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A member registered Apr 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! <3

Thank you dude :)

Thank you! <3

Thank you! <3

Thank you guy! <3

Yeah, it was a trouble. It was allowing  to turn 180 d., but then the player could hack easily the time mechanic and reach any location from the beginning. I'll be thinking something to rig it in the future.

Thank you guy, I really appreciate your comment! :)

What a beautifull game! 

Amazing game design work. I'm impressed with the simplicity of the mechanics and how you scaled them into small but challenging levels. Gameplay is clear, smooth and results really rewarding to complete puzzles. Art and music are lovely and fits very well to it.

I have pass some time and I couldn't pass one of the tic-tac levels... But I'll probably be back to beat it :D

Great job dude! <3

Nice game concept. Loved its style, design is pretty clear and story has all the mood to engage, it really brought me back to 90's graphic adventures. I would be playing much more time than 6 :)

Great job dude! 

Hilarious idea, loved that break to smoke.

Graphics, effects and sounds are well integrated giving a nice mood, and character controls are pretty smooth. I really like the jack driving mechanic and products physics inside the inventory view; maybe I had some troubles to make the jack join in rack's triggers :D

Nice work dude! <3

Thank you! <3

(1 edit)

Amazing platformer runner. Game design is just insane, it really shows the love and effort you put in. The way you show new mechanics along the game is brilliant.  Music is also nice implemented, liked how its matching the game play in certain parts.

I've dead like 70 times in the mushrooms part, literally, so I'm now hating you a little bit. But I loved it.

Great job guys! <3

Beautifull experience. I loved the theme aproach (really good narrative idea), its mood and the gameplay. Levels design feels really polished and challenging, I tried it hard in last ones :D

Congratulations guys, you made an amazing piece!

It's funny and looks polished in many ways. It enjoyed stacking crowds of creeps and killing them all using the speare! :D

Good job dude!

Tiny but funny concept!

Design is pretty clear and focus, and audio iterations are very well implemented. The boss seems to have much time in the gym, I wouldn't like to fight him... unless other guys join me :D

Nice job dude!

It's cute and funny! I have enjoyed building rambling roads for the enemies till the Victory.

I understand the reasson to move the base each turn, maybe I would add some player control or knowing about it! Pathfinding works fine but I'm not sure whats happening when you close all available paths, creeps seems to disapear sudenly. (?)

Thank you for the experience, and amazing job dudes. Keep rocking!

(1 edit)

Is really pleasant to walk and farm around the map, everything feels smooth and well polished! I loved specially the pixel art and the mood that is giving sound and UI interations.

Nice job guys!

Amazing design. Mechanics are simple but they are working really fine with this kind of turn based battles. I was worried about to protect those little scrappies even more than the main character!

The 2D art style and animatins are just lovely, from characters to UI it looks amazing, keeping it simple and clear. Music is engaging and fits nice to the theme.

It was an interesting experience, I would be happy to play it in future versions :)

Great job Giant!

Solid and creative experience, I loved the sound effects accuracy and the mood they give. Robot physics feel really nice and that jump mechanic seems interesting to be scaled up! 

Great job dude, crabbed hughs! ;)

Great design. The mood is smooth and engaging, I managed to find the tea and it feels like has a lot to explore. Nice job guys!

Funny piece. I loved the mood, those crowds of kids and the soundtrack on ending made me feel really like a war hero :D

Great job guy!

Lovely experience <3 Congratulations guys!

What a beautifull experience. It feels like every detail inside the restaurant is made with love and effort. It's nice to have all the time to explore and understand how it works before start serving food.  Genuine concept design and art style.

Congratulations guys, it's really an amazing job!

(1 edit)

Gameplay works smoothly, feels funny and challenging. I would add some sound effects to give the player some feedback after taking and consuming resources.

Good job guys!

Interesting concept. Creppy mood is well achieved, and design is forcing you to scape from bullet storms and having to take strategy. Creature's vision made me crazy during action, but I guess thats part of it :D

Nice job guys!

It's really chill and engaging. I think I messed up when I sold one of my defenses too early but I'm curious about the south beach :D I'll be trying later to reach a higher wave. Nice job guy! 

As you said, the challenge regarding the art was to keep it clear :D But besides that, using low bit palettes is also helpfull for me since I dont have to take much care on color combinations and so on.

Thank you OVERTIME, I really appreciate your comment! <3

Hilarious concept! Liked to prepare my ice-cream before the storm and have to manage it during the wave. I would include some kind of casting time to launch the van and scape. By the way, those kids have a real problem with the sugar. It's funny, great job guys!

The design work is pretty visible: the gameplay is clear and well structured and mechanics work fine inside each mini game. It reminded me Dave the Diver! Art is also beautifull, I feel I may pass hours managing my own sushi restaurant boat in future versions. Nice job dudes, keep on it! <3

Cute game concept and beautifull music. That handpainted illustrations style looks awesome.  Great job dudes!

Lovely experience! :)

Good experience, I really enjoyed it to control this lovely slime! It has the same Celeste and Super Meat Boy's spirit, and it's including a lot of well designed levels and content. Good job dudes!

I'll be happy to play your's as well :)

Epic, dudes, you made my night. I loved the way you structured the first part of the walk to make it all exploid during the second. All is working like a charm, amazing job!

Lovely concept and design. It's simple but works excellent and physics feel polished. I didn't pass the desert because... COME ON THAT TRUNK AGAIN! I'll be back to beat it :D 

Great job dude!

Movements and animations feel smooth and clear. I really liked the idea to take care with remaining ammo and it's including a lot of content and behaviors. Amazing job dude, congratulations!

Something disturbing is growing in your farm up while you are working! Unfortunately I got stuck in the third act... I drop a pig near of the barn's door and I didn't be able to grab it again. Then I was throwing sheeps to the water during a while haha

Good job dudes :)

Feels crazy, I can't stop adding random stuff to the caddy. Game design is clear, controls are smooth and the art is lovely.  I'll play it some more times later, noticed pending combos to taste :D

Really good job dudes!


I loved the theme approach and the narrative behind the idea. Music and art are nice composed and the full experience feels very good and smooth.Maybe it was not clear for me what's really going in the village and create a strategy to keep the storm far away :D

Good job guys!

(1 edit)

Actually, the controls were allowing to turn 180 d. at the beginning of the project, but it was bringing some design problems with the time mechanic so I decided finally to lock it.

Yeah, regarding the final part I agree its not interesting at all... My idea was save some time and put the player at the beggining to play again if he wanted. But I'll be changing it in the future! :D

Thank you very much for your comment Jorava!