theme into a game  and it has some great art pieces (the look of the paintings is great!),  but it could have done with a little more overal polish.

That wasnt mean at all - the opposite really! Thanks for your comments they're much appreciated! It is a game I threw together rather quickly and the things you pointed out definitely could/should have been improved.  Dont feel bad for pointing out things that could be improved, we're all here to get better!

I completely agree with your comment!  Honestly, I  just wanted to submit something with some penguins in it, so I'm satisfied with what it is, but player feedback is definitely something that should have been implemented, even when restricted to 2 days.

A camera shake here and there, the penguins actually moving across the bridges, and them reacting to the different foods more would all have been minimal work but would have made the player experience nicer.

For some reason the speeds at which items fly past (and some other variables) get changed significantly when packaging, so it was a pain trying to play with the difficulty curve (especially since I only had 3 levels).

Thanks for the detailed comment, it's much appreciated and definitely confirms my own thoughts about the project as well!

For only 2 days it's even more impressive! You could definitely work on it for another couple of   days, pop in some fancier artwork and  make it amazing!  

God this game is punishing!  I'm not sure if it was meant to be this bloody (pun intended) difficult, or if I'm just terrible at it but I'm killing my body like I'm trying to win a race. I dont seem to be getting health back from nursing my heart (even with 3 cells) either, which I don't think is intended - or maybe it just heals back far slower than it takes damage from even a single injury, which would add to the difficulty of the game.   

I like the sounds & music and the base premise of the game, but I would have liked it to be slightly easier! 

The idea of moving between the 2 camera's and changing the movement planes along with that as well is really fun and worked well for the most part!  Especially in your last level (and during some parts of earlier levels) though, the '2'  camera doesn't see much of anything and you've just got to try and remember where your plug is. I would have liked slightly bigger (and more difficult?)  levels as well, but the concept for the game is great and this prototype definitely left me hungry for more.

I'm also always a fan of interactive main menus, so extra points for that!

I know how much you struggled with some aspects of this game and how much time you put into getting it working correctly and I'm so glad that the main concept of the game ended up working the way you wanted it to!  

I would have liked a lick of paint on the walls/ floor and maybe a slightly better indicator for ramps (1-way arrows perhaps?).  Besides that it was a good idea for a puzzle game and fits the theme of connect perfectly.

Keep it up!

Like I said before in the Discord group - I loved this game. 

The sounds, the art, the feel, the difficulty ; its brilliant. I'ts a little awkward when Anton calls me sweety, but I'll take the compliment.

I'll be very surprised if you don't take home the gold medal this week.

Great job!

Lightfoot  from the get-go  looks really nice. It has simple shapes,  but that helps the lights stand out really nicely. 

Having someone talk to you and give you information isn't a bad idea, but I would have liked it to be more concise  - it felt like the instructions/objectives were rambling on  unnecessarily. There were quite a few 'uhm...'   bits in there that sounded insecure and out of place for an overseer giving instructions.    If you manage to get through certain bits too quickly the voice logs start playing over the top of one another as well. 

All in all the simplicity of the  sky-city looks nice, as does the HUD overlay.  Wallrunning/jumping to complete puzzles is fun as well.  If the voice logs were to be improved I  would not mind playing this several times more to see how fast I could complete it. 

Great concept ! 

Controlling 2 players with the same controls has always been a good concept for puzzle games and this one was no different. I loved the background 'rug' art and really  like the transaction from side-view 3d to complete top down after the opening level! I feel like the last level was a bit of a let-down though. Having so many balls to bump into  and then only needing to hit the target with 1 is counter-intuitive.  

Powerless definitely made me feel... angry. Shit, every time it told me 'not even close' when I WAS close I just wanted to take those knives and stab em right into a plug. The janky physics are great. Frustrating, but great. The music and sounds are great and the hand drawn  assets work super well together. 

Can't say I managed to beat all the levels, gg.

I'm not famous but "very good game"  - 8/10 because the knives were too mean to me >:(


Although I  love resource management, your game left me a little confused.  Is there an end state to the game or are you endlessly going around  trying to keep all your resources high enough? I  say endlessly, but I tried playing through it twice and got stuck on the same    warp screen where nothing was clickable.   Maybe there was an end game and I  got unlucky, but that was a shame, because space travel with resource management is a good concept. The text log also prints 2 lines at the same time quite frequently. and going through a warp hole puts all your resources temporarily at 9999.

Did you make all the art or did you make some of it?  Although I do like the look of things, different aspects of it seemed to be made in different styles . 

Connect to the stars was a fun idea, but unfortunately   it doesn't quite feel finished yet.


As an avid tetris player I was quite excited to play a 'simple' block connecting game - and your idea of slowly increasing the shape size was a really good one!  I was a little disappointed that they didn't go past size 4 though - pushing it to go to 5 or 6 would have made it much more different from tetris! 

It is a little glitchy - blocks close to each other sometimes start constantly switching colours, blocks sometimes 'fall down' from their position into empty spots below and reaching the red line doesn't reset your shape size or score (although that one might be on purpose). I have recently made  a match-3 type game of my own though, which uses a similar algorhitm to determine where your blocks are and if they make 'matches' or lines,  so I know that it is more complicated to do perfectly than it may seem. 

Next time, try putting in some background music (even if it isn't original music!), it takes very little time but elevates any game to the next level!

Keep it up! 


The generator has a feel that I really like in my games. Dark greyscale environments (limbo-esque)  work so well, especially when the setting is a mine! It didn't even bother me one bit that the character was just a black brick or that the walls were pointy planes - it worked well together and I enjoyed playing my way through to the end! 

I did however miss sounds. Without them, some of your traps (rolling balls, stomping bricks, become more trial and error than anticipating when something would happen and feeling like you played it well. The final image of the generator did also look slightly out of place compared to the rest of the game. 

Your logo is so cool! Switching between the 2 characters to solve the puzzles worked really well too, although I  can't say I figured out the last one properly. I    just powered through jumping on random platforms and eventually gave up. We'll write that off to me being a bit dim rather than the puzzle not working though.

The building looks slick, and I love the animation for the door dissolving/sliding out of the way,   but some of your art (say the line puzzle for instance)  could have done with slightly more attention. Definitely very fun to play though, would play any others puzzles if you decide to keep working on it!


Orion Knight was a blast to play for me! I loved the intro cinematic and the smooth writing out of 'Orion' in the menu. The stars for knight didn't quite hit that same mark for me, but I can totally see where you were going with it. 

The idea for the game itself was good as well! The controls felt a little janky at times (mostly jumping and air control), but once I got used to that it was all good. Connecting the stars and seeing the final result was very satisfying.

Loved the choice of music as well!

Your healthbar could have used a bit of a paintover, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment exploring the stars!

Connecting through dreams was such  a lovely idea,  and although I  definitely enjoyed  playing a fair few levels, there are some things  that stood out to me that could have been slightly better. 

My main issue was that since the dream/thought bubbles  appear above people, it is much harder to get to your destination if you start off in the bottom right corner as opposed to when you start off in the top left. You could consider having the camera be slightly off center if you have to move from the bottom to the top to make up for this. 

This was such a fun little game to play! It is exactly what I've been aiming to  (but failing to -) make!  A simple game with one clear mehcanic that you want to keep playing until you've completed all the levels! the levels were quite easy to complete properly (90%+ on my first attempt in all the levels), so if you were to expand it, more difficult levels would be a good idea, but the groundwork is great! 

I   loved the interactive menu, but wasn't a big fan of the music. Although it was a nice melody in general , it didnt fit with the rest of the game for me. It might have helped to either keep the bpm in line with the timer or to have something that keeps you a little more on edge (again, considering the timer is quite low!)

Defiintely would play more if you decide to make more levels.

Thanks for your comment, the style is what I focussed on and there is definitely quite  a  couple of bugs and I apologise for that!

Thanks for your comments! I  did do the art and sounds myself and I  totally agree that they are repetitive. I could have fixed that by just changing the  speed/pitch on the ones I had and randomizing the outputs but alas. Maybe next time!

The character turning floaty sometimes is a weird issue with my 2d design where some of the enemies push the player character off of his movable space, at which point he turns into a flying character. Not intended but obviously also not something I fixed.

The white puffs were supposed to be a power up I'd put in at some point, but I didn't think they actually made it in  to the game I released here. Same would go for the string text being posted on the left side of the screen.

Thanks for the comments and I'm glad you liked the art style; that is mostly what I was aiming for this jam! 

Thanks :)! I realise the player does not die; it would be an easy fix, but just not something I  though about when I quit working on this project a couple of days ago!